We've assembled a second selection of friends, artists, celebrities, institutions and politicians paying their respects to Vangelis.
For part 1, see here
On The Occasion Of The Passing Of Vangelis
It is with a heavy heart that I have come to learn about the passing of #Vangelis, a dear friend that I had known for over 25 years. He was a highly gifted musician, a great Greek film composer and Oscar winner, and a kind, brilliant and exceptional human being in every way. His name will be etched amongst the giant musicians in history.
Link to posted video
H.M Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi
We have lost #Vangelis. but his music and his memory will remain forever.
I was privileged to discover the person behind the public persona.
He loved space and was in love with ESA.
He composed a great symphony to ESA's Rosetta mission youtube.com/WSa3k...
R.I.P. Maestro
Fernando Doblas
Former ESA Head of Communication
He was a man of great integrity, and it was an honor for me to call him my friend. He was also the most generous man I ever knew, and I'm not just talking about material things. I loved him very much, and look forward to seeing him in the next life.
(Direct contribution)
Cherry Vanilla
Voice on "See You Later, ran Vangelis' US office
Very sad to hear of Vangelis’s passing. We had not worked together for many years, but between 1975 and 1992 I worked with him closely on many projects, especially writing arrangements, mainly choral, […] from Heaven and Hell right through to 1492: Conquest of Paradise; and I also sang solo tracks and conducted for very many recordings, films and for concerts ranging from the Royal Albert Hall to Docklands in Rotterdam to Athens in the Olympic Stadium and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus on the Acropolis. He even said, in some early creative sessions, “we are brothers!”, and I helped him through one major personal crisis. So despite our separation for, bizarrely, 30 years now, I still feel very close to him and hugely regret we did not meet again. But I have been involved in his music many times since, and hope that will continue. Here’s a photo of me with him at the first concert we did together: Heaven And Hell in the Royal Albert Hall in February 1976. I am conducting and look really transported by the music (which I was). And a special t-shirt for the concert - still here somewhere!
(submitted by e-mail)
Guy Protheroe
Vangelis' collaborator for 17 years, conductor of the English Chamber Choir
The giant wild beast has gone to bed.
Greetings to you my friend.
Thank You, Great Soul,
to have illuminated our lives on Gaia,
to have enriched our Dreams, our Spirits, our Souls...
to have made our Hearts, our instruments, sing,
to have inspired so many destinies,
To have passed among us.
Goodbye, Vangelis.
Good Road in the AfterLife, Free and Eternal,
With all those who welcome you with Love...
(poem by Hugo De Monfort - translated)
Jean-Philippe Rykiel
French composer, arranger, keyboard player
Nature endowed you with a gift that made millions of people around the world happy and shudder with your music. I had the good fortune to meet you and offer my voice to your amazing music! I hold these precious memories that we shared together and I wish your soul to rest in peace in the place that gave birth to the sound of your love. #vangelis
Vana Verouti
Greek singer, author
My Godfather passed away yesterday, my father knew him as a brother.
Vangelis was a giant in the realms of music and I will never forget sitting in his studio as a child as he composed the original score for the feature film, Blade Runner.
Love and only love for a man that left behind some of the most powerful music that pathed the way for others.
Deborah Anderson
Film maker, daughter of Jon Anderson
Vangelis my beloved Vangelis Papathanassiou, you never liked goodbyes ***
Link to youtube.com/iHekAs...
Konstantinos Paliatsaras
Greek operatic tenor, vocals on "El Greco" album and others
Rest in peace Mr. Vangelis
Thank you for everything.
Dimitris Tsakas
Greek saxophone player on "Remembering" and "BR 25"
Great loss of a great composer. Was privileged to be his friend while posted in Greece and later. RIP dear friend and condolences to his family.
Epic music befitting an epic journey. Thank you to legendary composer Vangelis for providing the score to so many of the #JunoMission's discoveries at Jupiter.
Bhaskar Balakrishnan
Indian science diplomacy fellow, voice on "No Expectation Boulevard"
and this without words my only FRIEND. I'm coming soon too. Do not get lost, OK?
Vassilis Bakopoulos
member of "The Forminx"
I know he’s a strong fighter and what is important is he fought hard. The only thing that gives me strength is his love and memories. His words of “forever” may not be possible anymore but his love and help for my family will be imprinted in my mind and heart. I will miss him so much. I will miss how he tells me how beautiful I am every morning. I love you so much Mr. Vangelis❤️🙏🤲🙌
You are at a better place now. I love and miss you so much❤️🤲🙏
Paulette Suayan Valle Tacod
Vangelis' personal assistant
As a big fan of Vangelis, I took his music with me to space. His studio looked like the cockpit of a genuine spaceship in which he composed music themes for movies, concerts and space exploration missions such as the Rosetta mission. On behalf of ESA, I awarded him with his astronaut badge.
The Maestro will forever remain in our hearts both on Earth and in space 💫
Jean-François Clervoy
French engineer and ESA astronaut
Vangelis was a giant in the music world and I was devastated to learn he had died last week. I became friends with him three years ago when a mutual friend from London introduced us. He invited me to his home in Paris where I met some of his family.
I spent two delightful afternoons and evenings at his spacious apartment where he played me some of his recent videos and I witnessed him working with his engineer on his album “Juno to Jupiter”. He listened with pleasure to my forthcoming instrumental album, knowing that my producer, Peter, and I had been inspired by Vangelis and I had dedicated “Anthema” to him. His assistant cooked us a feast each evening and then was sent out to pick up a box full of rich desserts from a local cafe….yumm! He gifted me one of his sketches and later mailed me his lovely piano album album “Nocturne”. I feel so honoured to have known this creative genius and to have spent that time with him. 😔
Liona Boyd
Classical guitarist, AKA First Lady of the Guitar
2014 with Vangelis in his favourite studio in Paris (working on the track Europa we had written years before) I’d worked on it extensively at Club Ralph with @markralphmusic and just wanted it to be touched by his genius . Set free in the Universe now Maestro . All returned to stardust . #Vangelis #bladerunner #chariotsoffire #china #greek #god
Holly Johnson
English artist, musician, Frankie Goes to Hollywood
A great loss is the death of VANGELIS PAPATHANASSIOU, the GREEK who with his musical genius, honored and will honor Greece worldwide and beyond the borders of planet Earth.
A rare photo I publish is from 1964 in Thessaloniki.
Bottom row the FORMINX. The band of Vangelis Papathanassiou, he is the first from the left.
Top row is the band BRAHMS, the band I started my career with.
Paschalis Arvanitidis
member of "The Olympians", "The Brahms"
The World-renowned Greek
I have a hangover. I have lost him and I am sad because he was a friend of mine ....
Nikos Mouratidis
Greek broadcaster, journalist and blogger
I am very sad that Vangelis passed away, he was super talented and a great man!
Jean Luc Ponty
French jazz violinist and composer
I am deeply grieved to hear of the passing of my primary musical inspiration and possibly the greatest musical genius of my era. Just knowing Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou was in the world in real-time with me was always a comfort- as if i could feel the energy of his brilliance whenever i thought of him. I'm sure he will be dearly missed by so many, as the expanse of his legacy is incalculable. The world is a much more beautiful place through the gifts he bestowed in music, inspiration, vision, passion and sheer courage to explore creative universes in his own unique and exquisite way. Today i stand along side my bloodlines in Greece to mourn the loss of one of our great cultural heros.
θα ζήσετε για πάντα στις καρδιές μας και στα πνεύματά μας.
(translated: You will live forever in our hearts and in our spirits.)
Chris Spheeris
Greek-American composer and musician
Totally gutted that #Vangelis has died.
I knew him when I was 18 and used to visit his London studio. He once kindly showed me how he scored #Bladerunner and played it live for me. He also composed the Chariots of Fire soundtrack.
He was a total genius.
Jon Dee
Broadcaster and founder of Planet Ark
Vangelis, the legendary Greek-born electronic composer and musician who was best known for his theme song for Oscar-winning ‘Chariots of Fire’, has died today at the age of 79.
For 40 years his music was the soundtrack of my healing as I played albums such as ‘Oceanic’, ‘1492’, ‘Blade Runner’ and many others, both in private sessions and during healing demonstrations.
He said: “My interest was not to create a symphony orchestra, which I can very easily, but to go further than that and do things that the symphony orchestra can’t do. And I think I succeeded to create something like this.”
I once had the privilege of spending an afternoon with Vangelis at his Nemo Studio in London and we chatted about nature, mythology, reincarnation and music. I’m not often starstruck or tongue-tied but that day I was - until he put me at ease and I forgot that I was talking to a legendary figure.
As one of his greatest fans, I once paid £250 for a signed limited edition album he’d recorded. I’ll always treasure that.
But, more than anything else, thank you Vangelis for all the beautiful and often spine-tingling music that helped lift my healing to heights I couldn't have imagined. I'll be playing it until I fall off the stool on which I perch when healing.
Matthew Manning
Bestselling British author and healer
Thank you Maestro for honoring us with your presence in our studios. #Vangelis - photo: 1986 Forum Studios - album "Page of life"
Forum Studios
Recording Studio, Italy
I had the great honor of working on an album with Vangelis as a programmer in the late 80s at RAK studios London.
You can only imagine the nerves I had to deal with when programming synths and samplers for the very guru who wrote the rules in this field. He was a true master to work with, always open to show me the ropes. Sometimes he came across a tad difficult, but it was always due to his commitment to reach perfection !!
Thank you for teaching me so much, plus inspiring generations with your epicness man !!
You will be missed but your music will undoubtedly move people deeply forever ! ✌🏽♥️🎹
We paid homage to him in a track titled “Vangelism” on our album “Modular Baptism”
-Forever grateful--Dan-
Duo DJ
So sorry to hear of one of the greatest composers of our time passed away Vangelis
So privileged to have been inspired and worked with such a wonderful soul.
In 1988 Vangelis and Jon Anderson worked at my home in LA Hollywood to write the page of life album.
Vangelis did a very rare concert at Royce Hall UCLA as a 1 man band, he not only played it but mixed it live from stage in quad which was absolutely stunning!
What a truly amazing eternal being!
One of the true angels that has touched this earth ❤️
Love to Vangelis and to Jon x
David Tickle
British record producer and engineer
I had the privilege to work with him on a very short project, back in the 90’s. Was at his home studio in Athens. Humble and respectful, he was like a child wanted to learn everything. From that day on, I always remember his hands. I cannot explain it, but my feeling was that his hands where playing music also when they where not on the keyboards. RIP #Vangelis. You will always be an artistic magnitude ❤️
Takis Tsonopoulos
Manager at Harman Professional Solutions
There is one name that says it all ...
1943 - 2022
The precursor of electronic music, a genius composer of music for films and not only.
A quiet, modest man.
His music for the movie Chariots of Fire was a breakthrough.
You loved the cosmos, you reached it. You will live forever.
Zbigniew Preisner
Polish film composer, member of the French Film Academy
You moved me to tears on every note and in every moment you were present. Even in this very moment as I sit here writing this. You changed my life. You influenced every note I myself have created and put out into the universe. Man, you were so damn prolific. You were immortal to me and I sit here in absolute disbelief that you are gone. Your legacy will live on forever.
RIP Vangelis. Beautiful musical soul. Thank you for living...
Nicholas Gunn
US-based English songwriter and music producer
Wow, that a loss. The word 'pioneer' is too often used but it's appropriate in this case because when you shift expectations about what is possible and create multiple works which can be the epitome of both craft and - dare I say it, art - in the way that #Vangelis did it's sometimes difficult to understand just how influential and significant those works are when they are so often referred to as some of the best, but they really are. Thank you for the music & thank you, most of all, for your creative mind #VangelisRIP
Segun Akinola
English composer for television and documentaries
I’m devastated to learn that Vangelis has just departed this world after battling Covid.
I first became acquainted with his music in the Carl Sagan production, “Cosmos”. Then came Chariots of Fire and Bladerunner, still one of my favorite films largely because of his presence.
Thus began my love affair. I own all of his albums and soundtracks, which are numerous. I remember when the internet came into being, he was one of my first “searches” and I was printing out pages of information dedicated to him with the fear that someone might decide the internet was a bad idea and it would shut down.
His music has been an immeasurable inspiration to me and has certainly influenced my own creative efforts with my Blue Landscapes music and elsewhere. His music has largely been a soundtrack to my life and it has made my life’s experience all the more beautiful and full of marvel and wonder.
His music emphasized beauty in its simplicity, and yet his sense of orchestration was masterful and spontaneous in its creation. Though he didn’t read music, and though I was tickled that 90% of his spontaneous compositions gravitated towards a tonal center of C# or Db, I truly feel he was a genius.
What a gift and musical giant he was to me and millions of others.
Requiesce in pace, Maestro, and thank you for your beautiful and timeless music.
#vangelis #musicalhero #visionary
Robert Thies
American concert pianist
How is it possible that Vangelis never won a Grammy?! I wish I could give him mine-- feeling sad and undeserving today. I hope you are resting peacefuly, in a land as rich as the ones you created with sound. #Vangelis
Vivek J. Tiwary
Grammy Award winner, American author and theater producer
I’m so sorry to hear that Vangelis has passed away. He was a legend, & a huge influence on so many composers. I listened to 1492: Conquest of Paradise so many times when I was growing up, & I love the iconic scores for Chariots of Fire & Blade Runner. Thank you, #Vangelis. #RIP
Emir Isilay
Turkish film composer
Vangelis (1943-2022) As with so many other electronic music musicians, synthesizer fans and film music composers, I too was strongly influenced by Vangelis' outstanding film music and instrumental music. his influence in these areas of music is just immense. I first noticed the name Vangelis with his project "Jon & Vangelis" and his early work with his band "Aphrodite's Child". these chapters are also bursting with his impressive creativity, his love of detail and his surprising soundscapes. at the same time a magician in the studio and a composer with a passion for „playing“ music. thank you for the great music and the numerous hours with the headphones on my head, with my thoughts deep in the worlds and soundscapes of Vangelis.
Σας ευχαριστώ!
Heiko Maile
German musician and composer, member of Camouflage
Absolutely devastated to learn of Vangelis’ passing today. I’ve taken so much inspiration from his work and even just mere days ago, I was deep diving into his writing and programming process yet again to find out more (as I do a couple of times a year). The man was pretty much a self taught musician who was able to convey musically, across a huge spectrum of styles and genres, feelings that many struggle to express: exhilaration, pain, passion, wonderment, trepidation, hope and so much more. A composer and sound designer who pushed boundaries and made machines sing.
This is a loss I will feel deeply for a long time to come. Vale Vangelis ❤️
Jamie Stevens
Electronic dance music
Thank you Vangelis for your inspirational music, the soundtrack to my youth that introduced me to my obsession with synthesisers/ electronic music that in return gifted me my own career. Though I didn’t know him personally, I feel like I’ve lost an old friend. RIP 😔
John 00 Fleming
English trance producer and DJ
RIP Vangelis. A pioneer with a unique sound and style, with his iconic film scores, and his collaborations with Jon Anderson.
Mike Lindup
keyboardist and singer, founder member of "Level 42"
So very hard to take on that #Vangelis has passed on. One of my very favourite composers for so many years. #BladeRunner #ChariotsOfFire #1492 the list is endless. Thank you so much for the power and humanity of your music 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻#VangelisRIP
Peter Irving
London-based actor
rest in peace to a pioneer (and personal musical hero) Vangelis. thank you 💔
American rapper, songwriter and producer
words can't describe how influential Vangelis's music has been in my life and especially on "Yasuke". Yall know this one cuts deep. RIP to the legend!
American rapper and DJ
#vangelis has returned to source. His legacy will continue to inspire us - a true legend and one of my favourite composers of all time ♥️
Kirsty Hawkshaw
English electronic music vocalist and songwriter
Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou
The reason I came to be...
#vangelis #rip
New York-based Greek composer and sound designer
The score for Blade Runner is my favorite score of all time. The deeply meditative and magical score by #Vangelis came from somewhere beyond my comprehension. It was just insanely good. Thank you for all the wonderful music, have fun in the cosmos.
Jesper Kyd
Danish composer and sound designer
Such an influential composer - his score for Blade Runner was such a huge influence on us. Freaking genius. #vangelis
British electronic music duo
While Carl Sagan was one of the most influential people in my life, Vangelis provided his soundtrack and so many others. Hopefully their energies can reunite in the next dimension. ✨ Cheers to a legend who will be missed.
Von Hertzog
American synthpop artist and producer
Remembering the late, great VANGELIS. So very sad to hear the news but what an amazing legacy he left us. These are my 2 favourites of his, Opera Sauvage & China, my go to albums when I need to relax and disappear into beautiful, nostalgic soundscapes, but so many more other gems in his back catalogue. What are your favourites?
Minute Taker
English recording artist
RIP maestro Vangelis.🖤
Thank you for the music. It’s simply impossible to convey the vast influence that this man's work has had on us. Gunship would not exist without his inspiration.
Travel safe to the shoulder of Orion. We hope the C-Beams glitter in the dark.
British synthwave band
May he rest in peace, he was my hero and a massive influence, celebrate his outstanding music and hear his spirit continue within the sounds, the intricate textures and beautiful melodies.
The Rosen Corporation
Hamburg-based electronic music composer and artist
I first discovered Vangelis' music, like many I'm sure, as a teenager seeing Blade Runner for the first time. There aren't all that many composers that successfully paint the world we see on screen with music in such a perfect way as Vangelis did with Blade Runner. His direct and improvisational method of translating what he sees and feels instinctively to the keyboard is genius. A rare talent that allowed him to imbue his music with his emotions derived from the visuals, in real time as he experienced them. This would elevate scenes to a level, with atmosphere and emotion that we don't experience very often in movies, and an impression that for many of us lasted a lifetime.
I was forever a fan of Vangelis since those days. His love of improvisation, the fact that he never learned how to read/write music and that he was quite reclusive were all things I could relate to, gain encouragement from, and thanks to him, understand the importance of emotion in music.
He'll be forever missed. Thank you for the music and inspiration.
State Azure
UK electronic music producer
Rest in peace, Vangelis. He was a pioneer, a visionary, a true artist, and one of my biggest inspirations. #vangelis
Electronic dance music
RIP #Vangelis
I remember watching this when I was 14 in a nearly empty ABC cinema in Belfast
I had never seen or heard anything like it...
the music complimented the visuals perfectly
The next day I went back and watched it all again...
Link to posted video
Adrian McKinty
Northern Irish novel writer
The greatest thing any film composer can do is write music that is indelibly associated with images, that could only be for the film it was written for. Vangelis did this many times over. Vale.
Dan Golding
Australian writer, composer and broadcaster
Another master is gone. Goodbye Vangelis… Your music will forever be with us.
❤️ #rip #legend #vangelis
George Perris
Greek-French singer and songwriter
Just learned of the passing of ‘Vangelis’ who created my favorite film score of all time to ‘Bladerunner’. His creative genius of combining acoustic piano, other organic instruments and synthesizers cannot be overstated. Thank you, sir, for blessing this world with your beautiful imagination.
Dan Reed
American musician and artist
The theme from “Chariots of Fire” propels me back to my early adolescent years. What a film score!! It also became one of my favorite movies of all time. Here’s a little tribute to Vangelis.
I wish I'd met him! RIP..
Gabriela Montero
Venezuelan pianist and composer
Thank you for inspiring me to be an electronic musician You are a Legend Vangelis, the impact you had on modern music can’t be measured
Valentina Moretti
Mexican singer, songwriter and musician
R.I.P. to one of the greatest to ever do it~ #Vangelis
정재윤 / Jae Chong
KPop, CPop and JPop composer and producer
Another great composer gone too soon.
The synthesizers and electronic music community has lost one of his pioneer.
His score for Blade Runner was my favorite.
Dani Donadi
Italian composer and music producer
Me & many others in drum-and-bass have been inspired by this absolute genius. When I hit a creative wall I listen to his music.
A Next Level Genius. R.I.E.P VANGELIS ❤️ #RIPVANGELIS 🙌
one half of Matrix & Futurebound
Vangelis passed away. His work, particularly the soundtrack to Chariots of Fire, influenced my passion as a young teenager to just sit down at that upright piano and try to work life out.
Paul Cardall
American pianist and composer
I'm late on Vangelis passing, but still wanted to pay my respects this super talented musician. He made some wonderful tunes both in acoustic and electronic styles. This is one of my faves from his early period. Safe onward journey and I reckon I know what song was playing as he went through the pearly gates. R.I.P
Dave Lee ZR
Disco and house music Dave Lee
Agh! Vangelis has left this world to live on another . RIP master of sound and dreams ,Blade Runner would never have been Blade Runner without your beautiful music 🖤🙏🏼 Thankyou so much
Luke Slater
English electronic musician and DJ
In memory of Vangelis,
He wrote this beautiful anthem called "Rachel's Song". Just like the 'Nasty Boyz' I did my version of this track and named it 'Angel'. Armin played this two years ago at ASOT 950.
Vangelis passed away may 17th
Richard Durand
Dutch DJ and record producer
Most of the people of my generation grew up listening to his music. Vangelis was an icon, and he will never be forgotten. Today we have lost a truly talent. #vangelis #soundtrack #electronic #music #rip
David Granha
Spanish electronic music producer
A great composer has passed away to join the stars. #Vangelis was a very inspired musician and will still very inspiring. The world of music owe him so much. Keep an ear to listen one more time or for the first time to his music. My thouths goes to his family and people he loves.
Christophe C. Andersen
Composer, Arranger, Sound Designer
Vangelis Papathanassiou
We are bidding farewell to a singular musical mind and a deeply charismatic personality. His contributions are a treasure for humanity and place him among the greatest of greats. For most people, his creations have not yet revealed their full importance in the history of global culture. His lifetime opus, spanning Music, Technology and Painting will manifest its significance as time goes by.
He is by far the most important influence in my life and the one that, through his modus operandi, made me believe early on that pursuing Music is indeed worth it, despite all the difficulties.
Dimitris Menexopoulos
Greek sound desginer and composer
A little known fact of music history: my grandfather conducted the very first recordings of Vangelis Papathanassiou, Demis Roussos and Lucas Sideras, which started their careers as internationally renowned recording artists.
My grandfather had founded what was, to the best of my knowledge, the very first independent recording studio in Athens, Greece, in the 1950s.
The Columbia complex predated it and consisted of a record pressing plant and recording studios, spread out over several buildings on the same plot of land, owned by a major record label. Neither the Columbia facility nor my grandfather's studio survived. But the music that was recorded within them certainly did.
I guess it runs in the family!
RIP Vangelis!
#analogrecording #vangelispapathanassiou #vangelis
Jesus I. Agnew
Greek-American audio engineer
I grew up with these epic sounds, R.I.P. legend
Vangelis: Open Spotify
Michelle Rodriguez
American actress
My favorite composer has passed away. He wrote the music to chariots of fire and the greatest movie of all time Blade Runner and many others . Rest In Peace Mr Vangelis #bladerunner #vangelis
Reginald Hayes
American actor, screenwriter, and director
Not only is Bladerunner one of my favorite films of all time, I wore that soundtrack out! The atmospheric, evocative, otherworldly yet nostalgic score by Vangelis was the perfect synthesis of vision and emotion. He was an aural genius. #RIPVangelis
Lou Diamond Phillips
American actor and film director
Sad to hear about the passing of Vangelis, his music and scores alike transported me to another plane. May he Rest In Peace 💥
Sasha Grey
American actress and musician
RIP VANGELIS - Godspeed to the Man, the Myth, the Legend. From defining the expressive voice of the CS80 to creating the iconic synth score of Bladerunner, Vangelis’ impact on our world is enormous. One of our proudest days was when we discovered many years ago that he was one of our users! What an honor! In fact, we were so thrilled when he contacted us earlier this week for support. Truly heartbroken to hear the news that one of our biggest synth heroes is gone. For us it’s like hearing about Michelangelo or Picasso passing! Thank you Vangelis for blessing us with all of your music and your boundless imagination. You are now in the place to which your music always took us, among the stars. 💔🙏❤️🙏💔
Virtual synth company
A master of creating timeless soundscapes and an inspiration for so many, we are saddened to hear news of the passing of Vangelis. Our thoughts join with the rest of the music community to mourn the loss of an icon.
Yamaha Synths
Synth company
RIP Vangelis - One of the greatest composers and pioneers of electronic music has passed.
In 1980, he composed the score for the Oscar-winning film Chariots of Fire, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Original Score.
He will be greatly missed.
Synth company
Very sad to hear about the death of Vangelis. Not only Vangelis was this incredible composer we all know, but he was -and will remain- an amazing source of inspiration for musicians. He certainly was for us all at #Arturia.
Long after Vangelis is gone his powerful brass will resonate in the heads of many.
Frédéric Brun
Owner of ARTURIA
“He was - and will remain - an amazing source of inspiration for musicians. He certainly was for us all at #Arturia." Rest in power, Vangelis.
Synth company
Yesterday we lost one of the great electronic musicians.
Vangelis was a huge influence on the early development of the sounds of Equator and the Seaboard.
Here's one of our favourites from Blade Runner, found in the ROLI vaults.
Link to video demonstration
#RIPVangelis #Vangelis #Seaboard #BladeRunner
music technology company
R.I.P. Vangelis. His music in the Cosmos and Blade Runner soundtracks was one of the main influences for my career path.
I saw Blade Runner in the Cinerama Theater in Seattle in 1982. Watching this in 70 mm / 6 track Dolby blew my mind. Everything about this was amazing: the synths, the 224 reverb, the huge percussion.
Valhalla DSP
Digital audio tools company
We’re saddened to hear the passing of one of the greatest film composers of all time, the legendary Vangelis.
“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...”
Varèse Sarabande Records
Soundtrack record label
We were shocked to hear of Vangelis' passing last week. Vangelis spent 6 months working out of Metropolis in 2012.
Rest in peace Vangelis, our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and friends.
Metropolis Studios
Recording Studio, UK
I couldn't and didn't want to talk about Vangelis earlier, because I couldn't. But tonight I wanted to write and share with you some memories, anecdotes and what Vangelis represented on a personal level. The immense composer and the friend he was for me.
Everyone remembers the "Chariots of fire" for which he had won an Oscar against another giant, John Williams (and his music by Indiana Jones), or for his magnificent music for the film "1492, Conquest of paradise one of my favorite songs. The public generally knows only a tiny part of his work. He had actually composed so much, so much experimented. Including for me... and I find it hard to realize as I write these lines the immense honor he did me, but the last time we saw each other, he had made me listen with my astronaut friend Jean-François Clervoy a music he had composed inspired by the digital paintings of my book HOPES that he loved so much he told me. (And since Vangelis was also a great painter, a friend of Dali, you can imagine the pleasure it could have). We then sat in the armchairs of his office with Jean-François, and closed our eyes to listen to the recording he had made just before going to supper. This memory will live on forever.
Nor will I ever forget those whole nights spent philosophizing on the state of the world, sometimes in the smoke of his cigars, until the early morning when he usually lost me around 6 or 7 a.m. I would then go to bed near his piano (I loved that). His incredible piano, unique in the world, with which he explored, composed, imagined, created, invented...
When I came to his office, there was always an innumerable amount of awards that he had had throughout his career. Diplomas and documents from NASA (his music has indeed inspired the space world so much within all the agencies, from NASA to ESA, for which he composed the music for the Rosetta probe), but also his famous oscar - an Oscar is heavy! – and so many others… I remember asking him one day which one he was most proud of. He then showed me the olive branch (if I'm not mistaken, but I'm pretty sure it was an olive tree) under glass, which came from the village of his childhood. It had been given to him years later, when he had returned there, to Greece. A return that had sounded for him like a kind of revenge, because he had always been very critical of the education he had received at school and often explained to me that he had learned everything in the end by himself. and that the school was in no way responsible for his success (on the contrary). We also shared this critical look at school and studies and the discrepancy between what is taught there, and what we should basically expect from it.
I remember lots of anecdotes he told me, light discussions we had about the stupid things we had done in our respective youths (in fact we had found some points in common on this level, it was quite amusing 🙂 to the most serious and serious topics about the state of the world and the path that humanity was on. Vangelis was lucid about the state of our planet, and worried, it is the least that can be said. As a warning sign, the music he had made me listen to that famous evening, around the paintings of Hopes was very dark, it gave me the impression of a world in the midst of chaos with at times, like in the middle of a storm, sort of small musical clearings despite everything, a musical metaphor for what was going to happen in the following months...
And then there were those surreal moments, when he talked to me about his friend Slavador Dali (because Vangelis was also a great painter himself and I was always stunned by his paintings which were everywhere in his house) or other personalities whose he had crossed the whole within the framework of his long career. I remember that day when he wanted to call Sean Connery, to offer him to participate in Hopes. Or that day when he showed Hopes to Oliver Stone who had stopped by the house. Because it was also this Vangelis person, someone generous who tried to help, to advise... and who, I could see, also worried about me in the complicated times I was going through, which really touched me..
Finally come back to me those moments when he played his musical works for us. This same Vangelis who had played in front of hundreds of thousands of people at the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens or in the pharaonic concerts he gave in his country and which we had for ourselves, at his home. Watching him play was a real spectacle in itself, unique on the myriad of devices around him. I have never seen anything comparable in music.
I regret that we had time to collaborate more. But I consider myself so lucky already to have crossed his path and to have spent these moments with him.
This evening I write these words I confess with tears in my eyes listening to his Album "Nocturne", and in particular his rewriting of "Conquest of Paradise", because it is the music that made me know him and "the petite fille de la mer” from "l'Apocalypse des Animaux" because I like the peaceful and melancholy side of this album that I listened to with my little nephew at night, looking at the sky in summer.
Thank you for everything Maestro. Thank you for your music, thank you for these countless discussions, thank you for your friendship,
Thank you for everything.
Rest in peace
Laura, I'm thinking of you very much tonight. Thank you to my friends Jean-François, and to Fernando Doblas for having allowed this beautiful meeting a few years ago without knowing that this beautiful friendship was going to result from it.
Yannick Monget
Founder of Symbiom Group
Greece and the world are sadly saying goodbye to a musical genius.
Vangelis Papathanassiou, one of the leading Greek composers, passed away today at the age of 79.
A pioneer of electronic sound, he experimented with all genres and grew internationally as a musician and composer of electronic, progressive, ambient, jazz and orchestral music.
He won an Oscar for his original soundtrack to "Chariots of Fire"" in 1982, and has composed a number of other major films, including Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner".
Athens Epidaurus Festival
Annual arts festival
Rest in Peace, Vangelis, a true Legend and great man who carried Music and culture around the world for decades! Your music will live forever! 💔🌹🕯
It's sad news that the composer Vangelis has passed away. Amongst the beautiful music that he composed were albums related to solar system exploration. He worked extensively with Scott Bolton, leader of the Juno project, and produced an album "Juno to Jupiter" (Decca, 2020), of inspiring soundscapes to accompany the Juno mission. I recommend it! He had earlier written music for the Rosetta mission.
BAA Jupiter Section
Jupiter Section of the British Astronomical Association
Enormous grief.
A huge loss.
End of an Era.
Addio my friend
#RIPVANGELIS #ΒαγγέληςΠαπαθανασίου
Aspasia Leventis
International Foundation for Greece
He had honored me many times with his friendship, his love and his trust, but I will miss his presence very much for many more reasons. I add here the words of my wife Karen, who describe him much better than my own pen could do: "A gentleman and a gentle person. Twinkling and sparkling eyes like the stars he listened to. An engaging personality and a “persona” which filled the room as well as his music. His honors and awards hidden among his books, not ostentatiousλy displayed. An honor to have sat around his table with Laura and his friends. »
Link to video
Dionysis Simopoulos
Eugenides Planetarium's director
🎵 His music has inspired all of us, and we were honoured to work with him for our commercials: directly from our historical archive our tribute to #Vangelis, who with this unforgettable melody brought #Barilla pasta into the homes of all of you.
Link to video
Thanks for everything, Maestro!
Barilla Group
Food company
What an amazing moment we shared! How nice to have met and collaborated with you. We shall miss you Vangelis. 🕊
Red Design Consultants
Greek branding agency
Vangelis, the Greek composer and musician whose synth-driven work brought huge drama to film soundtracks including Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire, has died aged 79.
Hailed as a pioneer of electronic sound he was continually celebrated for his evocative Oscar winning 1981 Chariots of Fire soundtrack as well as his score for the film Blade Runner.
We had the pleasure of interviewing him in the June 2020 edition and you can read it here.
RIP Vangelis, what a sad loss for music
Sound on Sound
UK audio magazine
Rest In Peace King. A huge loss to our community. Take your synth goodness to the skies and we’ll catch you in another world 🎹 #vangelis
Attack Magazine
London-based electronic music online magazine
Vangelis 🎶🎹💔
29 March 1943 - 17 May 2022
We are absolutely devastated to be told of the death of Vangelis.
Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou was born on 29th March 1943 in Agria, Greece. He was best known to us as a progressive electronic composer and musician of the highest calibre, who passed away on 17th May 2022 in France having enjoyed a career spanning more than 50 years. Rest in peace Vangelis, your music will live on forever.
Progressive rock Facebook page
My biggest disappointment making DANGEROUS DAYS was being unable to get Vangelis for an interview. His music, not just in BLADE RUNNER, was otherworldly in beautiful and haunting ways I lack the words to describe. He created lush dream states I still love getting lost in.
Charles de Lauzirika
Film maker of "Blade Runner" documentary film
Sad to hear of the passing of Oscar-winning composer #Vangelis. His futuristic synth score to #BladeRunner remains an unmatched masterpiece. May He Rest In Peace.
Drew Struzan
American artist, and designer on "Blade Runner" film poster
Vangelis' music is the soundtracks of dreams. His music made men run faster, made cars fly. Scores stolen from another dimension to expand ours, each a gift.
Michael Green
Screenwriter on "Blade Runner 2049"
Everyone remembers something from Vangelis Papathanassiou. In my memory remains something public and personal at the same time. Our collaboration in the presentation of his work "Mythodea" organized on June 28, 2001, in the center of Athens, at the Temple of Olympian Zeus, by the Ministry of Culture and Sony Classical. This music accompanied the same year, the NASA mission to Mars and became a worldwide success. It was the opening event of the Cultural Olympiad in view of the 2004 Olympic Games. An impressive universal message. But also a difficult artistic, organizational, technical, communicative and (as it happens, fortunately or unfortunately, with all the important things) political bet. Now Vangelis Papathanassiou is becoming his music. This unique musical wave that came from his talent.
Evangelos Venizelos
Former Greek minister of Culture and Sport
Vangelis Papathanassiou, a great Greek, a great creator of contemporary music is "gone".
I was lucky to have met him. His stories and artistic sensibilities were unique.
We will continue to travel in its unique sounds, to the rhythm "Chraiots of Fire".
Tasos Chatzivasileiou
Member of the Greek Parliament
Our condolences to the family of Vangelis Papathanasiou and to music lovers all over the world mourning the loss of one of Greece's most celebrated artists. Vangelis shaped the music landscape of the 20th century and was a pioneer in fusing contemporary sounds with classical compositions and musical traditions. His legacy has been recognized by the most important performing artists and institutions around the world, and his award-winning music will remain forever a treasure for humanity. He wrote the timeless scores for Chariots of Fire and Blade Runner, among numerous other classics. Through his music, we journeyed to the stars. May you rest in peace, and may your music and memory live on.
The great Greek composer, "Vangelis" Papathanassiou, left this world at the age of 79, who died in Paris. The cultural world, Greece, has lost one of the precursors of electronic music, which Le Monde describes as the "wizard of synths".
To name just one title, listen again to "La Petite fille de la mer" from her album "L'apocalypse des animaux".
Link to "La Petite fille de la mer"
Ambassade de France en Grèce
Embassy of France, Greece
We mourn Greek Oscar-winning composer Vangelis who passed away at the age of 79. He will be remembered for his wonderful work in the music and film scene, as well as his musical contributions to ballet, theatre and even football.
Special thanks to Carl Deseyn, Peter Dekker, and Ilker Tezcan. Appreciated!
We've received many requests, inquiring about Friday's private ceremony in Paris. Here's what we can share.
As the hall opened and guests entered, an unreleased piece of Vangelis music was playing. It was ambient music without melody, very solemn and ethereal. A screen showed a photograph of Vangelis.
The Salle de la Coupole is a beautiful serene hall under a majestic dome. In the back, a set of stairs lead up to an apse, its walls and ceiling painted with a blueish night's sky over ancient buildings and a Greek temple on a rocky hill.
When guests were seated, the casket was carried in to the hypnotic tones of The Bounty's opening music.
Vangelis' life was then celebrated and remembered in a heartfelt and respectful ceremony. He was surrounded by loving friends and family. Cretan singer Loudovikos Ton Anogeion sang a poem he wrote for the occasion, accompanied on mandolin. There were beautiful words in French, Greek and English, spoken from the heart by a variety of his friends. Hopefully more about that later.
Then long time collaborator and friend of Vangelis, Frederick Rousseau announced that it was Vangelis' turn to speak, albeit not in words but in his preferred language: Music. A selection of 25 minutes of his work was played over the speakers: Theme From Bitter Moon, an unreleased track from the score for Alexander (from the scene late in movie, where Alexander dies), Prelude, Blade Runner Love Theme, One Alone, Light And Shadow, Eternal Alexander and Tears in Rain.
After the farewell, while guests left the hall, a second unreleased piece of ambient music by Vangelis played in the background, very heavenly, that felt as if you were among the stars.
We are pleased to report that the private event took place without the tabloid press impeding on the grieving and everyone was free to properly pay their respects.
A commemorative CD created especially for the occasion (artwork below) titled "Vangelis In Memoriam" was handed out to guests attending the reception after the ceremony. It contains two tracks, both taken from earlier albums: "El Greco" (the first track from the 2007 score album) and "Message" (from the 1988 album "Direct").
Today, June 3rd, 2022, at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, in a close circle and in a simple ceremony took place the civil funeral and cremation of the world renowned composer Vangelis.
On behalf of his office
Evangelos Kalafatis
Today, June 3 at 13:30, Vangelis was cremated at the cemetery of Paris Pere Lachaise in a ceremony at the Salle la Coupole, attended by his closest circle of loved ones, friends, family and collaborators.
It was a beautiful ceremony with friends reminiscing and celebrating his life both as a person and as an artist.
He will be missed by many.
Greek public TV Channel ERT will dedicate the evening of Monday May 30 to Vangelis. The programming starts at 19:00, and includes a rebroadcast of a 1990 interview with Vangelis performing unreleased music (parts of the 1990 broadcast have survived among fans and on Youtube, but parts also have not).
It is followed by the live broadcast of a concert performed at the island of Delos, which is dedicated to the memory of Vangelis. It will be performed by the European Union Youth Orchestra with additional musicians from both Ukraine and Russia, and soloists from Ukraine and Greece, to highlight the uncertainty about the future of the planet if we do not act immediately.
The evening closes with a foreign film, not yet disclosed, but this could also be Vangelis related.
Thanks to Carl Deseyn for alerting us.
As many people turn to social media to express their emotions, memories or words of tribute to the late Vangelis, we provide a sampling of the posts we could find from public figures, fellow artists, authors, friends and institutions.
Click the authors names to link to the original posts. Note that some links can only be accessed when signed in on the respectove platforms, or after connecting with the author.
Also, we used computer translation to English (indicated) on some of the entries. Check their sources for clearer wording in their original languages.
My dear friend Vangelis passed away. Ever since TV-series Cosmos, albums like Albedo 0.39, Spiral, China, Antarctica and movies like Blade Runner, he enriched many space related moments, travels through majestic landscapes and the time in space for me with his magical music. Head filled w/ colorful memories after Vangelis passing. Like our contact from ISS (International Space Station), playing live while showing him our planet, to the warm, joyful dinners in his Paris residence, composing between his paintings, talking about the beauty and wonders of life, music and the universe.
André Kuipers
Scientist and ESA astronaut
I am in tears, devastated by the news of the passing of Vangelis, a legendary musician and a man I was proud to call my friend for many years. It is not easy to find my words at this moment 💔 Vangelis was the pioneer of electronic music, a real genius and titan of music, a warm, kind and gentle man, a heartfelt and honest friend.
Professionally, we have worked together on two big projects.
The first was the opening of the Katara Amphitheatre in Doha, Qatar, in December 2011, with his symphony called “Hope”, with music especially composed for me, performed in Ancient Greek language.
Our second collaboration is Vangelis’ last album, “Juno to Jupiter”, released in September 2021 and inspired by NASA’s Jupiter mission by the Juno space probe, where my voice gave life to the goddess Juno/Hera. We were already planning our third project together, a Requiem, and I will keep my promise to still make it happen!
His Music and his Friendship will stay forever in my heart ❤️
My deepest sympathy to his wonderful wife and my friend Laura, to his dear family and friends
Thank you, Vangelis!
Pupici, pupici, pupici….
Angela Gheorghiu
Soprano and opera superstar
My eyes cannot contain the tears when I learned of the death of Master Vangelis, of the splendid human being that I met years ago in Greece; a man who opened his house to me in Athens, the one in Paris and who shared hours of his boundless talent with me as a prelude to a possible joint work. How to imagine that I will never receive hugs from him again?
What a great pity!!
Luz Casal
Spanish pop singer
I’m so sad to hear this terrible news of the passing of Vangelis. I had the privilege to meet him in Paris last year. He was one of my heroes and a big inspiration & a beautiful person. I still listen to his albums a lot. May he rest in peace. 😢
Armin van Buuren
Dutch DJ and producer
Dear Vangelis,
I feel immense sadness and at the same time immense gratitude... Sadness because the loss that I feel and I believe we all feel that such a great man, an inconceivable talent, has left, is unbearable. I also feel immense gratitude though that I was given the opportunity to collaborate with you through our first encounter “The Thread”, that you entrusted me and gave me the gift of your wisdom, but above all, I thank you for allowing me to call you a friend. In an effort to express the value of your contribution beyond your musical genius, I stated that decoding Vangeli's music is like deciphering Pythagoras. Your music is primordial and futuristic together, it captures truths that define our universe and travel them beyond it. You had me listen to the sounds of the earth and I, enchanted every time I left your house, felt grateful that this great man was willing to share with me a small piece of his emotional wealth. Thank you for what you taught me, for the times that I had to replay all our conversations over and over again in my head, to never forget your words. Behind the notes that you have written and that have been recognised and awarded worldwide, lies a huge generosity and a deep love for creation, knowledge, harmony and a love for Greece. The music you composed for the show we did at the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio for the 30 years of the Elpida Association, will forever sound in the minds of those who were in attendance that night. We all felt that through your music the pulse of this sacred Temple was expressed for the first time. It was an anthem of love, joy and optimism. This photo is from one of our meetings, in your home in Paris… I will always have it deeply engraved in my heart. Goodbye Vangelis… I want to believe that in this new journey of yours, a new "Mythodia" will be composed, an eternal soundtrack to a parallel Universe. 🤍🤍🤍
My sincerest condolences to his wife Lora, and the people closest to him. 🤍🤍🤍
Mary Katrantzou
Greek costumes designer
We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of the great composer Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, known to all simply as Vangelis. Vangelis composed a beautiful piece of music to mark the moment that Professor Stephen Hawking’s ashes were interred at Westminster Abbey, near those of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. ESA (the European Space Agency) arranged to broadcast this music into space during the service as a mark of respect and remembrance. The signal was directed towards a black hole so that his beautiful composition, overlaid with the voice of Stephen Hawking, will travel through space and exist on the event horizon for as much of time as is imaginable.
May they both rest in peace.
We are very sad to hear that Vangelis has passed away. Fascinated by music and its connections to science, he was a good friend of ESA and the space community. His work has inspired millions of people, and we were honoured to work with him on the #Rosetta album
European Space Agency
Ad astra, Vangelis.
The film composer contributed scores to explorations by our #JunoMission to Jupiter. Here, ride along with the @NASASolarSystem spacecraft around Jupiter and moon Ganymede, with sound up.
Full playlist: youtube.com/watch?v=CC7OJ7g...
Epic music befitting an epic journey. Thank you to legendary composer Vangelis for providing the score to so many of the #JunoMission's discoveries at Jupiter.
Vangélis was a huge composer, a brilliant inventor of notes. A very good friend, a good man, with whom I loved to discuss music and the beauty of the world. He goes down in history, in the Pantheon of great musicians. An affectionate and emotional thought for his wife Laura.
Jack Lang
Former Minister of Culture of France
"I'm merely a conduit...just a plastic tunnel connected to a Moog." - Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou, 1943-2022. Farewell, maestro.
Dear Vangelis,
We will all remember your unique touch and your moving melodies forever. You & I have always shared the same passion for synthesizers and electronic music since so long…
May you Rest In Peace,
Jean-Michel Jarre
French composer and synthesist
We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Vangelis. May he rest in peace.
Tangerine Dream
German electronic music band
I spent all day yesterday whistling after hearing the news about Vangelis, as it would happen, I smiled at him and remembered so much..
I was also giggling with him in spirit, knowing that his music will live on and on, and our creative work together will never be lost or forgotten...he was my teacher and always smiling whenever we where together... he was the 'fun' in my life in those times......and the first multi keyboard player...instant friendship..
I honestly marveled at his creativity, it was instant symphonic music almost all day long..
One day I walked in the studio when he was playing and fell to the ground stunned by the music he was playing ...it was magnificent...music from another world..I was blown away...
Everything we did, was a first take...we never talked about what we would create, he would switch on the recording console smile at me and it just happened, idea after idea...song after song..
I called it chance music..glorious days with such a true musical master..
He was my Mentor, and he will live in my heart and soul forever
I know he is very Happy in heaven, love and 'light' brother jon 🙏
Jon Anderson
Jon and Vangelis
RIP Vangelis......your music will live on and on for ever .
Rick Wakeman
English keyboardist
The Roussos family would like to express their immense sadness on this day @Rest in peace my V’
Cyril and Emily V.R
Family of Demis Roussos
Singer-songwriter, member of Aphrodite's Child
This is a hard one for me...😢
I just heard the sad news that Vangelis is no longer with us. This is a loss for so many reasons. He was a maverick and a pioneer of sound design and as a composer he was a genius. From breaking new ground in alternative rock with my father and Lukas in the band Aphrodite's Child to giving an emotional tone to a story of androids dreaming to be human, his mark has been left on so much of musical and film culture earning him several awards including the Oscars. I cannot count how many times I have seen in a movie or TV show somebody running in a race while the legendary track to Chariots of Fire was playing. That's how much of an effect he had on culture.
He represented his music and his Greek heritage with pride and was always rewarded with applause.
On a personal note, I remember him from my childhood with fond memories. He was like an uncle that I was always glad to see and some of my most cherished childhood memories were of me playing in his studio in London while he and my father worked.
What the world has lost today; the heavens have gained❤
Cyril Roussos
Demis Roussos' son
Personally, I had the pleasure of meeting Vangelis about ten times, of course through Demis, in the early 1980s when Demis lived in London. We were regularly invited to his Nemo Studio but also to his home, in his beautiful white apartment.
I attended the recording of 'Race To the End', saw Jon Anderson walk in, listened to the recordings of the album 'Private Collection' together and later Demis's great vocal on the soundtrack of 'Blade Runner'.
In fact, I witnessed history every time.
What I especially remember is the man Vangelis, I had already heard enough stories from Demis about the period of Aphrodite's Child and Vangelis was also an important pawn of my (musical) youth.
He was a bit distant, everyone said, but luckily not to me. I was included in their circle of acquaintances in the early 1980s, especially Demis, Jiannis Zographos and Vangelis; I heard him say if he won an Oscar he wouldn't go to LA. He won with 'Chariots Of Fire', he didn't go to LA...fear of flying or something. But Vangelis and Demis also took me to Kai or Mayfair for the first time, my favorite restaurant in London to this day.
In 1982 I started my own label and I will never forget looking at those rows of unreleased tapes in the studio and Vangelis' laughing said to me: 'that's a lot of releases for your label'.
I think most of those recordings have still not come out, I hope his fans may see many more releases in the near future because The Maestro was unique in its compositions and recordings.
I got a glimpse of that history, which started for me in 1968 and ended with his passing on Tuesday.
Vangelis turned 79 and his incredible legacy will keep him alive, including with us on 192TV.
Sunday evening at 10 pm we will show his most beautiful clips, he and his music will never be forgotten.
Bert van Breda
Founder of BR Music
Vangelis wrote the Chariots of Fire theme at the very last moment as a tribute to his father. Now it's a requiem to his own extraordinary talent which will outlive all of us.
Lord David Puttnam
Producer of "Chariots of Fire"
God bless you friend and rest in peace .. your laughter, warm humanity and fantastic presence will stay with us all forever .. not to mention the music .. I have cherished memories of many many hours witnessing your creativity shaping wonderful moments into unforgettable melodies and taking off traveling through this all enveloping sonic space .. I will miss you very much.
If there’s a heaven, I feel the music there will be close to the one you liked and made …
You blessed us all with your constant giving, your breaking of experimental boundaries and creative freedom .. all with a smile .. Thank you so so much .. Nemo was some of the best years of my life .. merci V .. RIP 🧡🙏
Raphael Preston
Vangelis' engineer at Nemo Studios
So sad to hear this news. #Vangelis
Mary Hopkin
Sang on Vangelis' "Rachel's Song"
Much saddened by the death of Vangelis. In the 80's we spent several lazy afternoons together before he came up with Un Apres Midi:
"Un Apres Midi": youtube.com/O4TBq8...
Julian Lloyd Webber
British cellist, conductor
My friend the incomparable Vangelis has left us bereft of his genius and presence. He performed my song “The Parting” (in one take no less!) in the Pierre Hotel in 1986, a gift I will always treasure.
Thank you V, you were my mentor, and simply in a class by yourself.
Love eternally.
"The parting": youtube.com/nBdxMd...
Michael Hoppe
Composer, former VP A&R at PolyGram
He was a genius, a lovely man whom I adored, and he changed my life forever.
Apart from the records, movies, TV shows and ballets that we worked on, I shall probably remember him more for the fun that we had together.
The years that I spent in his company (along with John Martin) are some of the most treasured memories that I have from my career.
Aside from the many hours we spent together in recording studios in London, Athens, Rome, New York and LA, we spent an equal amount of time hanging out, eating at restaurants, shopping, and cruising around town. He was fun, generous, always entertaining, and most importantly, my friend.
Because of him I met my wife of 35 years, was introduced to the finest hotels in the world (!) , and took my first ride in a convertible Bentley !!!
I shall miss him deeply, and always be grateful for having known and worked with him.
(submitted by e-mail)
Jess Sutcliffe
Vangelis' Engineer
RIP the great Vangelis. I had the honour of writing three songs with him and spending a little time with him in his studio. Beyond doubt one of the great composers of his nation and his time.
Tim Rice
English lyricist and author
Very sad to hear the news of the recent passing of Vangelis. I'd always loved his soundtrack to Blade Runner. Then in the mid 90's I had the honour of writing & singing a song on his album “Voices”; an immense talent that will be missed by his family, and the world of music.
Here is Losing Sleep (Still My Heart) which we recorded together.
"Losing Sleep (Still My Heart)": youtube.com/p_jRt6uoVts
Paul Young
English pop singer
I'm so sad to hear that Vangelis has left this world. Working with him was one of the happiest times of my life. Dear Vangeli mu rest in peace xx
"Come To Me": youtube.com/_mCyRhtyq1Q
Caroline Lavelle
English singer-songwriter and cellist
All our deepest condolences to Laura and all relatives for this great lost in our planet. We are sure Vangelis and his music are traveling a long way through the Universe sending all his love to all of us
Montserrat Caballe Foundation
Foundation of Spanish operatic soprano Montserrat Caballe
Farewell Vangelis.
I was hoping so much to meet you again.
And play together, sitting side by side, among your thousand keyboards.
Claudio Baglioni
Italian pop singer
My dear friend, no matter how high you go, for me as long as I live, you will be in my soul. That cannot be changed. A small sample of my sad guitar, which will accompany you wherever you go.
For me you are not missing, you are always near me, we will play together as we played and we will dream of the beautiful moments of our lives. Know that up there oxygen is all for you.
Silver Koulouris
Greek musician, member of Aphrodite's Child
I just learned that a renowned musician Vangelis Papathanassiou passed away, the musician who had met with great pleasure in the old days and with "Socrates Drank the Conium" in France. An excerpt from the book by Antonis the Band. Papathanasiou was signed with Polygram and we decided to go and see him to get him to listen to our records and advise us what to do. Vangelis was known for his great success with ARHRODITE'S CHID and he was very well networked. He gladly told us to go to his house to see him. He lived in a luxurious house on Rue Marbeaux in a very beautiful neighborhood. living room we listened to the records and was especially excited about ON THE WINGS. He told us that he would do what he could to help us and that he would soon get in touch with us as soon as he had news. We liked the music because we would be well paid and we would be taught in Europe. We rehearsed in Vangelis's private studio and got ready for a tour. We did a great repertoire and everyone was happy. He laughed a lot. In general, we felt very safe with him and he was sharpening his sword.
Thank you very much for your wonderful collaboration with the wonderful "Socrates Drank the Conium" on the PHOS album where he was the producer of the album in England
(translated - check link for original text)
Thanasis Stathopoulos
Greek rock band "Socrates Drank the Conium"
I was sad to hear the news about Vangelis passing away. The past days he was strongly on my mind, and I had an unpleasant feeling in my heart.
Dear Vangelis, leave it all behind without clinging. You gave much to the world and will be always remembered. Forgive yourself and forgive whatever needs to be forgiven, and rise free above all sorrow and into the all encopassing space of love, light and joy.
Mariangela Celeste
Greek singer-songwriter
Awful news: VANGELIS, the great composer and friend for more than 40 years, has died. No words to explain another terrible lost... What an horrible year in all aspects and also in the near to me musical field. This photo well known by many of you, was taken when we met him for the first time, Carlos Guirao and met...at Nemo Studio in London.
RIP, dear Vangelis. Impossible to forget lovely and funny moments we had too during nice meals together...
Michel Huygen/Neuronium
Keyboardist and synthesist
In memory of the great and unfathomable Vangelis Papathanasiou
Markella Hatziano
Greek mezzo-soprano, vocalist on Vangelis
The music world is in mourning. Vangelis will have been for me much more than an immense musician. He was a light, a spiritual guide, a model.
I measure the incredible luck that I have had, working alongside him for several years. During our long conversations, often lasting all night, I drank from this inexhaustible source of wisdom and humanity. A complete artist, he was above all an exceptional person, such as one meets too rarely.
Goodbye, Maestro. You leave, but your music will remain forever.
Sylvain Morizet
Farewell Vangelis.
With much love and respect.
Our collaboration on The Thread was a real gift..
Russell Maliphant
Choreography director
For 33 years I have accompanied you on this long and beautiful musical path that has been your work.
An intuitive path, strewn with surprises, enthusiasm and sometimes sadness or disillusionment, but a path of creative life, warm and attentive to each other.
With you I learned what made the richness of an inventive, intuitive, experimental musical life, against the current, outside of the fashions, to push always further its difference, to trace its own way towards and against everything to be only oneself.
You were that one, unique, iconoclastic, generous, talented, adventurous, unpredictable and always provided with a unfailing confidence in you.
Your luminous music will remain to heal my pain and accompany my loneliness because without you life will never be the same again.
Rest in peace my best friend.
Philippe Colonna
Vangelis' engineer
I lost a friend , a father and son, Have a great voyage to your next world…..
Your always love
Frederick Rousseau
Vangelis' engineer
Oh man.
One of my all time heroes.
He changed everything.
Very very sad to hear...
it is hard to under estimate the colossus impact of Vangelis on modern film music. It is also hard to understand how ground breaking CHARIOTS OF FIRE was. A period British film with a phenomenal synth score.
Daniel Pemberton
English composer and songwriter
“Chariots of Fire” and “Blade Runner” were among the most innovative and influential scores in the history of the medium. My personal favorite melody of his was “Conquest of Paradise.” A true musical pioneer. Thank you, Vangelis.
Bear McCreary
American musician and composer of film/TV
Wow, an icon leaves us. Farewell Vangelis, who changed an entire era of music, and has subsequently been rediscovered a few decades later by a whole new crop. What a legacy
Austin Wintory
American multi BAFTA-winning composer
Our Electronic music guru who breathed life into circuits is no more
A.R. Rahman
Grammy and Academy Award winning composer
Word comes from the UK that Oscar and Grammy winning composer Vangelis has passed away. To say he has been and is an ENORMOUS influence on me and my music would be the biggest of understatements. I am broken hearted and grateful for the genius he gave us. Thank you maestro. Thank you...
Michael Whalen
Emmy Award winning composer and recording artist
Just read that Vangelis passed away. I was a massive fan. When I was a kid my parents went on vacation to Greece. I requested they go to a record store there and buy up all the Aphrodites Child records we couldn't get in the states. His Blade Runner score stands as one of the best.
Steve Stevens
Grammy Award Winning Composer & Guitarist
We are so very sad to hear of the passing of the genius synth icon Vangelis. His film scores, solo music and songs with Jon Anderson were truly inspirational.
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
English electronic band
RIP the Maestro Vangelis. Its was such an honour to ‘create’ the first live rendition of Blade Runner Performed by (The Heritage Orchestra) at (Meltdown festival) in 2008
Massive Attack
English trip hop band
John and Benny SAFDIE
American filmmaker and actor duo
Hard to quantify the sheer impact of Vangelis's innovations and the power of his music. Such a heartbreaking loss. Thank you for the music and the inspiration
Benjamin Wallfisch
British composer, conductor, orchestrator, film producer
Composer Vangelis Papathanassiou (Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire) has died today at the age of 79. An absolute visionary who inspired and influenced an entire generation of composers -- myself included -- I think one of Vangelis's greatest gifts was that he found humanity in the synthesizers he played and programmed. He truly made his machines sing.
Farewell, Maestro. You will be deeply missed.
Eric Whitacre
American composer, conductor
RIP Vangelis, a true legend. I am heartbroken about this. I always hoped to meet him one day. His score for Chariots of Fire inspired me to begin playing the piano when I was 5 years old.
Nicholas Britell
American composer, pianist and film producer
Vangelis has always been a major inspiration for me. He taught me the beauty of simple, emotive melodies that can transport you anywhere. This is Abraham’s Theme from Chariots of Fire. Rest In Peace Synth God. 💔🇬🇷
Abraham’s Theme: facebook.com/lukemillionmusic
Luke Million
Australian synthesist
The dervish has gone. Only a few weeks after Klaus Schulze passed away, my second musical hero Vangelis has died at the age of 79. I will really need time to understand that the most influental persons in my life are no longer here.
I discovered Vangelis at the age of 11 years, when “Aegian Sea” from Aphrodite's Child was played by a broadcast station in Berlin. Only a little bit time later he began with “Earth” his unbelievable world career. To me Vangelis was a true composer and maybe the best composer I was alowed to listen to and to discover. He was able to express or better to tell a “story” within three minutes, when others needed for the same 30 or more minutes. He was a dervish on all of his instruments and it was allways pure joy to listen to him and to see him playing.
Your music will stay but I miss you Mr. V.
Bernd Kistenmacher
German composer
Very sad news last night. One of the great pioneers of electronic music, one of the best composers of all times, my main source of inspiration, my model, Vangelis, has gone.
He was not only a genius in mixing machines and acoustic instruments, never following the trades, always trusting his fully original creative enthusiasm, he was like a spiritual father beside me in each steps of my life.
Through unforgettable OST, as Chariots of fire, Blade Runner, Antarctica, 1492, for example, and so many unbelievable tracks (Spiral album, la petite fille de la mer, Missing opening theme, the Bounty main theme, Alexander main theme and so on and so forth), all his sensitivity, soul, divine expertise, his straight talk too and his great intelligence and culture, made him a one of a kind character.
I have no words to properly express my sadness but above all, the absolute gratitude I feel when I think about Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, known as VANGELIS, 1943-2022.
You will be so missed Maëstro, thank you for all. Welcome in Heaven, Klaus Schulze is waiting for you...
French composer
RIP to the musical genius known as Vangelis and thank you for all the amazing and inspiring music you created particularly this incredible tune. I hope you're already making new music with Donna up there. We will all be listening…
Leo Sayer
English-Australian singer-songwriter
Midge Ure
Scottish singer-songwriter, Ultravox
Sadly , the the great composer Vangelis has passed away . Vangelis a pioneer in electronic music , his career in music was wide & varied , including a band with Demis Roussos ! ' Bladerunner ' & ' Chariots of Fire ' are unimaginable without his music . I've chosen ' Chariots of Fire ' , such a powerful theme , & such a genius idea to use electronic music to express the drama of the race even though the story takes place in the 1920s ❤ Love tanita
Tanita Tikaram
British pop/folk singer-songwriter
Thank you, thank you, thank you Vangelis 🪐 Your music has caused endless waves of new music…🙏🏼
KT Tunstall
LA-based Scottish singer-songwriter and musician
I'm so sad !
Vangelis was such a fantastic musician, I can't find words to express what strong and inspiring heritage he gave us.
He was music..
Deep Forest
French musical group
R.I.P. Vangelis 🖤 One of my heroes when it does come to electronic music and beautiful Melodie’s 🖤
German DJ
Thank you Vangelis for your wonderful music…..as for many of my generation the soundtrack for Blade Runner was such an inspiration at the time and continues to be to this day and will do into the future. Even “Chariots of Fire” would be in my mind when running at the school Sports Day. RIP 🖤
Dave Clark
Brighton born and Amsterdam based techno DJ
Slowly all the good ones leave the party. Rest In Peace Mr. Papathanassiou / Vangelis.
Jerome Froese
Grammy award nominated German composer
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. But before that they will live on long in the memory of all the millions that your music affects. Rest in peace, Vangelis, and thank you for your amazing music. 😥
Finnish composer and synthesist
What can you write when you lose a poet, a musician, a genius, a talent... nothing... just bear the absence that makes us a little more alone every day...
Bon voyage Mr. Vangelis Papathanassiou.
Francis Rimbert
French composer and synthesist
Vangelis Papathanassíou left us at the age of 79 years on May 17th 2022. Another Icon and one of my big influences is no longer with us. What a year 2022 is becomming.
"Earth" was the first music I listen to from this giant, but it was "Albedo" and "Spiral" that where the eye openers for many of his fans. I never met him. You never want to meet your personal Gods. Vangelis opened the bounderies of Electronic Music together with J.M.Jarre for the masses. He opened the ears for our music to so many new listeners.
Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" tv series filled with Vangelis music still gets a view every few years. "1492" and "Chariots" are among the best film music ever made. But his ground breaking music on "Bladerunner" changed the film music imho.
Yes 79 is a respectable age to leave this earth. But it gives me the same feeling I have when my parents died, my Brother, Klaus Schulze and Edgar Froese. A piece of me that is gone forever. It leaves a big void.A yearning. Yes! I know the music will live on but somehow the world got bleeker with the loss of these men! It has become less!!
Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou you where something special. Klaus created an atmosphere of mystic Space music. But you created a music that was BOLD, BIG, small and sensitive, it was universal, it touched the masses and me like no other "Electronic" Musicans solo did! And the Electronic is not even right, this was a musical genieus, multi instrumentalist, a musical companion for so many other musicians and singers. Irene Pappas, Demis Roussos, Jon Anderson and Donna Summer.
It is time to play "Soil Festivities" and sit in a nice chair in a dark room, but even that will not sooth me. Schulze and Vangelis leaving us with in a month. 2 of my biggest influences in music are no longer with us. Only thing I can ask for is to leave Mike Oldfield alone please. My last Musical parent that still walks this Earth !!
(Sent by mail)
Ron Boots
Dutch electronic music composer
R.I.P. Vangelis 1943-2022 One of the greatest musicians and composers of electronic music passed away. An enormous influence on me and muy music. I am broken hearted and grateful for the genius he gave us. THANK YOU MAESTRO.
Bruno Sanfilippo
Argentine classically trained musician & composer
Man… losing Vangelis is just too much. His huge sound and deeply emotional themes have inspiring me in big ways since the beginning. His entire score for “The Bounty” haunts me and always will… I think it’s in my code now ✨😞✨
David Helpling
Guitarist and keyboardist, and recording artist
Can't believe it 🥺 What a terrible times... You were one of those who made me fall in love with electronic music. Rest in peace Master 😞
Polish electronic music composer
Many people have influenced my music career. Vangelis is one of them. He has left this worldly existence and has gone forward leaving his musical legacy as a reminder that music truly IS the song of the soul. Thank you, Vangelis for your music. Rest In Peace.
Kori Linae Carothers
Instrumental Music Escape artist
Terribly saddened to hear that Vangelis has passed away. Watched Chariots of Fire in his honour last night & whilst it might not be my favourite track by this genuinely unique composer the opening scene of the athletes running on the beach is truly an iconic moment of cinema.
Ian Boddy
Brittish electronic music composer
R.I.P. Vangelis ...
How many delusions in your brain have exploded and how many tears have shed from your music. Thank you for your countless impressions.
Yuki Kajiura
Japanese musician, composer and producer
Rest in peace
Tito Puente, Jr.
Musician ‧ Tito Puente's son
What would any of us be doing without such masters that came before us.. RIP Vangelis ❤️
Ólafur Arnalds
Icelandic multi-instrumentalist and producer
First time I watched Blade Runner I had to check twice because I just couldn’t believe this masterpiece soundtrack was created in 1981-1982. I remember when I was a kid and my mom used to talk to me about Vangelis, it inspired me deeply and it gave me confidence to believe in my own music
Blade runner tonight and we’re turning the volume way up 🙏🏼
Rest In Peace pioneer, legend, inspiration, fellow artist
#vangelis 🇬🇷 🖤
Aero Chord
Greek electronic trap producer
Farewell to the maestro Vangelis (1943-2022), the Greek composer and musician, who coloured our lives with such synthetic gems as Albedo 0.39, Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire. I still remember seeing him play live in London, attending the show with my mum 😊
Robin Rimbaud - Scanner
British electronic musician
RIP Vengelis . He inspired all electronic musicians across the world for 4 decades and mastered the art of turning noise to divine music to ears.
Harris Jayaraj
Indian composer and producer
RIP Vangelis, thank you for the music. You're playing CS-80 in heaven now.
Robert Parker
Swedish electronic music composer
When I was 11 years old I saw Blade Runner for the first time. I rode my bike up rockville pike to the movies, I must have watched it three times in a row. That score is what made me want to score films as an adult. Rest In Peace to one of my heroes, Vangelis ❤️ 🎹
Grammy Nominated DJ, songwriter
can't really overstate how important vangelis was/is to me.
my first real, tangible experience with his music was blade runner. in the 90s, you could rent VHS tapes from my local library. my grandfather was a huge film buff and got me into sci-fi pretty early on. they had the director's cut in a big clamshell case, so i checked it out.
i wasn't old enough to drive, but i had a BMX bike and the librarians were chill so off i went.
to this day, obviously i don't know if there is a more imbued space where a film compels a composer to create something for ALL TIME. for the AGES. there are great scores. but blade runner was so beyond all of that.
the score manages to feel old and new at once. it elevates an already great film to an even greater place. it doesn't do anything but exactly what it needs to do; it provides context and depth and texture. it provides soul and mystery. there are no false moves:
the unfurling of a giant fireball and the crash of a cymbal and a sound of a timpani drum. a plume of smoke propelling mead's police car into the rainy night sky and the blooming sound of a CS-80 billowing out from behind the exhaust.
the lilting emotions of men and machines trying to find their places in a cruel world and the wisping sound of chimes and electric piano awash in reverberant echo, it goes on and on.
vangelis and his music are and will continue to compel people to push further and deeper into synthesis and space and the emotional conduits in between.
longing and embrace and everything in between. godspeed.
makeup + vanity set
American electronic music composer
As far as I'm concerned, Vangelis was the greatest Synth Wizard of them all. No musical schooling or training, all feeling, all vibe. He took the CS-80 and launched it places nobody else ever thought to go-- and the utterly timeless Blade Runner score, among many others, was born. Needless to say, he will always be a massive inspiration. Rest in Peace, Lord of the Cosmic Synth ❤
Dead When I Found Her
American electro-industrial music producer
Amongst all the creative giants to have passed over the years, Vangelis’s passing is the one that hits the most. My absolute idol and inspiration as a boy, in the days before the fame that came with his seminal soundtracks, his music provided the means to travel to other realms. It still inspires me to this day.
Καλό ταξίδι στους ουρανούς
VNV Nation
alternative electronic musicproject
”Another legendary composer/musician has passed. And it is with great sadness we bid farewell to our dear Vangelis Papathanassíou. I have a rather extensive Vangelis section and have enjoyed pretty much every single one of his Lp’s. However, my favorites remain ”Earth” from 1973 and Aphrodite’s child’s ”666” from 1972. The latter has a piece called ”Loud, loud, loud”. Listen to it! So effective in all it’s simplicity. And I can’t help to think of how relevant those lyrics are right now
Swedish progressive metal band
I have absolutely no words. This is probably the most tragic loss to me. It's because of his music that I ended up being an electronic musician. He wasn't just a hero of mine, he was the only one. The one you look up to for the rest of your life. We'll sadly miss him, and his skills in the music scene are irreplaceable. No one could compare to him. I regret even more now never trying to meet him. Need a serious cheer up. 😞 #vangelis #RIP
Belgian electronic musician
This hits me hard. I first became aware of his music through the "Cosmos" series and have admired it ever since. If you're only familiar with him through "Chariots of Fire" or "Blade Runner" there is so much else to hear. RIP, maestro.
John Scalzi
American science fiction writer
Saddened to hear musical Maestro VANGELIS, the composer behind iconic soundtracks like BLADE RUNNER, CHARIOTS OF FIRE, and 1492 (among many), has passed away. I know what I will be playing today…
Francesco Francavilla
Italian comic book artist
RIP the one and only Vangelis. Not only was it a privilege to meet you but you welcomed us into your home with such generosity and warmth. Composers have stood on your shoulder to call themselves tall. Your music will live on for ever. #vangelis #rip #musicallegend #chariotsoffire #bladerunner ❤️
Linzi Stoppard
Electric Violinist, one half of violin duo FUSE
Shocked and heartbroken by the passing of one of my dearest friends, Vangelis. We spent so much time together over the years philosophizing, laughing and discussing music… I was always so happy and inspired to spend quality time with this unique and unforgettable personality.
My heartfelt condolences go out to Laura and all of his dear family and friends.
These photos were taken at my 40th birthday party that he hosted at his wonderful home in Paris. I will never forget his warmth and generosity - qualities that are so present in his glorious music.
Julian Rachlin
Violinist, conductor
Dear Vangelis - we will miss you so much! You were one of the kindest, funniest, warmest and most talented people we are proud to call a friend. You have hosted us at your home after our performances, birthdays and you were always open for mischief.
When we asked you to say that you hate our arrangement of your legendary Academy Awards Oscar winning Chariots of Fire, you couldn‘t do it - not even as a joke. When we filmed this reaction video of you, you insisted on watching the reaction video.
And then watching the reaction video of the reaction video.
Link to video : facebook.com/68353...
You had our insane sense of humour and thats why this is our little tribute to you.
You will stay in our hearts forever!
Your Aleksey & Hyung-ki xxx
Igudesman & Joo
Classical musician duo
Very sad to hear that Vangelis has died. It was an honour to work with him on 2 of his albums, especially Juno to Jupiter, where we became good friends. I'll never forget our conversations on art, music and the cosmos. You helped us to listen to the Universe. Thank you Maestro.❤️
Salvador Lavado
Album artwork designer
The brilliant composer Vangelis will truly be missed in both the musical and science community. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and musical gift to bring excitement to the Juno Mission.
Thomas Zurbuchen
NASA Associate Administrator
Such sad news. Was thinking of Vangelis just yesterday, hoping to get back to Paris soon & spend one of those glorious nights exploring the universe together.
Farewell & ad astra, my friend, & thank you for the music that means so much to so many 🙇♂️✨
I'm in shock, to be honest – Vangelis was a huge fan of space & a great friend to both ESA and NASA and also @spacerockslive. It was a privilege to get to know him via @astro_carl & even to work with him on his album for #Rosetta.
Mark McCaughrean
Senior Advisor for Science & Exploration at ESA
Love these pics, taken by Mark McCaughrean. We were trying to get a team selfie, but Mr V couldn’t stay still - they show him modest, unassuming, with playful sense of humour. So many other stories. We’ll miss him.
Corporate Editor, ESA
From Chariots of Fire to Conquest of Paradise and everything beyond and in between, Vangelis was an unparalleled composer whose scores evoked the raw and riveting emtions of listeners around the globe. He will be sorely missed, but we’re grateful that his music will live on.
We were very sad to hear that composer Vangelis has passed away. Our thoughts are with his loved ones.
We are saddened to hear about the passing of renowned composer Vangelis, who was best known for his celebrated film scores such as Chariots of Fire, Alexander and Blade Runner.
Vangelis was a trailblazing composer who was BAFTA-nominated for his unmistakable scores for Blade Runner, Missing and Chariots of Fire. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.
The world has lost a genius. Vangelis created music of extraordinary originality and power, and provided the soundtrack to so many of our lives. Decca had the pleasure of partnering with Vangelis and his team for his past three albums and we will miss him enormously. His music will live on forever.
Dear Vangelis,
You never failed to bring synth-driven suspense and drama to our favourite films.
You helped us all achieve moments of harmony through your melodies and will always be remembered in the art you leave behind.
Very saddened to hear of the passing of Vangelis, the Greek prog-rocker, Oscar-winning composer for films like Chariots of Fire and Blade Runner, and co-founder of Aphrodite's Child. He will be greatly missed.
Discography: https://disc.gs/Vangelis-FB
Can’t believe he is gone. Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire are two of my favourite soundtracks of all time. He was a legend. RIP Vangelis
Demis Hassabis
CEO and founder of DeepMind
Good night, sweet maestro, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest
Elon Musk
CEO of SpaceX and Tesla
A great Greek.
A world musician who knew the power of music very well, so he went beyond borders.
A citizen of the world who made us proud.
A genius musician who respected, as few as possible, traditional music and our musicians.
A rare friend.
George Dalaras
Greek musician and singer
Vangelis was a friend of mine
Vangelis was the greatest Greek composer I had ever met
Vangelis was my constant and sweet influence
Vangelis was in love with an ideal and global Greece
Vangelis proved that Greek music is not a sirtaki and retsina
Vangelis had humor, kindness and spiritual prowess
Vangelis was hurt by the people of the country he internationally honored and represented.
Little devil.
The reserves of his inspiration and love never stopped.
My Vangelis, thank you for everything.
Both as a musician and as a Greek, instead of applause, I bow.
Vangelis is my friend
Stamatis Spanoudakis
Greek composer
Vangelis Papathanassiou was a great Greek composer who excelled at a global level. We say goodbye with a big "thank you" for what he offered to Music, Culture and Greece. #RIP #Vangelis
(translated - check link for original text)
Nikos Dendias
Foreign Minister of Greece
The great Greek composer Vangelis Papathanassiou will now accompany us from the neighborhood of Angels. Ours #Vangelis with his huge and pioneering discography gave him great notes all over the world. He will always travel with his wonderful melodies.
Eliza Vozemberg
Member of the European Parliament for Greece
Vangelis Papathanassiou is no longer with us. For the whole world, the sad news states that the world music scene has lost the international Vangelis. The protagonist of electronic sound, the Oscars, the Myth and the great hits.
For us Greeks, however, knowing that his second name was Odysseus, means that he began his long journey in the Chariots of Fire. From there he will always send us his notes.
(translated - check link for original text)
Kyriakos Mitsotakis
Prime Minister of Greece
Special thanks to Carl Deseyn, Peter Dekker, and Ivar de Vries. Appreciated!
We are heartbroken to have to share the following news with you:
From his private office
Tomorrow is the day of release of the vinyl version of Vangelis' "Juno To Jupiter" album. Released in a gatefold cover holding 2 records, with the extra bonus track "Cosmos Autopater" added to the very end of the album. This piece of music is not available in any other way. And of course, the stunningly beautifull booklet is included in a size that matches the 12" records.
Here's the third and final part of our reader contributed Juno To Jupiter reviews. Thanks again to everyone who contributed!
In order to properly review a Vangelis album I believe it is necessary to listen to it several times first. At his best, Vangelis creates music which is seemingly simple, while hiding many layers of complexity which the average human, such as myself, cannot assimilate the first time around. This album is no exception, which is great news since some of his latter albums have been devoid of this depth. I liken it to Rosetta, which I enjoyed very much, especially because it is experimental, yet melodic. I find Juno to Jupiter to be more polished and even richer in complexity. What Juno to Jupiter lacks are nice tidy tracks with a clear and sweet melody line (the hook, as some call it), and I suspect that many of the negative reviews get caught up on Vangelis not indulging us with such melodies. Yes, I too wish a couple of tracks were more melodic. However, the music is still beautiful, rich, deep, complex and exciting. Best of all, it grows on you, as you begin to understand and appreciate what it has to offer. I believe this work will withstand the test of time and will become yet another vintage Vangelis album.
Richard Miranda
Its just so hard to believe that this work, a supreme opus magnus, is created by only one man. Often the scope of sounds and music encompass a whole orchestra.
Curiously, this release, the second time around (with a year in-between the early digital drop), has no extra music, which I found odd because during the transition year, at least 3 separate NASA videos were released with new Vangelis music. Flight Over Jupiter, Juno Discovers Dust Storms and Juno Flies Past Ganymede. So obviously there was a lot of music recorded by our man. I personally thought Flight would have been a better opener to the album, and the Ganymede piece a better closer, given that In Serenitatem drifts very slowly away.
Be that as it may, the music we do have is sublime and by far the most engaging ever from Vangelis. I find it hard to stop once I start - it really deserves to be listened to in full.
Comparisons to past albums abound with shades of Blade Runner, Antarctica, and Mythodea present, and of course I was thrilled to hear an edit from Case 4 from the unreleased Tegos Tapes near the end. Vangelis is obviously aware of his fans likes and dislikes!!
Zeus Almighty is a great stand-alone piece and the longest on the album, but given all tracks merge into each other the only real break is with the divine Juno's Echoes. Interestingly there is hardly any solo piano in the set. I guess he reckons Nocturnes covered that, and given his age it was very refreshing hear the upbeat jazzy riffs leading the album, before the more classical influences. The soprano pieces make great interludes amongst the music and reminded me of Mask. If this is Vangelis last album it would certainly be a fantastic swan song, but somehow I feel the man just gets better and better with age, and that there will be much more still to come.
I would be rating this album as a 5 star release alongside El Greco and Blade Runner
Nev Dorrington
With Juno to Jupiter Vangelis didn't only give humanity the so much needed source of beauty and inspiration, he also gave the listeners an opportunity to travel and feel love, as we are entering a third year of lockdowns, separations, struggle. A third year of the worst global health crisis which took millions of lives, caused a universal damage to people's physical and mental health, disturbed our social, cultural and professional lives.
Over this critical period, Vangelis and his team worked hard to give this present to the people of science, people who have been shaping the future of our planet through many centuries. Juno to Jupiter was also a delicately made present for his fans, as the album contains some of the most beloved elements of his music of the last 30 years in a very “Vangelis” way of versatile contrasts and alterations. Music lovers will appreciate it.
Finally, dedicating the album to his brother Niko is for me a reminder about the value and importance of family, love and care for each other, particularly in this troubled times. Thank you so much Vangelis, all the wonderful people who contributed to the work and made it real despite the long delay (mentioned in the booklet) and of course the elsew.com team!
Sincerely, Ilia Nadareishvili
For me, every time that Vangelis focuses inspiration on one single idea or single object makes incredible music. And this is one more example: One entire disc focus in one space mission: Juno. Like "Rosetta", this disc sounds like a "greatest hits" of typical Vangelis sounds, with plenty of moments that automatically remind me of other masterpieces. But, of course, disc plenty of surprises. Maybe "Inside of our perspectives" (track 2) is the most surprising track, compared with the rest of the tracks: they sound like a pop song mixed with CS-80 patches. Very Original. Evidently, mythology touches internal strings in Vangelis, and he replies by creating hymns with Incredibles environments. But, when he uses soprano voices the music moves back from the center of attention. Lucky for me, the soprano appears only in three tracks, and is well balanced inside the first two tracks but with some excessive "soprano moment" in "Juno's accomplishments".
Normally all the music of Vangelis paints images, scenes, and landscapes in my mind. Like no other. And like a lot of people that heard Vangelis music for the very first time in "Cosmos", the music of Vangelis and the Astronomy travel together in my mind. And for me, a big fan of Vangelis and a big fan of Astronomy, the releases of "Mythodea", "Rosetta" and "Juno to Jupiter" were incredibly exciting times. But, you know, we can agree that Vangelis music always has a "space touch" in some other discs not directly related to space.
When I listened "Juno to Jupiter" and read the titles of each track, immediately recognize that the order of the tracks are similar to the order of the milestones of the Juno mission. And a question appeared in my mind: "What images, sounds, and information inspired Vangelis to create the music contained in Juno to Jupiter album?"
I conducted a very deep exploration trying to answer that question and after a lot of work, I published this investigation inside a science podcast in which I participate: "From South: Exploring the Cosmos". In the next link (automated translation from Spanish to English) you can read Juno's mission information related to each track of this Vangelis disc, in the same order of the disc. Like a brief story, you can read information about the mission and, at the end of each section of information, you will find the indication for hear the track related to the text.
When you listen to each track after reading the related information, I promise you that the music and the title of each track will make more sense, and the experience that each track gives you will be much more intense.
Daniel Migueles
Curious Vangelis
Many who have tried to catalog Vangelis. Between "New Age" and "Postmodernism", among other absurd labeling, they all broke their teeth. Vangelis amazes and never ceases to amaze, while revisiting the origins of his work.
In "Curious Electric", taken from his album Short Stories, released in 1979, he probed, with the spatial voice of Jon Anderson, the curious relationship between man and electromagnetic energy, as if already at the time, he foresaw a possible dialogue. Obviously, this is still the case in the reality of the exploration of space and its relationship with the machine, in particular that capable of taking mankind as far as possible in space. This time, in Juno to Jupiter, the dialogue changes dimension. It comes in all its forms from a soft whisper, felt in "Juno's Tender Call", to a state of direct confrontation, in "Jupiter's Veil of Clouds". Between man and an unknown nature, often unpredictable, sails a powerful machine, the space probe Juno or Hera, the Greek name for the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter.Jupiter, impassive planet, surrounded by abrupt mystery facing the NASA with its army of researchers, astrophysicists and engineers, its colossal resources and its machines that come out of sci-fi movie skits.
Vangelis outlines the features of this confrontation, with the patience of the painter he is, thus offering to listen, and also to see Juno to Jupiter, which comes naturally to be added, after Spirale, Invisible Connections, Mythodea and more recently Rosetta to his long series of works which describe the human exploration of space.
Vangelis, already present in the space adventure since Spirale in 1977, invents a sound and even a visual dialogue between Juno and Jupiter. A face to face between a raw nature, versatile and almost unknown to humans and a machine created by them. A choral and musical face-to-face which introduces us to an unprecedented dialogue. Vangelis thus probes, in a musical and sound choreography entirely dedicated to the beauty of artistic expression, the lack of response of the vast cosmos to the anxiety of man who insists on unraveling the mystery of being and that of becoming.
Then comes the first mystery of this Space/Man confrontation, "Juno's Quiet Determination". An unprecedented and reckless musical experience ....Juno probe roars, seeking to communicate with Jupiter, suspicious, impassive ....!
Curious Hera
Upon the release of Rosetta in 2016, I predicted that the sequence "Sunlight" was the embodiment of this homogeneous album already radiated with that power of expression that characterizes Vangelis music. And now "Sunlight" turns into "Hera / Juno Queen of Gods"in 2021. What could I say? Vangelis is willingly perpetuated to better accentuate the dramatic effect of Juno / Jupiter's meeting, but this time with the celestial voice of Angela Gheorghiu which recalls his masterpiece, "Gloriana", in 1989 which enshrined the unforgettable voice of Markella Hatziano.
So far away in the space ..... So clear !!!
Alex Caire
Most of fans might tent to find similarities between brand new album and earlier works, but my first impression is what he did was completely extraordinary and even progressive. Our virtuoso returns as a keyboard player on the whole composition and his new collaborator Angela Gheorghiu brilliantly inspires warmth to orchestral stuff. It was a bit like listening to his classic electronic sound in RCA-era, adding layers of contemporary symphonic score. I would like to give five stars because I am particularly admiring on the sound of 'Juno to Jupiter'. Fortunately, It is not surprising to realize that he is still ready to go beyond his most haunting music.
Ho Gyum Kim
Thank you very much, to all contributors!
We received questions about the versions of the Juno To Jupiter album whose releases are still pending. First on February 2 (or 4 according to other sources) the vinyl will be released on two 12" LPs in a gatefold sleeve. Finally, the Limited Edition Box Set will come in June, which will contain both the CD, the vinyl, the book, a poster and a lenticular bookmark.
Earlier editions are referred to as the standard CD release and the CD Box Set.
We at Elsewhere recommend not to actually order your products using the official Deccastore (the links we provided with the official press release), because we feel their customer service has proven to be below common standards. 1. They do not send partial shipments when part of your order are pre-orders. 2. They make no effort to ship from within the EU to EU customers resulting in long customs delays and added import taxes for many customers. 3. They do not send out pre-orders before or at the actual release date, instead without any warning or explanation they wait until a week or more after release date before shipping your products.
Here's the second batch of reader reviews. Thank you to all who contributed. We are still accepting new input, submit by email here:
A breathtaking travel through space, but also through five decades of Vangelis' music. As Juno discovers the secrets of Jupiter, we as listeners journey through the clouds of our musical memories. Listening to the 72 minutes of Juno to Jupiter we explore back and forward so many great sonic avenues, familiar but still original, while always staying the course, in a way that only Vangelis can do. Well done, Maestro!
Marc Vanholsbeeck
I'm deeply grateful for this Masterpiece which offers us so much Happiness. My heart never ceases to thank Vangelis for sharing so many emotions endlessly in this wonderful new Opus Juno to Jupiter.
Fernando Hoya
I admit I was hoping for a correct album, but not one of Vangelis' greats, however there is memorable music on Juno To Jupiter. A good part of it is music, I would say that it is a soundtrack to accompany the space mission, and in that sense it fulfills perfectly; but there is also music like that for which you can leave the album well at hand, because you want to play it over and over again. I have already listened to "Juno's Tender Call" dozens of times in the few days that I have been with the album; I find it beautiful. The other pieces in which Angela Gheorghiu takes part do not detract. "Inside Our Perspectives" and "In The Magic Of Cosmos" are perhaps the most commercial pieces, the kind with hook. "Hera / Juno Queen Of The Gods" is a cover of "Sunlight" (Rosetta), and "Juno's Power" is intentionally reminiscent of "Conquest Of Paradise", but there are more pieces with echoes of already known Vangelis music, than satisfies to acknowledge. Ultimately, Vangelis remains at a high level. I can't stop thinking about what has happened with Mike Oldfield and Jean-Michel Jarre, two of the greats who have lost their musical direction years ago and, although Jarre has released one album after another in recent years, I have not found in them one piece to remember and get those records off the shelf after the first time I listened to them. I hope that one day they will delight us again. Vangelis is still in great shape. Thank you, once again, for your music. Long live the Maestro!
PS: The only downside is why are there two pieces that are on Vinyl and not on CD (not even in the boxed version)?
Tomás Vega Moralejo, from Spain
Oscar-winning composer Vangelis release his newest album called Juno To Jupiter. This is a 100% superb classical space music with new elements sounds you had encounter with ambient style of music. This masterpiece it only takes you to a different new place only this time it's Jupiter mission to the universe and beyond. Like Mythodea and Rosetta are both combinations mixed Vangelis creates his own symphonic with digital orchestra sound samplers along with project is soprano Angela Gheorghiu as Juno, her voice perform is sound beautifully with gentle delicate music on Juno's Tender Call. it's good to hear Vangelis his synth instruments like the yamaha CS-80 his favorite signature sound. he picks his own soundscape from his music past archives. Inside Our Perspective I had fun dancing away with the tune. The rest of the sound of music are now so timeless in space, it's the soundtrack to our lives. I definitely recommended to buy this copy this will be added to your collection on CD and vinyls to listen and enjoy.
I was a huge Vangelis fan since he did the score for Blade Runner in 1982. that's one of my favorite movie and soundtracks of all time it made an impact in my life. I've been collecting his music over the years. It's the best time and bad time when I feel a little bit down I play his music makes me feel better. He made music came from nature he connect with. Congratulations Vangelis for your latest work you made for fan as me too. Just remember, with great full respect to the maestro for music and his work. Thank you Vangelis.
Laserdisc Dream
Juno to Jupiter this is a very good album, long waited for. Unlike the late 70's when Vangelis was recording 2 or 3, albums a year (Beaubourg, Odes, Opera Sauvage, China, Short Stories, all from '78-'79).
I just ordered Juno last night. It will be here tomorrow, but I've heard it all on the web. This album and Rosetta are obviously linked through the space missions and indeed there is one song featuring Angela Gheorghiu (Juno Queen of the Gods) that has the same melody as Sunlight from Rosetta. It seems more uplifting with Angela singing beautiful soprano vocals. Apart from those elements this is a stand alone album with the impact of a pleasant and successful space voyage.
This is a very long album 70 minutes plus and should please those who have longed for his more ambient electronica leanings, but also harp, piano, timpani are used throughout. Juno's power also quotes 1492's main theme. It's interesting, someone keeps insisting that Heaven and Hell is his best work, as it is pre-Yamaha-CS80, for with he is most known for. Regardless of what album or style he plays, has been a constant for over 40 years.
Best Regards, David Denton
Thank you to all of you who contributed!
Time to examine the CD Box edition of the Juno To Jupiter album. The front artwork on the box is obviously completely different from the standard CD release. The size is just enough to hold the CD and the thick CD sized booklet of 176 pages. The CD is ints own gatefold eco wallet, looking exactly like the standard CD release, except the front container, which holds the thin booklet for the standard CD is closed for this version.
Two more releases of Juno To Jupiter are still pending: The 2LP vinyl release, and the (Corrected afterwards: We called this the deluxe box set, but the official name, approved by Vangelis is Limited) Limited Edition Box Set, which will contain both the vinyl and the CD. Details for those releases will be properly announced in due time.
Here's the first batch of reader reviews we have received. We are still open for more input, submit by email here:
Vangelis (1943), active as a composer and music innovator since 1963, is obviously still inspired. His dreamy 2019 album "Nocturne" had the uncanny feeling of being somewhat of a farewell-album, but "Juno to Jupiter" bristles once more with wonderful ideas. On the one hand, the sound is full of robotics, mechanics and science; but on the other hand, the sound is also full of love, compassion and consolation. What's more, he manages to combine these contrasts in a remarkably original way. On this album, he also seems to revisit some of his earlier landmarks: we hear soundscapes that remind one of Mask (1985), Blade runner (1982), Mythodea (2001), and even Conquest of Paradise (1992), specifically "Moxica and the Horse".
For this concept album, Vangelis combined the scientific Jupiter mission with the ancient mythology of Zeus and Hera, which provided the space for the romantic ingredients on the album. The truly magnificent contributions of soprano Angela Gheorghiu (as Juno / Hera) on three tracks is really the icing on the cake. The only 'minor' point that I could think of is that all tracks crossfade into each other, which means that in the full run of 72 minutes, there is barely a single second of absolute silence, which for some may turn the experience into a long haul. This is definitely no background music; it requires your full attention. But in that case the investment is certainly worth it. Chapeau maestro Vangelis!
Jan-Willem van Aalst
Once again, the Maestro ventures out into space. In the body of his work, this can sound like a faint merger of Mythodea and Rosetta. Like Mythodea, it fuses the ancient Greek (and by name Roman) theogeny with space exploration. And like Rosetta, it is adventurous in the various styles executed and the timbres employed. But like with all of his albums, it is definitely a work onto itself and plays by its own rules. Personally, I like it when Vangelis gets into adventurous mode as it was akin to what he was doing in the 1970s and 1980s. It's clear that he is very comfortable with his setup, which will allow him to go into these various directions as directed [see what I did there? ;) ]. All in all, a lovely addition to the grand oeuvre of Vangelis. Ad astra per aspera.
Derek Power
This music seems to be identical with the leaked version from last summer, so in this sense it is not new to many fans, but it's good have the physical album in our hands, at last. I like the lengthy booklet too, which is part of the CD box.
To me the biggest strength of this album is its sound which I find awesome: truly cosmic, magnificient, fitting perfectly with the NASA project. I'm wondering if Juno and Jupiter synths are used, but I can hear many unique sounds which make the album really colorful, not even mentioning the 3 ariettas which blend nicely with the other tracks. The music is actually so "visual" that it would have deserved a simultaneous DVD release, just imagine 73 minutes of music with images of Jupiter and the Solar System.
As a standalone music album however, I find Juno To Jupiter less satisfying than some other Vangelis works, because none of the tracks appear to be outstanding or essential on their own. It might be due to my personal preference: I find Vangelis at his best when he delivers more rhythmic, theme-based compositions. Juno to Jupiter belongs rather to the ambient genre, especially the first 50 minutes before it turns classical/orchestral.
Zoltán Horváth
A new Vangelis album is always a great event. In this case, for me, I bought it over a year ago when it was "leaked" on a website so it was quite disappointing to wait so long for its official release. As usual with Vangelis, it is always a mixture of expected and unexpected and there are a few surprises. "Juno's quiet determination" is one of these songs that is different, light hearted, even funny yet enjoyable and quite different from V's usual style. Whilst not the most melodic album, a few gems like Juno's Tender Call and Inside Our Perspectives are quite catchy. My favourite is Jupiter's Veil Of Clouds, which he had composed for Mary Katrantzou's Spring Summer 2019 fashion show, although he got it of the Pulstar piano reference which I would have loved in this album. A very good album, but definitely not my favourite!
Yannick Berland (UK)
This new work by Vangelis will be for Vangelis fanatics, as always, a masterpiece. For fans like me, who like to compare his works, it is better than the unfortunate Rosetta and Alexander. It's a nice New Age album like Chariots of Fire (movie and musical) but it's far from his best Heaven and Hell. Vangelis sounds a bit more modern Direct type, with sounds and tunes of Blade Runner, El Greco, Alexander, The City and ... The Tegos Tapes, the latter being much superior to Juno and from where Vangelis takes several tunes, but he not develops them in the same way as in The Tegos Tapes.
When it comes to Vangelis' new album, a comparison is usually made between his old and new style. In my opinion, the maestro uses only one style of his own - spontaneity and improvisation. As a medieval alchemist, Vangelis mixed various genres and styles very aptly, and the result is a magical musical meditation. The extravagant "Inside our perspectives" evokes in my imagination a futuristic fashion show on a space station in orbit around Jupiter. "Out in Space"? Perhaps the most spectacular and mysterious play by the composer in decades. My journey continues, with the memory of "2001 : A Space Odyssey" by Sir Arthur Clarke. That's it. The "Discovery" spacecraft enters Jupiter's lunar system. Majestic, mysterious, incomprehensible Cosmos. Only Maestro Vangelis can recreate the mysterious silence of space in sounds! Angela Gheorghiu raises her voice in three wonderful compositions like a real opera Diva ! Poetry! Surprisingly, the sublime theme of the album is "Zeus Almighty". It sounds like a suite for classical ballet with the main characters Zeus and Hera. An involuntary parallel with Stravinsky also arises in me. Vangelis' music paints beautiful pictures of Greek mythology. Zeus, Hera, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto in their "space" garden .... In this album, Vangelis has shown the whole palette of colours of life, because in his musical themes I do not hear to his old or new style, but I see the past, present and future. Respect, Maestro Papathanassiou!
Valeri Kirilov
Thank you to all of you who contributed!
Just adding a quick note that release of the release of the CD box, with physical booklet, has also been confirmed. This includes shipments from the Decca Store.
Thanks to all who wrote to us about that, in order of receiving: Marc Vanholsbeeck, Zoltán Horváth, Gertjan Raterink and John Battema. Appreciated!
And there it is, the 24th of September, one week after the release of "Juno's Tender Call" as third pre-release single, Decca has now released Vangelis' latest studio album "Juno To Jupiter".
Some formats are still pending, but today it was released in digital format (both stereo and Dolby Atmos spacial mix), and on a regular CD. Note, the regular CD does not contain the large 178 page booklet in physical form, but it contains a link to download it in PDF format.
All other digital releases (CD box, vinyl, deluxe box set) should contain a printed version of the booklet, but so far, we found no confirmation that any of those formats have actually become available today, even though the (small) CD box set was announced as such. Dates for the vinyl release and the deluxe box set (with both CD and vinyl) have yet to be announced.
Actually, from sources close to Vangelis, we hear that two more video's will be released at short notice, to accompany the tracks "Inside Our Perspectives" and "Hera / Juno Queen of the Gods". One of these will be accompanies by NASA footage, the other will be animated. Additionally, the track "Hera / Juno Queen of the Gods" will be distributed for free through selected platforms.
As for the music, it strikes me as a particularly fresh and colorful album, with music in great variety. Very fitting for the topic, while avoiding the biggest space music cliches. It's electronic music, melodic but ambient at the same time. Satisfying in threading new grounds, while staying true to the style and quality that has appealed to fans for so many years.
Highlights for me personally are the three tracks with Angela Gheorghiu's soprano voice, as all three excel in melodic quality and delicate performances by both Vangelis and Georghiu. They perfectly complement the electronic moods of the rest of the album while keeping the flow natural and uninterrupted.
I particularly enjoyed the countless references to previous Vangelis music releases (both famous and obscure recordings), which long-time Vangelis followers may be able to pick up on. They seem to have been incorporated deliberately, sometimes with just a few familiar hooks, sometimes much more than that. "Hera / Juno Queen of the Gods" is no less than a re-envisioned version of "Rosetta"'s "Sunlight". But did you pick up traces of "Conquest of Paradise"? "Alexander" (a hymne only heard in the movie), "Blade Runner End Titles"? There's even a small part from Vangelis' 1998 Microneurosurgery music project popping up.
To celebrate the release, please feel invited to share your thoughts on the album. We'll collect them for publication on this site in the weeks to come.
Please limit your story to roughly 450 words and stick to the topic: Juno To Jupiter. Email your input to: elsew.com@gmail.com
With only a week left to go until the "Juno To Jupiter" album is finally released, the third and final single will be out tomorrow.
Here's a great new detail about the album: Vangelis has delivered a Dolby Atmos mix, which means a mix in the surround configuration used by the best cinemas of today, where sound does not only come from left or right speakers, but also from behind as well as above.
Tomorrow's single will already be available in the Dobly Atmos format. Of course, only through those channels that support this technology.
Decca has released a teaser video for Vangelis' upcoming album Juno To Jupiter.
Oliver Stone disclosed a big scoop today on Facebook, casually mentioning he will be in Paris with Vangelis, who scores the music for his upcoming documentary on nuclear energy.
"Also, in Paris, will be spotting music with composer Vangelis for our nuclear energy documentary, which we're finishing this Fall. It took longer (1.5 years) than I ever suspected. A lot of new science involved. Should be ready early next year."
Decca has just released the second single for Vangelis' upcoming "Juno To Jupiter" album. The track is titled "Inside Our Perspectives".
Universal has just launched its web site for Vangelis' upcoming Juno To Jupiter album. It allows you to select an angle on Jupiter to create custom artwork for your own Vangelis Spotify playlist.
Here is decca's full press release text:
Decca Records announces the release of Vangelis' new album "Juno to Jupiter" on September 24. The album will be available on CD and digital formats, with vinyl and a limited edition box set to follow.
The work, inspired by NASA's ground-breaking mission by the Juno space probe and its ongoing exploration of Jupiter, is a multi-dimensional musical journey featuring the voice of opera superstar Angela Gheorghiu. The album includes sounds from the Juno launch event on earth, from the probe and its surroundings and Juno's subsequent journey that have been sent back to earth from the probe, which continues to study Jupiter and its moons: 365 million miles away from the earth at its closest point.
The Juno mission, one of NASA's most challenging and scientifically ambitious planetary missions ever attempted, is named so after Hera (in Roman Juno), who, according to Greek mythology, was the mother of Gods and humans and the wife of Zeus, in Roman Jupiter, who was the father of Gods and humans. In order to hide his mischiefs, Jupiter drew a veil of clouds around himself. However, Hera/Juno was able to peer through the clouds and discover her husband's activities with her special powers. Similarly the Juno spacecraft is looking beneath the clouds revealing the planet's structure and history and how our solar system has been formed.
"I thought to put emphasis on the characteristics of Jupiter/Zeus and Hera/Juno that according to the Greek Theogony, had a special relationship. I felt that I should present Zeus/Jupiter only with sound, as the musical laws transform chaos into harmony, which moves everything and life itself. Unlike, for Hera / Juno, I felt the need for a voice. Angela Gheorghiu, represents in this historical depiction of the mission to the planet Jupiter, Hera / Juno, in a breathtaking way. " - Vangelis
This July marks the five-year anniversary of the Juno spacecraft's orbit insertion at Jupiter. Launched in 2011 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Juno arrived at Jupiter on July 4, 2016. Due to its importance the mission that primarily was scheduled to be completed 31st of this July, has been extended by NASA and now Juno will continue exploring the full Jovian system - Jupiter and its moons - until September 2025.
Voices featured on the album, courtesy of NASA, include scientists Randall Faelan (Lockheed Martin, Deep Space Exploration Real-Time Operations Lead), Chris Leeds (Lockheed Martin, Telecom Sr. Engineer), Jennifer Delavan (Lockheed Martin, Spacecraft Systems) and Matt Johnson (Juno Mission Manager, JPL/Caltech).
Vangelis, a pioneer in electronic music, with his ever expanding imagination and innovative experimentations, is the one that, as no other, has made the perfect blending between the acoustic and electronic world. His orchestrations for this new album expand once again the horizons of electronic music by blurring the line between it and acoustic symphonic music which culminate in a breath-taking and in the same time soothing musical journey. Vangelis' characteristic use of synthesizers, bold brass riffs and expansive strings convey a sense of mystery about life beyond our own world, and commemorate all those who have dealt and still deal with the observation and the exploration of the stars, the planets and the Universe; and who have dedicated their lives to understanding the final frontier and the secrets of our solar system.
"The music of a film is instrumental in the feeling one gets, this idea is clear to all film makers, as the music touches our souls in a way that far surpasses the visual experience. This is the case in so many films that Vangelis has scored, and is again true for Juno to Jupiter which provides a new dimension to our connection with nature and humanity's quest to reach out beyond Earth and touch the part of us that is present throughout the solar system and beyond. " - Dr. Scott Bolton, Juno Mission Principal Investigator
Vangelis, without formal training, began playing piano at the age of four and by age six was giving public performances of his own compositions - his natural gift coming from a place he calls memory - a place he says we can all tap into if we can only remember. Since his childhood, Vangelis is constantly composing music and has released over forty albums, over twenty movie/TV soundtracks, two ballets, one modern dance performance, six plays, three choral symphonies and has major audio/visual spectaculars to his credit.
Vangelis' music is often linked to themes of science, history and exploration. Alongside his Academy Award-winning score for Chariots of Fire and his acclaimed Blade Runner music, he has written the choral symphony 'Mythodea' for NASA's 2001 Mission to Mars, as well as films including Antarctica, 1492: Conquest of Paradise and Alexander. Vangelis also collaborated with the European Space Agency (ESA) on his album Rosetta to mark the culmination of the Rosetta Mission to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history, as well as for the broadcasting by ESA into space of his CD single dedicated to the late Professor Stephen Hawking, as a mark of respect and remembrance. His music has also been used in the documentary series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage by Carl Sagan.
NASA has presented Vangelis with their Public Service Medal. Also, the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory named the Asteroid 6354 which is located between Jupiter and Mars "Vangelis" in his honour, due to the international impact and appreciation of his work as well as his rapport with the Universe.
"Vangelis has composed all of the music for Juno videos, documentaries, and simulations of observations […]. It is not often that an Oscar-winning (and not only) composer is inspired to write music about space. So, the Juno mission has had its public impact multiplied by the unique talent of Vangelis' music. This libretto is a continuation of the Juno story.... " - Stamatios (aka Tom) Krimigis, Principal Investigator, Voyager 1 and 2
Vangelis' position and strongest wish is that we shouldn't forget that Space, Universe, Cosmos, in whichever name we call it, is our hope and future and we need to be careful not to make the same mistakes in space that we constantly made in our planet, as it is the only chance we have - our future.
Vangelis Juno to Jupiter, CD and Digital, is out via Decca on September 24 and available to preorder here. Vinyl and a limited-edition box set to follow.
CD Track list:
1. ATLAS' PUSH Spoken word samples courtesy of NASA 2. INSIDE OUR PERSPECTIVES 3. OUT IN SPACE 4. JUNO'S QUIET DETERMINATION 5. JUPITER'S INTUITION 6. JUNO'S POWER 7. SPACE'S MYSTERY ROAD 8. IN THE MAGIC OF COSMOS 9. JUNO'S TENDER CALL Angela Gheorghiu, soprano, as Juno 10. JUNO'S ECHOES 11. JUNO'S ETHEREAL BREEZE 12. JUPITER'S VEIL OF CLOUDS 13. HERA/JUNO QUEEN OF THE GODS Angela Gheorghiu, soprano, as Juno 14. ZEUS ALMIGHTY 15. JUPITER REX 16. JUNO'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS Angela Gheorghiu, soprano, as Juno 17. APO 22 Spoken word samples courtesy of NASA. (*) 18. IN SERENITATEM
(*) Voices: Randall Faelan, Lockheed Martin, Deep Space Exploration Real-Time Operations Lead; Chris Leeds, Lockheed Martin, Telecom Sr. Engineer; Jennifer Delavan, Lockheed Martin, Spacecraft Systems; and Matt Johnson, Juno Mission Manager, JPL/Caltech.
An observation, the coverart has slightly changed since last year's listings: Angela Gheorghiu's name has been added, labeled "Soprano, as Juno".
Note, the vinyl release, which will follow on a later date, will have a bonus track called COSMOS AUTOPATOR added to the very end. Also, IN SERENITATEM is listed as "(vinyl version)", probably to fit with the extra closing track.
Something to look forward to: There will be a thick beautiful 176 [Note: Corrected, early count was spreads, not pages!] page booklet that should be a part of the principal CD release, as well as the upcoming vinyl and limited edition releases. The booklet is full of photographs of Jupiter, the cosmos, the NASA teams, Greek mythology and a great many never before released photographs of Vangelis, Gheorghiu and other people involved in the album. It also contains textual contributions from Vangelis, Angela Gheorghiu and others.
Expect the official announcement by Decca here around 10:00 CET, but life is faster than press releases. Both Spotify and Apple music (Best check your favorite digital music resource as well) have the first single for Vangelis upcoming new album "Juno To Supiter" available at this very moment. Apple lists a release date for the rest of the album as September 24.
An update with official information expected tomorrow morning, both here and through official channels. Check back then!
Vangelis continues to support NASA's Juno project, this time with a nearly four minute long origial score for the video of Juno's latest (34th!) fly-by of Jupiter, as well as its moon Ganymade.
Similar to earlier Juno video releases, the music is unique for this occasion, and not a part of the upcoming Juno album release that we're all still anticipating.
In celebration of tomorrow's Earth Day, Vangelis has something special to share. On 21:00 CET (Paris, Amsterdam), 8PM BST (London) time, 3PM EDT (New York City), the Space Rocks Youtube channel will broadcast a new interview with Vangelis. The program is an episode in their series "Uplink" titeld "UPLINK 45: A VISION FOR OUR PLANET – WITH VANGELIS".
Space Rocks is ESA's celebration of space exploration and the art, music, and culture it inspires, mostly manifested on their YouTube channel and presented on other social media
NASA uploaded a new video with an original score by Vangelis. Scientists at NASA's Juno Mission made a possible new discovery linking the source of the Zodiac light observed on Earth with Martian dust, and not as always thought from dust of asteroids. The video is accompanied by a new piece of Vangelis music. See the video at the link below.
One of the holy grails in Vangelis collecting could be considered the elusive Montserrat Caballé box set called "Armenia and Artsakh - An Isle of Christianity". The CD, DVD and Blu-Ray all include a brand new Vangelis and Caballé collaboration track called "Habanera" and an orchestral re-recording of their earlier "Like a Dream". As well as a new Brian May recording of "Is This The World We Created", for Queen collectors and a series of classical pieces). Recorded in 2014 and released in an extremely limited quantity, this set was expected to be a pre-release item, with a general release to follow shortly. The set was exclusively handed out to invited guests at a private event in Paris, as described in our June 1 2014 update and then ... all went quiet.
Now, quote unexpectedly the box set seems to have become available for sale to the general public, sold through a dedicated web site. The project seems to be related to the Starmus Festival for science and arts, which will be hosted in Armenia in 2021.
Special thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for his find and input, as well as Carl Deseyn and Christian Jorgensen. Appreciated!
Vangelis just released the following official statement:
“To my dear friend Sean: the man with a unique charisma, the distinguished personality, the great actor, the admired and appreciated by the people all over the world, the one carrying a childlike innocence and the strongest desire for freedom, I wish you this journey to the known unknown to bring you even closer to harmony and fulfillment to your soul.
Your friend,
While we wait for the release of Vangelis' new album "Juno to Jupiter" (currently set for a December 11 release), NASA has just released a new video from the space mission the album celebrated and honors. The footage is a reconstruction of what actual video footage of a Jupiter fly-by would look like, based on 41 still photographs taken by the spacecraft. The video is accompanied by a new piece of Vangelis music. As with the other videos released by the Juno mission, the music is not actually among the upcoming album's compositions and will probably only ever be heard in this video.
Sources close to Vangelis have informed us that release dates for both physical and digital versions of Vangelis' upcoming album "Juno To Jupiter" are being rescheduled to a later date. Exact release dates are to be confirmed.
Things are moving quickly, on the upcoming new Vangelis album "Juno To Jupiter". While the release by Universal label Decca is not actually imminent, yesterday a website called OperaWire.com announced a release for this week, with artwork depicted and then this morning, the album suddenly popped up for sale in one single digital store, many weeks before its actual release date. Erroneously that is.
To help clear up the status of this release, here is a statement from Vangelis' team:
It has been announced by Operawire and Francisco Salazar that Vangelis' album "Juno to Jupiter" has been released digitally by Universal on August 7th 2020. Such digital release will actually take place on September 25th. Thus this announcement is not accurate and probably due to some inadvertence.
More importantly, Prestomusic is selling music online, claiming that this is the music of the "Juno to Jupiter" album, without knowing this is the actual music by Vangelis. Fans need to be alerted not to buy this product; and the ones who have already obtained it are advised to demand their money back, as the official release is going to take place on September 25 2020.
Vangelis and his legal and artistic team warn the fans that they don't know the exact nature of this music, although indeed the track list is correct.
Vangelis' team declares that they reserve their rights to claim any damages that have been made to them and ask fans and audiences to refrain from purchasing the music from Prestomusic, in light of the above.
Let's not completely ignore the good news: Reactions among fans who purchased the album are generally very good. Exciting new music that covers the NASA mission with class, while avoiding most of the usual space music clichees, even if those would have been clichees Vangelis himself single handedly invented, once upon a time in music history.
NASA released a visualisation video from its Juno mission to Jupiter, titled "Shallow Lightning on Jupiter" the animation features new music by Vangelis. Follow the link below.
Vangelis just released the following official statement:
“Dear Maestro unfortunately we never had the chance to meet and to have a conversation. Today I am going to tell you what I had in my heart but I never had the opportunity to express it to you. I always wanted to tell you when I heard from the very first time your music that I immediately understood your immense talent, your sense of melody and your innate capacity to touch directly with your music the soul of the people. And I have to thank you for that. I am sure that by now you travel to the place where harmony and music were born. And I hope that this makes you very content.
- Vangelis
The release of Vangelis' new Juno mission album is coming closer. The album puts a spotlight on NASA's Juno mission: A space probe sent out to the planet Jupiter, currently still orbiting said planet for continued surveillance and research.
Our sources close to Vangelis confirm her involvement. She sings wordless melodies to music performed by Vangelis (there is no orchestra on this album).
According to our reliable sources the initial release of the album will be in digital form only: Download, streaming, etc. Gheorgiu mentions a July release but it could be later than that. It will be accompanied by a web site.
Separately, later this year, a special physical release including a CD will follow, which will be accompanied by a book about Jupiter, the mission, mythology (Zeus is the Greek equivalent of Roman god Jupiter), including some recent photographs of Vangelis, etc.
Good things to look forward to!
We have some catching up to do, as the following was announced on June 12:
"I am announcing my participation in the endeavor of Mr. Yannick Monget and Symbiom Editions to the publishing of their book, under the title “Hopes”, in which, they present the severe dangers our Planet is facing and the existing solutions in this regard.
I decided, along with many other individuals from all over the World to participate in this book, to musically contribute in the project and help the endeavour of Mr. Yannick Monget and Symbion Editions, due to its matter subject.
June 12th, 2020
So, another chance for new music through this ambitious project. Yannick Monget is an artist who digitally generates landscapes that show our potential future.
He has just started a crowdfunding campaign to finance the release of a significant new book, where he collaborates with scientists, philosophers, explorers, Nobel Prize laureates, heads of State, representatives of indigenous communities from every continent, dozens of names known for their commitment to the environment and the promotion of peace. They have joined in the elaboration of this book and directly participate in its writing by sharing their own vision of the future, their warnings as well as their messages of hope.
Not many details have been released about Vangelis' contribution, except that it will indeed be musical in nature. Our reliable sources, close to Vangelis explain that Vangelis will compose something inspire by this book to accompany the images. They confirm that this will in some way be part of the book release, although the actual shape or technology for the included music will be determined when the project is closer to completion. Given that the kickstarter campaign mentions both a first edition and a deluxe version of the book, be sure that the musical part will be a part of any version of the release.
Marc Hairapetian and Rob Waters did a rare new interview with Vangelis, which was first published on German online music Portal "Bonede" in February, and a shorter version in English in the June issue of Sound On Sound in the UK.
Special thanks to Carl Deseyn for sharing the Angela Gheorghiu interview. Thanks also to Rob Waters and all the other readers who alerted us to the interviews. Appreciated! And apologies for the delay.
Astana Opera's Principal Soloist Maira Mukhamedkyzy performed a new cover version of Montserrat Caballe and Vangelis collaboration "The Prayer", and in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan shared it in a video dedicated to all healthcare workers in the world.
Note the track is referred to here as "Pray Of The World", the way Caballe also announced it at the Athens 1997 Athletic World Championships Opening Ceremony. Upon release on CD the track was titled " The Prayer".
To celebrate Earth day, ESA has posted an inspiring video with the music Vangelis composed for Stephen Hawking's interment, including Hawking's inspiring message that "It Can Be Done".
As the Easter festive starts (in the orthodox part of the world) ERT, Greece's public TV channel has scheduled a 3 hour live show for Sunday afternoon (tomorrow, at the time of writing this) to share the unusual locked-down easter celebration in the Covid-19 virus era. Vangelis will contribute by sharing a short video message. The show is presented by journalist Elena Katritsi and airs between 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM Greek time.
Tonight, the Sadler's Wells premiere video of the Vangelis scored dance performance "The Thread" will be released on Facebook and Youtube, appearing on both platforms at 19:30 London time, 20:30 Berlin / Paris time, 21:30 Athens time (Half an hour later than originally announced).
Conveniently, the video can be viewed at your own discretion, as it will be available for one week, not as a live stream, but as a temporary normal video.
Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the previous president of the Greek republic has recently granted Vangelis the title "Grand Commander of the Order of the Phoenix". The physical decoration has yet to be presented in an official ceremony, delayed due to international Covid-19 related restrictions.
This honor is awarded for "excellence in the public sphere or raising Greece's international standing".
By special announcement from the production company of the Vangelis scored dance performance "The Thread":
"The thread" have as our first concern the health and safety of people, so we stay at home. However, we are giving an online appointment on Friday, April 17th, at 21.00 Greek time, to watch the broadcast via Youtube and Facebook, of the world premiere of our show that took place a year ago in Sadler's Wells, London.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/sadlerswells
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SadlersWells/
We support culture and online... we stay at home. STAY TUNED...
Lavris Production
Although not specifically mentioned, this seems be a "live stream". So even though it shows a previously recorded event, you may need to sit and watch at that specific time, as if you visit the performance in a theater. The starting time of Friday 21:00 in Greece, that is 20:00 in Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid. Or 19:00 London time. Or Friday 2PM in New York, or Friday 11 AM in Los Angeles. We'll report in more detail when the details are more clear.
Special thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for sharing his find.
Things have changed a lot since our last update, and it feels like a completely different world, now that the Covid-19 virus hits countries all over the world.
Barilla is the Italian pasta and food brand that ran a series of advertisements throughout the eighties and nineties, each with (a cover version of) Vangelis' Hymn, centering around the slogan: Where there is Barilla, there is home. Now that Italy is so badly hurt by the virus and the country comes together figuratively in many different ways, Barilla revived the Hymn format in an inspirational Corona era ode and thank you to Italy. Vangelis instantly gave his official consent, Barilla commissioned a new acoustic version of Hymn from arranger Sizzer and the legendary Sophia Loren read the beautiful lines to thank and honor Italy for enduring its heartships. The video went absolutely viral on-line, with many millions of views on the various platforms it's featured on.
As for the question many fans are left with: How is Vangelis doing in these turbulent times? We managed to get some welcome feedback from our reliable sources.
They report that Vangelis is very well and in a very creative mood. He is working a lot during this period and he has just completed his latest new album: Juno to Jupiter, for NASA. There is good hope that it will be released very soon. Apparently there are two other projects he is still working on, but lips are still tightly sealed on what they may be.
Be sure to check back for more info, we will post it as soon as we find out.
A re-issue on vinyl has been put out by Telephone Explosion (with permission from Cobalt Music) of the 1975 album "Mariangela" by Mariangela Celeste. The album originally released in 1975 with Vangelis arranging, producing and performing his synths had become a rarity and became quite popular among Vangelis aficionados. It's nice to see this released for a new generation, although some report that the audio quality of the original LP was better than the new one. Albedo 0.39 was also reissued on LP for collectors, and Spiral is to follow in June.
Stay healthy and be well, best wishes from us to all our readers.
Mary Katrantzou has recently released an official video of her Spring Summer 2020 show at the Temple of Poseison, famously set to new original Vangelis music, last October. The video is set to a lengthy compilation of the new Vangelis music, in by far the best quality it has been available in so far.
Be sure to check out out our extended main article with lots of photographs on this new page:
Elsewhere: Mary Katrantzou's Spring Summer 2020 show
And for a quick summary, Read here:
For this occasion, Vangelis created a score of completely new music, composed and recorded specifically for this event. He had also supplied the music for Mary's show at the London Fashion week in September 2018, but on that occasion largely recompiled and re-edited music from some of his albums from the 1980's, with some minimal additional new music. For the 2019 show at the Temple of Poseidon, Vangelis composed 8 new tracks, a good 35 minutes of brand new music. Some of those tracks were then expanded to longer versions to fit their use in the show.
Thanks to a source in Greece who was able to attend the event, we received some video's taken from the audience's perspective. We share the combined video's in chronological order on Youtube. Click on the screenshot or the video link below.
The following series of official and approved photographs were shot by Jason Lloyd Evans (Instagram: @jasonlloydevans).
Reports from friday's unique fashion and charity event at the Temple of Poseidon are raving about a magical night at the famous monument, with the show being set to a full blown new original Vangelis soundtrack, recorded a style reminiscent of his style in the 1990s. The music was very well received and would not have sounded out of place on albums like Voices, Oceanic, or the big events in Greece like the legendary 1997 IAAF opening ceremony in Athens.
An official statement from Mary Katrantzou includes some words about Vangelis' musical contribution:
Thank you to composer, Vangelis, from the bottom of my heart for composing the music for this special moment. It is rare in life to meet a man who has the power to change the way you think, while simultaneously encourage you to dream that anything is possible. I am blessed to be able to call him my friend. If the show took place 2500 years from now, his words and music would be celebrated, as we celebrate today some of the great minds that lived here 2500 years ago.
Mary Katrantzou
Reporters also quoted her saying "There is no other music that would fit better in this space." at the press conference after the show.
Check back for more reports in the new future.
Special thanks to our friends in Greece for their anonymous reports.
Sources close to Vangelis confirm that he has composed original new music for tonight's presentation of Mary Katrantzou's Spring Summer collection for 2020 at the Temple Of Posseidon at Sounio, just south of Athens, Greece. The spectacular location is an absolute first for any fashion show, which is doubles as a charity fundraiser for the Elpida foundation. All proceeds of the evening will be donated to the Marianna Vardinoyannis' Association of Friends of Children with cancer.
Vangelis also provided music for last year's September presentation by Mary Katrantzou, but then was mostly a selection and re-editing of some of the lesser known gems from Vangelis' back catalog, with some additional recordings. In today's show new music plays a more prominent role.
Be sure to check back: We hope to report more details in the coming days.
There are enthusiastic reports coming in from fans who attended one of the two unique performances of the "The Thread" show, held last weekend at the ancient open air theater of Epidaurus, Greece. The performances were well received, and both nights have been classified as magical.
Here follow a couple of links to reports in the press.
Blade Runner actor Rutger Hauer has sadly passed away. Vangelis shares the following personal statement:
“It came to me like a thunder when I found out the devastating news that Rutger is not with us anymore. He was a good friend of mine and I was hoping to meet him again in the next few months as we used to. Unfortunately this will not happen.
I will always keep the memory of him as a good friend and indeed I will never forget this old time classic scene from the Bladerunner movie, ending his monologue with the following pleas "time to die" and a white pigeon flies in the sky.
Farewell my friend.”
- Vangelis
Here is the video that was shown during the press conference for "The Thread" that was held last Monday in Athens. For more info please check our update from June 26.
On June 24, a press conference for Russell Maliphant's "The Thread" was held in Greece at the Athens Concert Hall. Artistic director and choreographer Russell Maliphant along with producer Georgia Iliopoulou were present at the event. It was unveiled performances of "The Thread" are planned for Cyprus in November and later in Athens in December, including the already scheduled performances for Germany in August 15-17 as well at the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus on August 24.
During the press event a video was displayed showing highlights from the performance and the artists involved in making "The Thread", starting with Vangelis who is seen with some of the guest musicians. Lots of interest on Vangelis and his thoughts on this performance as demonstrated by the number of articles in the Greek press.
Russell Maliphant's "The Thread" featuring music specially composed by Vangelis is scheduled to be performed on August 24 at the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus in Greece. Tickets are on sale at the link below.
Vangelis' birthday is nice occasion to share a few small updates from past few weeks...
While all Vangelis interviews are rare occasions, such publications in the American press are even more unique. Here a is a new one, where an American journalist spoke with Vangelis for the LA Times, about the release of Vangelis' latest album "Nocturne".
As the London performances of Vangelis scored dance performance "The Thread" have ended, and reactions from audiences and Vangelis fans are universally positive, some hints on international performances are appearing in the press.
In October last year, MusicOnVinyl released Vangelis' "Alexander" score on two vinyl LPs. Some fans reported problems with the sound quality on the second disc. Apparently the production of this release suffered a technical problem.
Do be aware that not all copies were affected by this problem, and that distributors were provided with replacement copies of the second disc. If your copy has a problem, be sure to contact your distributor.
With less than 5 days to go until the first performance in London's prestigious Sadler's Wells theater, it's time for an update on the Vangelis scored "The Thread" dance performance.
And here's a fan's review of the recent Ancona performance:
"I attended the first of two planned performances (1st of march), in the magnificent "Teatro delle Muse" in Ancona. The venue was stunning, The interior looked like a typical Renaissance Italian city, even if all was in concrete and brick.. "
"The stage, to the opposite, was very minimal, all in total black, with only some very carefully projected white spots. The performance started at 20.45 and this unique act ended 80 minutes later. The dancers, around 20 in total, mostly female, with their performance told or suggested - in a not narrative way - the ancient myth of Ariadne and the Minotaur in a kind of metaphoric interpretation of the legend.. The dresses were beautiful and coloured, resembling old tunics for the women and military uniforms for the men. Sadly, it was prohibited to take photographs or capture audio and video recordings."
"The music was superb. Eighty minutes of Vangelis at his best, bombastic, evocative and mysterious, in the same way as his more ethnic productions from before. All the tunes in this "suite" (there were only few seconds to separate one track from the next) were a bit dark, more percussive than expressly tonal or melodic, with Greek or Byzantines flavours... You can easlily find echoes of "Cavafy", "El Greco" or "Alexander" (Bagoas' dance should fit perfectly here), with trumpet, violin, lyre or other ancient Greek instruments in a leading role and only sparse electronic waves in the background. Sometimes the voices of dancers were joint to the pre recorded voices. In another tune, little bells were stuck to belts of male dancers, which accumulated the percussion into an explosive crescendo. There was great applause at the end. Another gem from Vangelis. "
- Paolo Carnovale, Italy
Special thanks to Paolo Carnovale for his report...
With less than a month before the official premiere of Russell Maliphant's The Thread in London, two preview performances are going to be held in Ancona, Italy at Teatro delle Muse. The preview performances are scheduled for March 1, and 2. Tickets can be purchased at the link below.
Meanwhile a new trailer of The Thread appeared on Sadler's Wells website.
Thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for the heads up on the preview performance, and to Giuseppe Andreazza for the tip on the trailer!
Tomorrow, Sunday February 10, the Sunday magazine edition of Greek newspaper Kathimerini will feature a brand new interview with Vangelis. A photograph of Vangelis is also featured on the cover of this edition.
Vangelis talks about his new album "Nocturne", what the piano means to him, about science, philosophy, ancient Greek and recent history, his tribute music for Stephen Hawking and man's position in space. The eight pages long article comes with several recent photographs, some of them never before published.
Tomorrow is January 25, the day Vangelis' new album "Nocturne" will be released on CD and through all digital channels, including Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Youtube, etc.
Copies of the CD are confirmed to have reached stores. A vinyl edition of the album is expected to reach stores on Saturday, next week.
The album features 11 brand new compositions, as well as 6 classic Vangelis compositions reinterpreted in the album's lush but relaxed style, with the (synth) piano firmly positioned at the front of the imaginary stage. On most tracks the piano is backed with subtle synth strings or other layed back accompaniment. One track breaks the pace: Intermezzo is performed only on synth strings.
Be sure to check it out and enjoy the music when the release is there!
Universal today launched its campaign for Vangelis' brand new piano album: "Nocturne".
And here's the official announcement:
"Night gives birth to all"
– for Vangelis this verse from the Orphic hymn to the Night says it all
Fans taking photos of the moon to unlock new Vangelis music © Jake Turney
Nocturnal Promenade Single released: 21st Dec 2018
Chariots of Fire Single released: 11th Jan 2019
Pioneering composer Vangelis is offering fans the chance to hear music from his brand new album 'Nocturne' before its release, by taking photos of the moon. They can upload their pictures via mobile phone to an innovative new website (vangelisnocturne.com) which uses visual recognition technology to unlock each new track according to its corresponding single cover image and lunar phase.
Vangelis' new album will be released on 25th January 2019 on Decca Records and is a soothing collection of solo piano pieces, recorded in his inimitable style. There are 11 new tracks as well as brand new versions of his iconic hits including Chariots of Fire and the 'Love Theme' from Blade Runner. Vangelis himself records on a grand piano for the first time.
'Nocturne' is Vangelis' first new album in two years and includes a host of new piano compositions inspired by night time and his long-held passion for space. Among the new tracks are such beautiful pieces as 'Nocturnal Promenade', which opens the album and is the first single, as well as 'Through the Night Mist', 'Sweet Nostalgia' and 'Lonesome'.
Vangelis' music is often linked to themes of science, history and exploration. Alongside his Academy Award-winning score for Chariots of Fire and his acclaimed Blade Runner music, he has written the choral symphony 'Mythodea' for NASA's 2001 Mission to Mars, as well as films including Antarctica, 1492: Conquest of Paradise and Alexander. His music has also been used in the documentary series Cosmos by Carl Sagan.
Recently, Vangelis collaborated with the European Space Agency (ESA) on his 2016 album 'Rosetta', which was inspired by the Rosetta Mission to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history.
With millions of sales worldwide, Vangelis remains at the top of his game thanks to his masterly ability to compose stirring music that fuels the senses. But to Vangelis, music is a sacred, basic force of the universe, its purpose to elevate, inspire and to heal humankind. His new album 'Nocturne' aims to give listeners the chance to relax and reconnect with the world around us.
1. Nocturnal Promenade 2. To the unknown Man from Spiral 3. Movement Nine from Mythodea 4. Moonlight reflections 5. Through the Night Mist 6. Early Years 7. Love Theme from Blade Runner 8. Sweet Nostalgia 9. Intermezzo 10. To a Friend 11. La Petite Fille de la Mer from Apocalypse des Animaux 12. Longing 13. Chariots of Fire from Chariots of Fire 14. Unfulfilled Desire 15. Lonesome 16. 1492: Conquest of Paradise from 1492: Conquest of Paradise 17. Pour Melia
The official announcement for Vangelis' upcoming new album "Nocturne" has been delayed until later this month. Because Universal has already released artwork and track list to various retailers, we preview them here as well.
1. Nocturnal Promenade 5:51 2. To the Unknown Man 5:15 3. Movement Nine, Mythodea 3:49 4. Moonlight Reflections 3:11 5. Through the Night Mist 5:13 6. Early Years 3:33 7. Love Theme Blade Runner 6:05 8. Sweet Nostalgia 3:39 9. Intermezzo 3:46 10. To a Friend 5:24 11. La Petite Fille De La Mer 4:45 12. Longing 3:45 13. Chariots of Fire 5:27 14. Unfulfilled Desire 4:24 15. Lonesome 5:51 16. 1492: Conquest of Paradise 4:52 17. Pour Melia 1:12
Tracks 2, 3, 7, 11, 13 and 16 are previously released Vangelis tracks, in a new interpretation. Track 12 is completely new, contrary to some publications.
Thanks to everyone who sent links and info, we appreciate every email and all input we receive, but we are currently limiting our reporting to official and confirmed information, for maximum accuracy, and in support of the official publicity campaign which will begin later this month.
Vangelis' brand new album "Nocturne" will be officially announced for pre-order on December 7.
Watch this space...
Last saturday, the first preview performance of The Thread was staged in Kalamata, Greece, and Noel Koutlis managed to attend. He reports for us:
"Vangelis fans won't be disappointed. This looked like a nice 90 minute video clip with dancers live on the stage. Music was 100% genuine Vangelis. Not some remixes from old tracks but totally new music, with most scenes having rhythmic bombasting music similar to the compositions in Alexander's dance scenes. The intro was a nice small melodic piece."
"The music was sort of mystic ritual with bass sounds repeating and included many folklore tracks, reminding me of the cretan harp (violin) sounds of El Greco movie. What you hear in the trailer on YouTube is the music you mostly hear in the show. And for the die hard fans: you can hear all Vangelis signature sounds (Blade Runner CS-80, angelic voices and the sort)!"
"The show in general left a very nice impressions. The dance was like a typical Greek/Balkan folklore dance, the costume design was fantastic with nice colors reflecting in the dark. I couldn't take my eyes from the stage. There was a part though where the music wasn't what you would expect to go with the dancing on the stage. Maybe the director wanted it to look like a dream or something."
"It would be nice to see a 'studio' album coming out of this, with a little studio remixing. It sounded like it needed some extra sound engineering work. The show should be perfect by the time it arrives in London."
Special thanks to Noel Koutlis, reporting from Greece...
Russell Maliphant's "The Thread" will have unofficial preview performances in the city of Kalamata, Greece. Two shows are scheduled next weekend on Saturday November 17 and Sunday November 18.
A reminder that tickets for London's premier performance of "The Thread" went for general public sale this week, for more info see our update from October 10 .
Production company Lavris LTD posted a longer promo video from The Thread on their YouTube channel. The video features new music by Vangelis.
Thanks to Giuseppe Andreazza for the tip!
Sadler's Wells Theatre announced the world premiere performance of Russell Maliphant's "The Thread" will take place on March 15, 16 and 17 in 2019. Tickets for the general public goes on sale next month on November 5. For more details see ticket information at the Sadler's Wells website at the link below.
For more info on "The Thread" see our posts from April 16 and July 17.
Here is a video of the entire Mary Katrantzou show, including the music in perfect quality.
Thanks to Carl Deseyn for the link!
Vangelis' score for Saturday's Mary Katrantzou show at the London Fashion Week consisted of a fresh selection of music from the back catalog, supplemented with a new piece of music. The fast paced new piece was sequencer based and included some melodic references to Pulstar. A fragment of it can be heard on the first of the two video's linked here below.
The tracks were edited together into one ongoing show by Vangelis, the selections as follows: Soil Festivities Movement 1, Mask Movement 1, a brand new piece of music, Aquatic Dance, Deliverance (the one from Antarctica) and more from Mask Movement 1, finished with one final new note of music.
An official press release says "The acoustic 'frame' of this collection is unique" as the soundtrack was "as precisely engineered as a Katrantzou print to the rhythm of the models.", by Vangelis.
Vangelis has composed new original music for Mary Katrantzou's Spring Summer 2019 Runway Show. The fashion show event is being held tonight in London for an invited audience. Katrantzou is also the costume designer for the upcoming dance performance "The Thread", for which Vangelis writes the music. With tonight's show she celebrates the 10th anniversary of her fashion brand. She asked Vangelis if he would provide a score for her show, which he has done.
Check back here in the coming days for more details.
The European Space Agency has released the following statement:
Last week, the European Space Agency (ESA) presented Vangelis with a certificate to mark his outstanding contribution to the Rosetta mission. Rosetta was the first spacecraft to rendezvous with and escort a comet, and to observe changes in its frozen surface and environment as it was warmed during its closest approach to the Sun. Shortly after arrival at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014, the Rosetta orbiter dispatched the Philae lander to make the first controlled touchdown on a comet nucleus.
Vangelis composed four new tracks of music for Rosetta in 2014 and released a full studio album in 2016, dedicating it to everyone who made ESA's Rosetta mission possible. The album received a Grammy Award nomination for Best New Age Album at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards in 2017.
The album contributed to ESA's broad public outreach campaign in creating awareness and informing a wider audience about the mission. Carl Walker, from ESA's Communications Department, said: "Vangelis is a master of enhancing emotions and creating memories with his music. With his album, I believe that Vangelis has shared a lasting memory of our Rosetta mission through his music. The certificate is a small token of ESA's gratitude and respect for Vangelis' passion and dedication in supporting us."
Some seventeen years after the release of Vangelis' choral symphony "Mythodeo", the entire work is being re-released on LP. The tracks are spread over 180 grams vinyl discs, housed in a gatefold sleeve, including a 4 page booklet for liner notes and photographs. The work's "Special Edit" (available on select CD releases) is not included. It is being released by Dutch vinyl-only label "Music on Vinyl", who license the work from Sony Classical. Expected release date is September 14.
Thanks to everyone who wrote in on the Mythodea vinyl topic. Apologies for the slow relay.
Fans who search for ways to listen to Vangelis' recent Stephen Hawking Tribute music in a legal way are faced with a problem. With the original CD not available for sale directly, pirate copies are finding their way to the second hand market and are selling for very high prices. The question arises how to tell the difference between an original CD and the fake copies.
Fact is that the original is not a factory pressed CD, but a burned (duplicated, rather than replicated) CD-R in itself. The disc has a telltale faint green glow.
While by no means fail-safe, one step to detect fake copies is by checking the codes printed on the bottom of the disc. The official release handed out at the service at Westminster Abbey has a code imprinted, written backwards (it reads correctly in a mirror), which says RFD80M-79239, and the code 80 at another spot (indicating an 80 minute CD-R disc). Check the zoomed in scan next to this post.
Thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck and Don Fennimore for their assistance in clearing things up!
A new official website was just launched for the upcoming Russel Maliphant choreographed dance performance that we referred to earlier (see the April 16 update) and this reveals the title of this production: "The Thread".
The site gives further details about the concept of the production, shows photographs, and most importantly, hosts a teaser video, complete with music composed by Vangelis for this production (confirmed by official sources).
Something to look forward to!
Special thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for the heads-up!
An article on the BBC news site about Stephen Hawking's interment shares the full length recording.
Thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for the BBC links.
Vangelis has composed a new piece of music to honour professor Stephen Hawking, who sadly passed away on March 14 of this year.
A CD with this piece of music, titled "The Stephen Hawking Tribute" will be handed to everyone attending the Service of Thanksgiving at Westminster Abbey when Hawking's ashes will be interred at this famous iconic church in London. This ceremony takes place on Friday June 15 and is attended by invited guests, as well as 1000 members of the general public, who where selected by a public ballot.
According to an official Stephen Hawking Interment web site, Vangelis' music will be beamed towards a black hole from a European Space Agency ground station in Spain, at 12:00 noon on the day of the ceremony.
The piece of music lasts 6 minutes and 21 seconds, with Vangelis performing his synthesizers, joined by Dimitris Tsakas on alto sax and engineered by Philippe Colonna. It's a beautiful gentle piece, refrained and majestic at the same time. Part of it is overlayed by words from Stephen Hawking himself, in his recognizable computer generated voice.
Vangelis writes in the CD booklet:
"Through sound and music, the language that I know best, I pay tribute and express my high esteem and respect to this extraordinary man.
I imagine he will continue to travel with the same devotion, wherever he may be, in the known unknown.
Farewell Professor Hawking"
Vangelis' piggy bank on silent auction for charity
Here are more details on Vangelis' design for Mouna Rebeiz's piggy bank, which is donated for charity through a silent auction in London.
Vangelis' design shows two piggy banks facing a mirror, both placed on a base measuring 100cm x 180cm (approximately 39 inch x 70 inch). Reliable sources revealed to us that the fabric that covers the base is handpainted by Vangelis.
With merely a few hours to go before the auction ends, this is a unique opportunity to own a truly one of a kind creation by Vangelis.
Paris-based Lebanese visual artist Mouna Rebeiz is currently holding her exhibition 'The Trash-ic or Trash in the Face of Beauty' at the Saatchi Gallery, London.
Coinciding with her exhibition she had called upon designers and artists from around the world to transform a piggy bank into precious artworks. The piggy banks designs are part of an online auction that is currently live. All proceeds go in support of the charity 'Innocence in Danger', a world movement for the protection of children against all forms of sexual abuse.
Vangelis has responded to this charitable cause with his unique one-off design piggy bank. Vangelis collectors beware: the Vangelis piggy bank is on auction right now with less than two days before the auction ends.
Here is a video of Vangelis' acceptance speech upon receiving the golden medal and the honorary degree.
Last Friday evening a moving ceremony was held at Vangelis' hometown Volos. The University of Thessaly held a proclamation ceremony to award Vangelis with an Honorary Doctorate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with the event also commemorating the university's 30th anniversary of its foundation.
The event was jointly held at the Greek embassy in Paris via a two-way video link with Volos. In Paris, the University's dean, professor George Petrakos bestowed Vangelis with the institution's golden medal and welcomed him as Honorary Doctor/Professor Emeritus.
Mr. Petrakos said: "Vangelis is a world-renowned and influential creator, who through his contributions to the arts, particularly music, today honors Vangelis Papathanassiou with the gold medal of the senate and gives him the title of Honorary Doctor."
In Volos, a speech was given by the deputy dean of international and public relations, professor Ioanna Laliotou, stating: "Vangelis Papathanassiou, who is recognized as a founder of electronic music, at the age of 4 created music on the family piano, while at the age of six he presented his compositions. The natural gift comes from a place that he calls memory, from which we can all draw upon and remember. With more than 40 recordings in circulation, and with over 20 musical film scores, ballets, theatrical plays and numerous awards and titles to his credit", she adds: "The current gathering marks the return of Vangelis Papathanassiou to his hometown and a welcome to our university community. It marks a return not to the past but, hopefully, in our common future."
This was followed by a speech by the dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering, professor Eleftherios Tsoukalas, who recited the Honorable Recognition resolution to Mr. Papathanassiou.
In an emotionally charged climate, Vangelis thanked the University for its highest honours, speaking from Paris:
Everything that comes from my country is very important to me. I have never had the gift of words, but especially in such situations I find myself losing my words. I am very moved. What could I say? Thank you very very much. It is a situation that is difficult to digest because it is like a dream when it happens in the place where I was born all these years ago, and now I am here and I listen to all these amazing things that they say about me. It makes me feel - how to say - not very comfortable. One big big thank you. I am delighted that the University made such an effort, because when I was here at the age of 5 or 6, all these things were not there. And now things go well off course, and I hope it will become even better. What can I tell you? I send you love and I hope that I will come back soon and we talk face to face. If I keep talking I will say things that may be rather irrelevant, so I thank you and I pray the Universe to give you energy and virtue.
[Corrected: May 21]
The event culminated in the celebration of the university's 30 years anniversary with the participation of hundreds of children and performers, and which included 4 orchestrations of Vangelis' music.
Special thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for the English translation of Vangelis' acceptance speech. Photos and videos courtesy of the University of Thessaly, the Ergon Showground and ERT Volos
NASA released a new video from the Juno mission to Jupiter yesterday, with groundbreaking footage of Juno's flyover of Jupiter's North pole, shot in infrared. Vangelis composed new music for this video, released on Youtube. Follow the links below.
Greek newspaper Tachydromos is reporting the University of Thessaly, based in Volos, Greece will present Vangelis with an Honorary Doctorate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. This was shared by the university's dean, professor George Petrakos with the Greek newspaper.
Sources close to Vangelis confirm that Vangelis has composed new original music for an upcoming stage production. Choreography is by Russell Maliphant. Production company is Lavris LTD. The production should premier in March 2019 at the Sadler's Wells theatre in London, with further performances expected in venues throughout Europe. More details are expected soon. Check back here for more news including upcoming official announcements.
NASA Juno's mission team held a press briefing today to reveal the latest scientific discoveries from their space probe Juno orbiting the planet Jupiter. An animation video taking the viewer over Jupiter's atmosphere was released with new music by Vangelis. Check the video below
What better way to start the weekend with a fresh new piece of Vangelis music?
Cousteau Divers Mini is a series of tiny documentaries released on the internet. Its latest episode is directed by Pierre-Yves Cousteau, son of the legendary Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who somehow managed to get Vangelis to compose all new music for his epsiode.
Note that Vangelis was not involved with the folky song at the end of the video.
Cousteau divers is an organization that unites divers from all over the world, who are concerned about the marine environment, with the aim to help study and conserve the aquatic realm. They launched this growing series of mini documentaries, all created by different people. Cousteau Divers Mini 5: Boiling Ocean is the fifth episode, and so far the only one to contain Vangelis music.
Special thanks to Kevin Polfliet for the heads-up!
The theatrical release of the new Blade Runner 2049 movie has sparked a lot of interest in the original movie and its Vangelis score in particular.
As it turns out, the new score by Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer (successfully kept an unheard secret until its eventual release in cinema's and as a digital soundtrack album) turned out to pay a lot of homage to Vangelis' original, even if it didn't follow any of the Vangelis themes, with only one exception near the end. However in shape and sound, the inspiration is clear. The extensive use of CS80 synth sounds and other sonic tricks and devices employed by Vangelis in 1982 does bring back a bit of that classic Blade Runner feeling, while updating the sound at the same time. The results have been received with mostly warm reactions.
While I'm impressed with the way the connection to the original's score was made, I have to admit being turned off slightly by its over-production. Check out the appearance of (a cover version of) Tears in Rain), which really isn't so subtle at all. The other problem is that it feels like they spend so much time (re)creating these Blade Runner soundscapes they actually forgot to write some really good film music. There seems to be only one emotion being rained on the listener from start to finish, varying only its intensity, never its color or mood. It's all dark and dreary, without any ray of light coming through. None of those wonderful touches of humanity that kept popping up in Vangelis' original score, and in the end proved to be the real core of the score.
That said, this music really did serve the movie well. And what a top quality movie that was. Lots of things to think about, many new ideas in line with the original's philosophical questions, truck loads of atmosphere and a dark bleak vision of our future's inescapable shortcomings.
Blade Runner was everywhere in the media, over the last two weeks, with plenty of attention for the classic original. Here's our pick of the best links:
Sales info on Amazon and iTunes shows that the new movie's hype triggered massive new interest in the Vangelis albums (The 1994 score release and the 2007 Blade Runner Trilogy release). Spotify's play indicators for the original Vangelis Blade Runner score are also sky high. It's good to see Vangelis's music re-exposed to a fresh audience.
Thanks to Kevin Polfliet for the video link!
The Vangelis-scored film "Crépuscule Des Ombres" continues to do the rounds at film festivals. two screenings of the film are planned in the coming weeks.
The first will be at Festival Du Film Arabe Fameck on Friday October 13, in north-eastern France commune Fameck. The film's director Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina will be attending the festival.
The second screening will be in the North African state of Tunis, during the 28th edition of Carthage Film Festival. The official programme is not yet published but various press reports suggest the film will be screened on the event's first day on November 4.
Judging from past reviews of the film's score, Vangelis' music is something not to be missed. Check the reviews submitted to us from a previous screening.
We may not be big on cover versions here on Elsew.com, but this is certainly something else...
To celebrate the theatrical release of Blade Runner's sequel, "Blade Runner 2049" by Denis Villeneuve, showing on silver screens across the globe as of tomorrow, synthesizer manufacturer Novation asked Germany's veteran electronic music composer Bernd Kistenmacher to create a workshop "Blade Runner's opening titles music", using only their new analogue modeling synthesizer: the Novation Peak.
Kistenmacher did a thorough analysis of the track, created replacement sounds, and recorded his new version, using only this one synthesizer model. Very impressive work indeed. He gets many of the important nuances just right to do their work, mixing the result into a truly well made replication (yes, yes....) of the Vangelis track.
Major perk: All the sounds used in this track are available for download. If you own a Novation Peak, you can record your own version of this music, or just compose something new of your own.
We'll have to find out in the coming days, how much of Vangelis' 1982 score actually echoes in this movie. Composer Jóhann Jóhannsson, who was originally announced to compose the new score has left the project some months ago, with composer duo Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer taking over. Some days ago, director Denis Villeneuve explained in the media that the reason he had to let Jóhannsson go, was that he wanted the score to be more Vangelis like, or as Al Arabiya quoted him: "I needed to go back to something closer to Vangelis".
Thanks to Kevin Nolan for the interview link!
On July 15, Neakriti TV in Greece has broadcast an interview with Loudovikos ton Anogeion, the singer from Crete we all know from the "El Greco" movie score. The program included the broadcast an unreleased piece of Vangelis music, improvised by Vangelis on his synthesizers, with Anogeion reading the story of a "Wind Thief", with very impressive results indeed.
Here is an official video of the moment Frédéric Mitterrand presents Vangelis his "Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres" medal.
Vangelis is nominated for a PROG magazine award. The "Delectus" box set with 13 Polydor related albums is listed in the category "Reissue Of The Year", and competes against Pink Ployd, Yes, Rush, The Alan Parsons Project and others.
The winner will be determined by popular vote, so be sure to register and vote, and do tell your friends as well!
The awards ceremony will take place on the 14th of September in London.
Another honour for Vangelis is in the works by the European Space Agency (ESA). Last year, he was presented with his own astronaut name patch by French ESA astronaut Jean-François Clervoy and named an "honorary member" of the European Astronaut Corps, for his contribution to advancing the public awareness of space and exploration through his music.
Unknown to Vangelis, ESA actually produced two patches, the second of which was launched into space last year with ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet, who took a picture of it recently during his six-month stay on the International Space Station.
The space-flown patch will be presented to Vangelis as soon as it returns from space. In the picture below, ESA corporate editor Carl Walker presents Vangelis with the photograph from Thomas showing the badge floating in the Cupola module of the Space Station.
Carl Walker shows Vangelis a photograph of his badge, floating inside the International Space Station
Lefteris Zermas, Fernando Doblas (ESA) with Vangelis.
Here's a series of photographs of Vangelis' recent appointment as commander in the Order of Arts and Letters, the highest cultural honour awarded by the French government. See our June 4 update for more details.
Frédéric Mitterrand presents the medal.
Jack Lang, Frederic Mitterand, HH Empress Farah Pahlavi, Laura, Vangelis and Monique Lang.
Vangelis with his personal assistant, Paulette Tacod.
A Cake for the occasion.
Philippe Colonna with Vangelis.
Vangelis and Laura.
Vangelis is about to awarded with the highest possible honor granted by the French ministry of culture, when he will be appointed "Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres".
He is already a "Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres" since 1992, as well as "Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur" since 2001. Vangelis will receive the appropriate medal for his new position from former minister of culture Frédéric Mitterrand at a private ceremony in Paris, this coming week.
Special thanks to Kevin Nolan!
Official music video host Vevo has posted three official Vangelis music video clips from the Polydor archives on their YouTube channel, all complete and in great quality. The two Jon & Vangelis clips in particular are in crisp quality. Watch Anderson and Vangelis enjoy their spoof the Top of the Pops miming format, by purposefully "performing" instruments not heard in the song.
The Chariots Of Fire music video comes with an interesting anecdote. While Vangelis appears to smoke a cigarette in this video, Vangelis never actually smoked cigarettes. During preparations, the tray with a burning cigarette was placed on the piano by the director of the music video, who wanted a touch of smoke in the air, to soften his shots. During test shots he asked Vangelis to keep the cigarette burning, and the footage of Vangelis inhaling ended up in the actual video.
To clarify and correct our earlier reporting: While the separate remaster releases of neither "See You Later" nor "Private Collection" where rolled out on iTunes in the States, the tracks of these albums, including their bonus tracks, can be purchased in the US iTunes store, since all of Delectus has been available there, since a short time.
Thanks to Anthony Owsley for verification and clarification
The current issue (nr 318) of FutureMusic magazine has an article on electronic music, and Vangelis is briefly mentioned, with a rarely seen photograph included.
Earlier this month, Universal Music in the UK has released separate CD versions for twelve of the remastered albums recently released in the shape of the Delectus box set. Any of the bonus tracks however have been omitted and remain unique to the Delectus Box set release.
The one album that was not re-issued separately is the "Chariots of Fire" soundtrack, probably because it was the only album for which this master was previously available. The new releases have been provided with new art work, in line with other remasters, like the RCA albums ("Heaven & Hell", "Albedo 0.39", "Direct"), or the "Odes" and "Rapsodies" remasters.
Around the same time, the albums became available through iTunes, Amazon and Spotify on the US market, however, the two albums with bonus tracks: "Private Collection" and "See You Later" are (currently?) unavailable.
Thanks to Don Fennimore for verifying some information. Also thanks to everyone else who wrote in about these releases while our post on this was pending.
Long time Vangelis collabator (engineer and co-producer) Frederick Rousseau has released a new solo album "Edge of Silence" as digital and streaming media (iTunes, Spotify, etc.). One of its tracks is called "Mr. V" in an obvious tribute to the Greek maestro and the gently improvised melodies on soft electric piano and tender synth tones (including Yamaha CS-80 or emulation) will certainly have an appeal to anyone reading this site. Do also check out the other songs on the album. At least for me, Frederick's musical output continues to have a special appeal.
Record Store Day is coming up on Saturday April 22 (a week after tomorrow) and the first photographs of the Blade Runner picture disc release of Vangelis' score on vinyl are popping up on social media. (Click the images for the original Tweets)
Do realize that releases for Record Store Day will not be available on-line. These releases are intended to provide a boost to physical stores, who get to sell these products under the condition that they will not allow their customers to order them on-line or even pre-order / reserve them. These releases are purchased only by personally visiting a participating shop, and hoping that shop received stock and did not yet sell out.
Good luck hunting this one!
French space astronaut Jean-François Clervoy is featured on a new video for the French Agency for Space Studies (CNES). Clervoy flew on three NASA Space Shuttle missions and today works for the European Space Agency (ESA). In the video Clervoy recalls last year's successful Rosetta mission, and speaks in particular about his admiration for the music of Vangelis, and on the music last September for the Rosetta mission.
Thanks to Marcel Delorme for the heads up.
This year is the 35th anniversary of the original release of Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner", a limited edition picture disc on 140 gm vinyl of Vangelis' soundtrack is being released exclusively for Record Store Day, both in the UK and the US. The title will be available from independent record shops on Saturday 22nd April for Record Store Day. The title is limited to 3500.
Earlier this week, Greek TV station ERT broadcast an almost hour long special about Vasilis Bakopoulos, band member of The Forminx, the Greek pop band that a young Vangelis co-founded in the mid sixties. The special includes footage as well as photographs from those days. A present-time Vangelis appears over a Skype connection for a few minutes, starting somewhere near the 26:00 mark.
All 13 CDs in the "Delectus" box set are now available on digital sources, such as iTunes and Spotify, although the US, Canada and a few other territories seem to be excluded.
Also, the "The Times" newspaper in the UK reviewed the album, calling Vangelis "... a contemporary musician matching, for complexity and ambition, the works of the great classical composers...".
It's time to review the physical side of "Delectus", Vangelis' new 13 CD boxset. For a comprehensive review of the audio quality, please check part 1 of our review, posted last Friday.
About the appearance of this set, we can be very clear: This is one stunning product to look at, or hold in your hands.
The actual box is made from sturdy cardboard material with a classy textured surface. It's an LP sized case where the right side remains open, so that the contents can slide in and out. Among those contents are two fully printed gatefold sleeves that open up to show insets where the CDs are held, one for discs 1 to 6 and the other for discs 7 to 13. There's also a reproduction of a poster for the China album, folded three times.
But the highlight of the box for me is the breathtaking book. Did we say booklet, earlier? This is not a booklet, but a stunningly beautiful LP sized hardcover book that would grace any coffee table. The 100+ pages contain a small section for each album, with cover art and a few notes by Mark Powell. For the rest, the book is filled with many large photographs, roughly from the period in which these albums were recorded. Most of the photographs have never before been seen and were recently selected from Vangelis' private archives. They show Vangelis in a more relaxed setting and vibe than we are used to see him, and do provide a great visual context to enjoy the music by.
The result is a true gem in any Vangelis collection.
- Dennis Lodewijks
Note: We did add one point to Friday's audio review: The track "Flamants Roses" on the "Opera Sauvage" album was shortened by roughly seven seconds, because a short section of almost-silence was cut at about 3:20 into the track. The cut does actually remove two soft notes played on a glockenspiel or similar instrument.
Thanks to Joerg Orthaus for his tip about the cut in Flamants Roses.
Today marks the official release of "Delectus", Vangelis' new box set, and indeed, photographs and reports on social media show that copies are in shops and being delivered from internet pre-orders.
Our evaluation copy has yet to arrive, but we decide to go ahead anyway and share our findings of the audio in a review based on extensive evaluation of the contents of the promotional CD-Rs. A second part of our review, examining the packaging and booklet of this product will follow later, but let's just say for now, that early word on this is very very positive. This should be one beautiful box to hold in your hands!
I compared each album to the original Western European CD print.
Note that by necessity, judgements are based on careful comparison between selected parts of the albums. No such comparison can expect to bring up every noticeable detail or issue. No doubt, further listening and analysis in the future may bring up other points and changes.
To start with the important question of whether these remasters are really based on new transfers from the original audio tapes, by judging factors like slight differences in sample speed, we confirm that each of these albums was actually re-transfered from tape to the digital domain. Traditionally, this is the core part of a remastered CD, as it can improve the quality of the digitization, and should provide the purest source for any possible further mastering tweaks. "Delectus" gracefully passes this first test!
Here's my further findings, album by album:
This CD actually matches the master used by Esoteric for their recent LP re-issue of this album. Said LP came with a download code for a lossless WAV file, which allowed careful study of its master. The resulting sound quality of this remaster is actually very good, and closely resembles the original sound, with small improvements in clarity. However, many will disapprove of the use of some additional (modern) reverb, which falls outside of the scope of a remaster that is true to its original. This is rather a slightly revisioned version of the album. While elsew.com does not approve of adding modern reverb to a classic 1973 recording, I do stress that the added reverb was mixed in quite subtly, and in some parts does actually improve the sonic experience. Those loud big drums for instance really were awfully dry. However, the demand for a careful and authentic digital remaster of the original album has yet to be met.
Just like the "Earth" CD, this remaster matches the recent Esoteric LP re-issue. In the case of "l'Apocalypse Des Animaux", a large amount of reverb was added to most tracks on this album, even though the original was never very dry to begin with. With this extra layer of acoustics, the music is washed out completely, leaving a very simple verdict: Stick with the original CD release.
China's original CD master (for all known pressings) had a major problem with a cyclic (but evolving) volume modulation that affected almost all of the album, but increased in intensity near the end (i.e. "Himalaya", "Summit"), and to start with that, this remaster does completely solve that issue! This is the proper analog to digital transfer we needed for this album. Vangelis also improved on the equalization, delivering a much clearer, balanced sound; very pleasing to listen to. However, as with some of the other albums in this box, there is an issue with modern reverb being added to some of the tracks. "Chung Kuo" (the indexing remains like the CDs, which differ from the original UK vinyls) was spared, but it's quite noticeable on "The Tao Of Love", "Himalaya" and other songs. While I feel this makes the album a revised version rahter than a true remaster, I have to say that in China's case this has been done so tastefully and effective that this really pulls it off. It sound gorgeous this way. Probably the best result of all reverbed remasters Vangelis has done, so far. On the other hand, the problems in the original CDs mastering make that an authentic remaster for China is still badly needed. So close...
With its three bonus tracks, this is the album with the most new content. And while "My Love" and "Domestic Logic One" were always available on a 7" single, and a recording of "Neighbours Above" was known to fans from a leaked early test pressing of the album (the brilliant "Fertilization" remains unreleased), it is great to finally hear those tracks in proper CD quality. The rest of the album sounds quite different from the original master. Some of the tracks have new reverb added, although I don't think this was done for all tracks. "Memories of Green" seems have escaped that faith. The remastered version of this fan-favourite not only sounds more clear and brighter than the original CD. It also seems the original CD must have had some form of weird filtering applied that only stands out once you compare it to the new master. The corrected version is most welcome, this is what we need those remasters for. "Multitrack Suggestion" and "Not a Bit, All of It" however have reverb added, and the latter even has a small cut: It used to end with the word "Obviously...", which has now been omitted!
Comparing the opening track, the new master feels a bit "louder" than then the original. Thankfully, no new reverb seems to have been added to any of the tracks on this album. The opening track however has some issues with a few groups of short audio drop-outs that create a rather uneasy feel. Other tracks don't seem to be affected by this, and those are a good example of careful and authentic remastering: subtly improved digital transfer, true to the original. Note that "Life Of Antarctica" is a bit shorter than it was on the original CD, but that is because the reprise of the opening track, added to the end, is faded out more continuous, where the old CD stuck to an almost unaudible volume, creating a strangely long pause on the CD.
The tracks I compared show no sign of added reverb. The sound is very close to the original master, but a bit louder, retaining most of its dynamics. All in all a good example of proper remastering.
This too is a subtle, well done remaster. The album sounds a bit louder. I hear no sign of added reverb, some equalization polishes the music to be a bit brighter. Tastefully done!
[Note added on February 5:] The track "Flamants Roses" was shortened by roughly seven seconds, because a short bit of almost-silence was cut at about 3:20 into the track. The cut does actually remove two soft notes played on a glockenspiel or similar instrument.
This is one case where the tape transfer isn't completely new as it uses the new analog to digital transfer from the original master tapes, done for the 25th Anniversary Edition of the soundtrak album, an earlier remastered CD released in 2006. This was indeed a very good remaster, true to the original, but slightly better digitized. No obvious manipulations other than actual authentic remastering, and it makes sense that this is included in this box as it.
"Soil Festivities" sounds very good, true to the original. No reverb was added to any of the tracks I compared. Sadly however, almost a minute of ambient rain and thunder sounds has been cut of the end of "Movement 1". What is the point of "speeding up" a contemplative masterpiece like "Soil Festivities"? It makes no sense at all. For the rest, good remastering. Subtle changes. The higher tones on "Movement 3" have been softened a bit. None of the other tracks were edited.
Sounds great, no reverb or large manipulations. "Invisible Connections" was remastered in the classical sense of the word, with one very important improvement: The track indexing has been corrected. The old master must have mixed up side A and B, as they split the long track into two parts and combined the two audibly separate tracks as if they were one. The "Delectus" remaster corrects this. Two big thumbs up for this disk!
The equalization is improved, but several tracks including "I Hear You Now" have been revised with added modern reverb. Quite a lot actually, changing the character of the music. The track indexing is improved, now separating each track, liberating for instance "Bird Song" from "Each and Every Day". "Play Within A Play" sounds particularly good, it has a bit more "oomph" and sounds more natural at the same time.
It's lovely to finally hear "Song Is" in proper clean digital quality. The rest of the CD is very well remastered. There is no added reverb on any of the tracks that I checked. Equalization is changed, most notably for "He Is Sailing", reducing some of the sharper highs. "Horizon" as well, comes in a warmer sound, reducing the higher tones a bit. "Private Collection" seems to be one of the better remasters.
"I'll Find My Way Home" sounds good, with a louder sound due to the dynamic compression that really does fit its character as a pop song. No reverb was added to this track, contrary to "The Mayflower" and "State Of Independence", both were dealt quite a thick layer of delayed reverb. It makes "The Mayflower" sound more warm, despite bringing out it's brighter tones, but "State Of Independence" becomes a bit messy, loosing its tight rhythm.
Concluding, while not every album matches my taste in what remasters should deliver, this box has more than enough to offer in terms of audio quality. For albums like "Opera Sauvage", "Mask", "Invisible Connections" and "Private Collection" I now consider the "Delectus" version as the definitive master, while other albums include improvements, changes or revisions that are certainly worth listening to, and will please some better than before, depending on their tastes. Either way, "Delectus" is a "must have" for anyone who is searching for the best in the details of a recording.
We'll discuss the booklet and packaging in a separate post, when we can. [This has since been posted as part 2]
- Dennis Lodewijks
Thanks to Marc-Antoine for input on China's original CD mastering problem. Also, special thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for his speedy help in verifying some aspects in the actual product!
February 3 is approaching fast: This Friday marks the release of the Vangelis box set "Delectus".
A full elsew.com review is still pending. We have been carefully examining the remastered recordings, based on a promo set of all the CDs, comparing each to its original CD, but this takes time. We also hope to have access to the final product (the actual box with booklet and CDs) before we publish our evaluation.
Universal releases some of the photographs from the booklet to the press:
Vangelis allowed another rare interview, this time to Germany's primary online musicians magazine, Amazona.de.
Special thanks to Bernd Kistenmacher for his early alerts, and everyone else who wrote in with these links.
Blade Runner 2 composer Jóhann Jóhannsson has put out a statement that the music from this week's trailer was not his work and that it does not shed any light on the direction that he will take with his score for the upcoming sequel.
Ah well, at least this trailer proved that it is possible to create new music that is both updated and true to Vangelis' 1982 score. Jóhannsson can try in his own way, at least he has something to be measured against.
With that, we'll leave the issue behind us...
Thanks to Marc Vanholsbeeck for the link!
While keeping in mind that trailers (and even more so: teasers) often lack any connection to the actual musical score of the upcoming movie, todays release of the first teaser for the Jóhann Jóhannsson scored "Blade Runner 2" movie caused quit a stir (in a good way), hugely paying tribute to the Vangelis score for the 1982 original movie by referencing it heavily, thematically and in sound and mood, while actually using some samples from the original Vangelis recording as well. Interesting... One might think this project could really amount to something?
Time will tell. On October 6, next year, apparently.
Special thanks to Arturo Armas Lozano, who was the first to reach us with this. Closest runner-ups were Graeme Stewart and Haro Musters, but our thanks go to everyone who took the trouble to alert us!
The Recording Academy has just announced the nominees for the 59th Grammy Awards. Vangelis' latest studio album "Rosetta" is nominated in the category "Best New Age Album". Vangelis is up against Enya, John Burke, White Sun and the duo of Peter Kater & Tina Guo.
The winner will be announced during the Grammy Awards ceremony on February 12, 2017.
Vangelis has approved an English translation of his recent interview for Greek news paper magazine VIMAgazino, conducted and originally published in Greek on September 25. This translation is first published right here on Elsew.com.
Pavlos Papadopoulos speaks with Vangelis about the relation of music to science, philosophy and even some politics.
Translations in French, German, Italian and possibly other languages will soon follow.
Upon the worldwide release of his album, Rosetta on Friday, 23rd September 2016, the Greek composer speaks on VIMAgazino about the secrets of creativity, his working method, his relationship with Greece, along with the inner substance, the meaning, and the noesis of music.
By Pavlos Papadopoulos
How is the exploration of space and of the dawning of the Universe interconnected with the work of the great Greek composer, Vangelis? The worldwide release of his latest album entitled Rosetta, two days ago, marks the completion of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) space mission of the same name. The Rosetta Spacecraft, named after the Rosetta Stone, which held a key role to decoding the Egyptian hieroglyphics, completed a few days ago the study on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, broadening even further the horizons of our knowledge on the genesis of the solar system. Upon this event, Vangelis, a figure of the Arts whose radiance spreads beyond his 1982 Academy Award for Best Original Score of the film Chariots of Fire, gave to VIMAgazino a rare interview. In this interview, he talked about music not in terms of the “music industry”, but regarding the inner substance, the meaning and the intellectual nature of music, the code of creation, the way in which masterpieces, achievements, and every single expression of matter and intellect are displayed, and, finally, the “system” with which he himself works and composes music. It is absolutely certain that whoever reads this interview will be creatively puzzled and positively caught by surprise once they are enlightened on the fundamental truths crystallized in music; these truths may appear to be abstract and philosophical, but they exert influence on and are applied in whatever we think and do.
The next issue of UK progressive rock magazine "PROG" (issue 72, December 2016, out on December 7) shows a classic picture of Vangelis on the front cover and includes an exclusive interview, conducted in Paris, October this year.
Vangelis reportedly speeks about his career, Jon & Vangelis, Aphrodite's Child, Salvador Dali and the infamous Yes audition.
For unspecified reasons, the "Vangelis - The Tony Palmer Interviews" DVD that was announced by Palmer's DVD label has been pushed back further to January 27. We'll keep you updated of any developments.
Several online retailers are listing a DVD called "Vangelis - The Tony Palmer Interviews", set to be released this Friday, on December 2. It's not entirely clear to us whether this product will really be released, as it was listed earlier for a November release date. It was then retracted and has since re-appeared with a December 2 release date, which is how it still appears to be listed.
The product is produced by Tony Palmer, and available through Gonzo Multimedia, who also released the "Vangelis And The Journey To Ithaka" documentary back in 2013 and is announced to contain 280 minutes of (uncut) interviews.
According to our sources close to Vangelis, Vangelis is not actually involved with this release and is puzzled by its possible contents. The only interview Vangelis gave to Palmer is the one shot specifically for the movie, as it appears on the DVD. It is unclear how this can total up to 280 minutes of material.
Last Friday at the third International Arab Film Festival held in Zurich, Switzerland, a screening of the Vangelis scored film "Crépuscule Des Ombres" was shown at Kino Filmpodium. The film's director Mohamed Lakhdar-Hamina was an invited guest at the festival. While the film festival ended last Sunday, a second showing of the film is scheduled this Saturday, 26 November at 18:15 at the same venue. For more information check the links below.
Here is Universal's official announcement of Vangelis' upcoming deluxe box set:
Modern music visionary Vangelis has announced the release on 3rd February of a new 13-disc box set entitled "Delectus," featuring a chosen selection of his early discographic work. The mammoth collection will include all of his albums on Vertigo and Polydor, recently signed by Universal and remastered for the first time ever under the legendary composer's own supervision.
Presented in a lavish box with an essay and a plethora of rare photographs, the discs are housed in two die-cut, gatefold disc holders within a rigid 242mm square slipcase, and accompanied by a 64-page book illustrating a period of his prolific career of the iconic Maestro.
"I always welcome remastering my old work for two basic reasons" - explains Vangelis - "firstly, I get the opportunity to bring the sounds to today's standards, secondly, it gives me the chance to go through the experiences and memories of the time."
"Delectus" gathers together Vangelis' seminal albums "Earth", "L'Apocalypse Des Animaux", "China", "See You Later", "Antarctica", "Mask", "Opera Sauvage","Chariots of Fire", "Soil Festivities" and "Invisible Connections", plus his collaborative recordings with Jon Anderson as 'Jon & Vangelis' - "Short Stories", "The Friends of Mister Cairo" & "Private Collection". The remastered originals will be complemented with rare B-sides and 4 previously unreleased tracks.
Vangelis is regarded a pioneer in the evolution of modern music. In his lustrous discographic career he has composed and performed numerous albums covering the most diverse assortment of genres. He is most popular for his movie scores including Antarctica, Blade Runner, Missing, 1492: Conquest of Paradise, Alexander and the 1981 Academy Award-winning soundtrack for Chariots of Fire. 'Titles', the theme for 'Chariots of Fire', was later chosen as background to the 2012 Olympics winners' medal presentation ceremonies.
Six years after turning down the opportunity to join Yes, Vangelis joined forces with Jon Anderson in 1981 and the duo released 3 albums under the Jon & Vangelis moniker to critical acclaim. "The Friends of Mr Cairo" included celebrated single "State of Independence", which also reached chart success with its 1982 cover by Donna Summer and again in 1992 with a Moodswings version featuring Chrissie Hynde released as "Spiritual High (State of Independence) Pt. II".
Vangelis' pioneering work is recognised beyond record sales and music awards. In 1992, the Maestro was nominated Chevalier de L'ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and in 2001 Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur from the President of French Republic. He was the recipient of a Public Service Medal from NASA in 2003 and had a star named after him by the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory for the international impact and appreciation of his work as well as his rapport with the Universe. In 2008 Vangelis received the America Hellenic Institute "Hellenic Heritage Achievement Award" for his exceptional musical achievements and lifelong dedication to the promotion of Hellenism through the arts. The same year he also received an honorary doctorate at the University of Athens - Faculty of Primary Education and in 2009 he received the University of Patras Greece Honorary Doctor/Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Physics.
1) EARTH: 00600753682081
1. Come On
2. We Are All Uprooted
3. Sunny Earth
4. He-O
5. Ritual
6. Let It Happen
7. The City
8. My Face In The Rain
9. We Are All Uprooted
10. A Song
2) L'APOCALYPSE DES ANIMAUX: 00600753682098
1. Apocalypse des animaux – Générique
2. La petite fille de la mer
3. Le singe bleu
4. La mort du loup
5. L'ours musicien
6. Création du monde
7. La mer recommence
3) CHINA: 00600753682104
1. Chung Kuo
2. The Long March
3. The Dragon
4. The Plum Blossom
5. The Tao Of Love
6. The Little Fete
7. Yin & Yang
8. Himalaya
9. Summit
4) SEE YOU LATER: 00600753682128
1. I Can't Take It Anymore
2. Multi-Track Suggestion
3. Memories Of Green
4. Not A Bit - All Of It
5. Suffocation
6. See You Later
7. Neighbours Above
8. My Love
9. Domestic Logic 1
5) ANTARCTICA: 00600753682142
1. Theme From Antarctica
2. Antarctica Echoes
3. Kinematic
4. Song Of White
5. Life Of Antarctica
6. Memory Of Antarctica
7. Other Side Of Antarctica
8. Deliverance
6) MASK: 00600753682166
1. Mask: Movement 1
2. Mask: Movement 2
3. Mask: Movement 3
4. Mask: Movement 4
5. Mask: Movement 5
6. Mask: Movement 6
7) OPERA SAUVAGE: 00600753682111
1. Hymne
2. Rêve
3. L'enfant
4. Mouettes
5. Chromatique
6. Irlande
7. Flamants roses
8) CHARIOTS OF FIRE: 00600753682135
1. Titles
2. Five Circles
3. Abraham's Theme
4. Eric's Theme
5. 100 Metres
6. Jerusalem
7. Chariots Of Fire
9) SOIL FESTIVITIES: 00600753682159
1. Soil Festivities: Movement 1
2. Soil Festivities: Movement 2
3. Soil Festivities: Movement 3
4. Soil Festivities: Movement 4
5. Soil Festivities: Movement 5
10) INVISIBLE CONNECTIONS: 00600753682173
1. Invisible Connections
2. Atom Blaster
3. Thermo Vision
11) SHORT STORIES: 00600753682180
1. Curious Electric
2. Each And Every Day
3. Bird Song
4. I Hear You Now
5. The Road
6. Far Away In Baagad
7. Love Is
8. One More Time
9. Thunder
10. Play Within A Play
12) PRIVATE COLLECTION: 00600753682203
1. Italian Song
2. And When The Night Comes
3. Deborah
4. Polonaise
5. He Is Sailing
6. Horizon
7. Song Is
13) THE FRIENDS OF MISTER CAIRO: 00600753682197
1. I'll Find My Way Home
2. State Of Independence
3. Beside
4. The Mayflower
5. The Friends Of Mr. Cairo
6. Back To School
7. Outside Of This (Inside Of That)
There are 4 bonus tracks, the previously unreleased:
Neighbours Above - 2015 Remastered version - Bonus track for See You Later
The other bonus tracks are:
My Love - 2015 Remastered version - Bonus track for See You Later
Domestic Logic 1 - 2015 Remastered version - Bonus track for See You later
Song Is (Jon & Vangelis) - 2015 Remastered version - Bonus track for Private Collection
They were released on singles and have never appeared on CD before.
Both old and new fans who enjoyed Vangelis's space-centered album "Rosetta" - won't miss the opportunity to own some of the Maestro's most groundbreaking work, remastered from the original first generation master tapes, all in an attractive and informative package. "Delectus" is out on 3rd February through all usual retailers.
You can pre-order the box set here: Vangelis.lnk.to/Delectus
Official announcements are expected tomorrow, but PROG magazine has the honour of advance announcing the upcoming release of a deluxe 13 CD box set of the entire Vertigo and Polydor back catalog of Vangelis albums, including 4 bonus tracks, previously unreleased on CD. The release is called "Delectus".
Check back here tomorrow for the official announcement. Also, expect more updates over time, leading up to this release.
Universal is working on an announcement for some good news involving Vangelis' back catalog, which is expected next week. Be sure to check back here for more details in the coming days.
The Vangelis scored eco documentary "Trashed" gets a limited theatrical release in France next week, as it is screened by selected (art house) cinema's throughout the country.
Vangelis has been presented with a bronze sculpture of himself, made by Dr. Nadey Hakim. According to sources close to Vangelis, the two men met at a dinner in London not long ago, when Mr Hakim expressed his desire to create Vangelis' bronze bust as he did before for HM The Queen Elizabeth, David Cameron and a version of Michelangelo's David. Although this came as a suprise to Vangelis, he accepted with pleasure.
Nadey S. Hakim is a well renowned British-Lebanese transplant surgeon who has performed over 2000 transplants. He has also authored several books about surgery and transplantations, and was part of the team that performed the world's first hand transplant in 1998.
US Radio organisation NPR (National Public Radio), produced an item on Vangelis' "Rosetta" album in yesterday's editions of "All Things Considered" one of their most popular and syndicated programs. The item is brief, but they managed to speak to Vangelis, getting quotes from him on recording Rosetta and on not being asked for the upcoming "Blade Runner" sequel. They also spoke to three other composers, to praise Vangelis' work: Ex Tangerine Dream member Paul Haslinger, Mr. Robot's Mac Quayle and Blade Runner 2 composer Johann Johannsson), all currently attached to hip and popular projects in the cinema or on TV.
[Note: Embedded player removed due to scripts running, disrupting this page.]
And here are some more reader reviews on Vangelis' latest album. New submission are no longer published. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and feelings!
What Rosetta concretely looks like? All what Vangelis has achieved since 1976. Purists will pounce! Anyway, early Vangelis print is there. Just start listening .... although it is quite impossible to describe this pure musical expression with words: "Origins" launches and place us on the track of "Spiral". "Starstuff" takes us 20 years back to the time of "Oceanic", as if the space and the aquatic world are one in the spirit of the Greek creator. "Infinity" leads us to "1492", watching Columbus, on his way back home. "Exo Genesis" revives "Chariots of Fire", Vangelis symphony of 1981, with an raging flash to "Invisible Connections". Then "Celestial Whispers" appears: what a heavenly sigh! If the sky could tell us, it would talk. An amazing sound source where clarity prevails. "Albedo 0.06" reflects the perspective of the solar reflection on earth, from the view of the probe .... Inconceivable, given that the previous Vangelis "Albedo" (sun/earth) stands at 0.39. Then came the master sequence of the album, "Sunlight": a fountain of youth where the beauty of the light is expressed at the highest of its glory: a pure happiness. To the point that I would forget the rest of the album; except "Return to the Void", a matured Vangelis sequence which seems to remind us that we are simply ephemeral constellations in space.
Vangelis: 73 years, more than 50 original albums and still conveys to his audience this dazzling listening impression. Is it possible to design such a creative dynamism that remains over the time? With Rosetta, Vangelis has not only crossed the barrier of cosmic sound but that of the invisible. He reached the impassable sovereignty of the musical expression. Eternity, seriousness and grace. We often remain silent before this abundance of senses; this abundance of sounds. The adventure of Rosetta thus expressed, it embodies the majesty in grace.
(Extract- Le Temps perpétuel- 2016/ (Translated from French)
- Alex Caire
Fans of Vangelis (or any other artist) buy his (or their) records because they want "musical uplifting pleasure"; music that defines the rest of their lives, music that touches and makes them feel less alone in the universe. And by buying the album, they also want to support the artist so that he would make more albums to please them. He serves music to serve people. He acts as a transmitter. In an ivory tower one might forget that very last thing.
What we got so far in this century was about as much as one or two years of his "production" at Nemo days.
As a 14 year old guy I remember I had to save for months to be able to buy his new album "Opéra sauvage", and was eagerly waiting for the next to come. I didn"t need a lot of patience these days. Wonderful albums came as seasons changed.
Vangelis musically has nothing left to prove nor needs our money from album sales, but once again brings us (the waiting people, the wanting people) immense new musical pleasure with "Rosetta". We can only be grateful...
- Carl Deseyn
More than 15 years I was dreaming about new studio record of such a great master - Vangelis, a synthesizer record, dedicated to Universe. And now, finally, got it! The new album "Rosetta" is a very strong masterpiece. We've got again the typical, but unique sound "A la Vangelis".
For me, the highest memorable moments in this record are the majestic and mysterious "Star stuff", the choral "Infinitude", the glorious "Sunlight" and the romantic "Rosetta".
In fact, the new album reminds me of his old records like "Soil Festivities", "Antarctica", "Oceanic" and "Direct". In this record I hear also the power side of Vangelis. Opening theme draws dramatic mission in deep Space! And then "Perihelion" comes with dark, but catchy rhythmic melody. It is not a surprise that the new album "Rosetta" sounds like an anthem of Nature!
Dear Mr. Papathanassiou, many thanks for the wonderful work! When I listened it, my soul touched the stars and felt the winds of Genesis.
- Valeri Kirilov
It wouldn't take too many words to describe the album: brilliant!
- Jacques Povée
The perceived notion of some that Vangelis' music of late has eschewed the harder synthesizer sounds for an orchestral palette may have to re-evaluate after listening to this. There are some orchestral passages in "Infinitude", "Rosetta" and in particular "Mission Accomplie", but for the most part this album is a tour de force of Vangelis' virtuosity with melody, synthesizer effects and production. Just listen to the swirling effects on "Origins", the frenetic sequences of "Albedo 0.06", the ambience of "Return To The Void" or the gossamer thin melodies intertwined on "Starstuff" to be reminded of past albums of the 70's to the 90's.
The tracks "Sunlight", "Elegy" and "Starstuff" are among the most beautiful of Vangelis' works evoking the vast distances of space and on "Elegy" in particular, the loneliness felt by humanity when their emissaries shut down and travel the void forever.
This is music on an epic scale, befitting the vastness and grandeur of space.
Like all great albums, this one rewards repeated listening. A remarkable work.
- Patrick Gleeson
A fairly average input from Vangelis. When I first heard about the new album, I had mixed feelings. I was excited but I wasn't expecting much. The 3rd CD of the BladeRunner album was pants. His last decent album was El Greco (not the film score). You would have to go all the way back to 1492 Conquest of Paradise for his last epic. I'm a childhood fan of Vangelis and he is my hero and biggest influence as a composer. I was hoping for something more adventurous in Rosetta. There were hints of Direct and Mythodia, and even Albedo. With all that he has achieved and given that he is firmly amongst the top of the list as one of the greatest composers of 20th/21st century, he has nothing to prove. However, one last epic would of been great, instead of churning out an average Ambient album that probably only took him a month to record.
- Lee Haynes
Vastness of space
Aptly expressed in
Newest album from the
Genius of music
Enjoy it with the
Lights off and let your
Soar to the comet
Reflect on the beauty of
Our universe that his
Synth passages
Enhance so grandly
Thank you
Thank you for this wondrous
- Imre Olajos
With Vangelis seeming to enter a kind of retirement since 2007, I was surprised at how wonderful Rosetta is. This is a rich tapestry of sound, harkening back to the best albums like Soil Festivities and Voices. Despite my thrill, I feel a little bittersweet, because the music itself seems often carefully constructed as a kind of swansong. There is a great deal of subtle self-quotation here, as though a great master were purposely wrapping up his accomplishments with a final creative flourish. The title track reminds of 'Alpha' from Albedo 0.39; Rosetta's Waltz brings to mind themes from Alexander. Other tracks remind of Chariots of Fire, Mask, and 1492, to name a few. The sound is outstanding also, with each track as richly conceived and unique as the source material --- his own works, all. What better material to quote from could there be?
- Sean A. Fulop
Acquired Rosetta yesterday.
At this point, if you have listened to the entirety - or near entirety - of Vangelis' discography, there are very few surprises. All of the familiar traits to him are found: his melodic sensibility, his intuitive harmonic progressions and uncanny ability to weave various, even disparate, timbres together. This is also a continuation of his "turn of the century sound" where a custom-made controller basically allows him to summon a much wider "orchestra" of sounds. This album is by no means groundbreaking; but if you have had a career as long and diverse as Vangelis, this is not a bad thing.
I will say that I admire the sense of "adventure" with the sound where it does not depend on select timbres or recurring motifs (save for a "trumpet Rosetta melody" that occurs every now and then). It really does feel like a journey where the experience dictates the logic and not vice versa. Honestly, this is something I would like to see more of from Vangelis, especially since he feels more comfortable with his studio setup (and I can imagine it is very easy to upgrade and expand one's sound library).
This is not a new major classic a la Heaven and Hell or Mask or even El Greco (the original limited 1995 release) by any means. But this is solid - and quite good - Vangelis and this is not at all a detriment.
- Derek J. Power
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of establishing the Greek state TV channel ERT, five films related to ERT will be screened during the upcoming documentary festival (Docfest), held in Greece. Each film will highlight a particular decade during its existence. The film selected for the second decade (1976-1986) showcases Irene Papas performing (or talking about?) Vangelis' "Odes". The film is directed by Giannis Diamantopoulos and will be screened on Friday October 14, at the Papadimitriou Theatre, from 18:30 to 19:18.
Rosetta's sales are going strong, reaching high positions in the European album charts. Best performance is in Flanders (Dutch language part of Belgium) where it is at 10, while Wallonia (the other Belgian half) has it at 33. France splits charts between Digital and physical where Rosetta makes 31 and 70 respectively. An overview of the large European markets:
Still open for more input by mail at elsew.com@gmail.com (Max 450 words, about the album)
Vangelis at his best, Rosetta brought me back to the early days and memories of some brilliant albums. There are references to I don't how many other albums, a sheer delight.
If I have any suggestions, then I would loved to have seen Rosetta and Mission Accomplished developed into full blown epics such as Alpha or perhaps To the Unknown Man, but we can't have everything.
Never the less, absolutely loved the album.
Thank you Vangelis.
- Graham Carter
Listening to "Rosetta", I'm really impressed and thrilled! The Greek god of music gave us another example of his infinite genius. It's simply unbelievable that any human in the world could compose such brilliant music for this milestone of space technology, except Vangelis! His talent is far from everything that ever was and will be.
- Walter Wachhauer
VANGELIS is one of the pioneers of the electronic music, and ROSETTA is a masterwork.
VANGELIS is a special case, because the inspiration and the musicality of his work is always in concordance with his technical skills.
Right now, in 2016, if you buy a new synthesizer, of any brand, and you start exploring the instrument, you will find a lot of the sounds that VANGELIS had used years ago.
The sound developed by VANGELIS in his electronic period (China, Spiral, Albedo, Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, Direct, The City, Antartica, etc., etc.) before his symphonic works, is very remarkable and original. His electronic music is very NATURAL, it seems like has been existing all the time, since the beginning of creation.
Since some years ago, I was missing this side of his musical career, the electronic sound field, in which VANGELIS is a true master, probably the best. For this reason, I think that with Rosetta, we have the opportunity, in 2016, to listen the electronic VANGELIS again, and he's back with a very mature and incredible approach to the sounds he knows better than anybody. With his electronic music, VANGELIS make the listeners fly to the distant places in the Cosmos.
Congratulations to Mr. VANGELIS for this new album.
- GARCIA M. Jaime
"Rosetta" is a beautiful album, which portrays the journey of the probe through time and space accordingly and well. It isn't an album for easy listening, because smooth and strong parts are rotating, but overall the mood is a perfect one. I would count "Rosetta" to the rather strong albums, due to the electronic feeling and the spherical ambience. Yet it isn't Vangelis' strongest work, interesting and well-instrumented, but I feel the album could have deserved a better mastering. Not sound-wise - as it is crystal clear and vibrant -, but I feel that sometimes the tracks are just put up together and do not merge smoothly enough. With albums like "Voices" or "El Greco" we can hear long fade-outs, fade-ins and transitions, which are missed here, and which would have made "Rosetta" a bit smoother and more harmonic. Also I feel, that there are some tempo-wise problems - I can't describe it properly: in tracks like "Exo Genesis" or "Perihelion" the musical notes or effects don't fit to the underlying rhythm or vibe. It feels like Vangelis have played it live once, and the tracks were left unedited - or it is simply an artistic kind of thing I don't get… With a little more editing it would have been a very smooth, powerful and elegant album. It is fine though as it is, we get a lot of interesting tracks: my favourites are "Elegy", "Exo Genesis", "Infinitude" and "Perihelion". The latter is the perfect example for (in my eyes) a missing edit with more fitting to the time structure. It might be the "wild", artistic reminiscence to early Vangelis albums, but that's the only thing I dare to note. The overall feeling stays the same: it is wonderful, heavenly and moving music from the Mozart of modern music. My gratitude can't be high enough, that this man keeps creating such music, which still is able to raise goose bumps and to make someone dive into higher atmospheres. "Rosetta" is such an album without larger doubts.
- Jens Pielawa
An unexpected album, but a good one. Not his best, but the tracks are more ambient than ever. They represent very clear and audible where the Rosetta mission is all about. Superb! Especially "Return To The Void" is a - for Vangelis - unusual ambient track. An unexpected very nice one, in my opinion. A track that concludes the Rosetta mission story perfectly.
The electronic vibe is very present all over the album, but at the same time his remarkable "orchestral approach" is there as well. Too bad? No, because I like this style and try to make this on my own (software) synthesizers in my spare time.
And yes, there is the "track blending" again. Without this, it wouldn't be a Vangelis album :-) To rate this album for no-Vangelis fans but people who want to buy Rosetta (read: people who think that Vangelis is Conquest of Paradise only...) : I give it 9/10. A must have! The CD booklet is nice and beautiful as well.
- Jordi Bloem
Upon hearing the album Rosetta from Vangelis, I got the feeling that it sounds more like a personal demo than a commercial album release. At times Vangelis has selected certain instruments that sound out of place for an album released in 2016. For example a sampled trumpet is heard on the track Rosetta that may have sounded impressive last century but now sounds passé and slightly ruins the quality of the track. A few session musicians employed like he has done for past albums would have helped improve the overall sound of the album. Don't get me wrong, I'm not reviewing it as bad album. It's simply a matter of sonic taste and besides, Vangelis is not an artist that follows musical trends or needs to prove anything. I believe that this album still delivers the winning formula that has served him well throughout his career. It's enough to satisfy the fans and introduce new listeners to his unique sound of majestic sweeping strings, crashing percussion and at times, an almost child like fascination with space that through it's ambient passages, sound not unlike Brian Eno's album Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks. We haven't got from Vangelis a Bladerunner 2 soundtrack to look forward to in 2017 but listening to the track Return To The Void, a hint is given at what could have possibly been from the master of atmosphere...
- Martin Dodd
Finally! A Greek magician of electronic music returns with a new album worth every minute we had to wait for it.
It's not true that Vangelis was silent for a long time or he retired. Since the release of the soundtrack of "Alexander" in 2004 Vangelis treated us with a new album attached to the box set "Blade Runner Trilogy", soundtrack from the Greek film "El Greco" (not to be confused with the identically titled album from 90s), three compositions written for the Polish movie "Swiadectwo" and new music composed for the stage version of "Chariots of fire" - a film that earned him an Oscar in 1982. Maybe a little but still something.
Vangelis, if he wanted to, could release albums every month. What prevents him from it it's a business aspect that surrounds artists and label's greed to make money. According to some reports he has hundreds or even thousands hours of music in his archives. It's possible because he usually composes and records at the same time, at the first attempt.
The premiere of this album is a real treat. It consist of 13 compositions inspired by the mission of the European Space Agency's, Rosetta. The aim was to enter orbit lander Philae on the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko and embedding it on the surface. The mission was a success.
"Rosetta" is a return to the sound the artist conquered the hearts of listeners in the 70s and 80s, while working in his famous studio Nemo. Some of the compositions arouse an irresistible combination of old achievements by Vangelis - "Albedo 0.06" could easily fit into the climate of the "Albedo 0.39", the title track would be great on "Opera Sauvage", jazzy experiments in "Exo Genesis; wouldn"t depress the value of "Spiral" and "Starstuff" would beautifully complement the landscape soundtrack from "Antarctica". This doesn't mean that Vangelis repeats himself here - listening to this music is just like a meeting with a long unseen friend.
"Rosetta", although created on synthesizers, is not artificial - on the contrary, it reflects the feelings of the mysterious, of which Einstein said that is the most beautiful thing we can discover.
Final "Return To The Void", during which the comet finally leave our solar system, and the mission of the probe ends, leaves us with a sense of contact with something unknown and mysterious.
Theoretically, there is no obvious hits although the sentimental melody of the title track might soon make it a classic and the majestic waltz "Mission accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz)" is quite catchy and simply great for humming. It's Vangelis in great form coming back with music not of this world. That his fans love most.
- Pawel Piotrowicz
The new Vangelis Album Rosetta is almost philosophical for me, a musical journey back to the origin of everything ... a colorful sound cosmos full of harmony and chaos, we drift through the album as we drift through the universe, through our life until we "return to the void" in the last track. As all life. Unique. Pure Vangelis. It leaves me speechless, full of joy and thanks.
- Dietmar Paul
Rosetta has arrived.So many years waiting to encounter a new release from the great master Vangelis. I would like to say that time hasn´t affected his music, but it has.His music seems less risky, avant garde and experimental, and is becoming more the typical new age music, light and easy to hear and sell, taking secure pathways that any Vangelis fan has heared before. Rosetta, as far as the sun is, is far from the masterpieces that Vangelis wrote that make him famous, like Heaven and Hell, Blade Runner or even the commercial Oscar Academy Winner Chariots of Fire. Some fans may say that the Maestro owes nothing to their fans. But they are wrong. Vangelis owes his fans to release all the music that still locked in his personal vault...And if this happens someday,in the near future, the fans would have the chance to immerse in the vast and unknown universe of Vangelis unpublished and hidden music, searching for jewels that waited, as a comet in the dark, to be discovered...
- Centaury 11186
Vangelis music is superb Classical space music album; it takes you to a different place into the universe and beyond. The "Rosetta" is going to be a masterpiece album using a spaceship theme music you may ever hear before, I am big fan of Vangelis of his works. You may experiment Vangelis album's music from the Albedo 0.39, Spiral, Blade Runner, Mask, Direct, Oceanic, and Mythodea etc.
Vangelis creates his own sound using a future symphonic synthesizers sound with many instruments with light And heavy soundscapes proving he is still the greatest in his Fantastic music style.
I am so glad I bought this album, it's the best definitive music album ever.
I Will enjoy listening of "Rosetta" over and over again.
-Peter Schweigman III
The Rosetta mission ended today when its spacecraft made a planned touchdown on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. As the world awaited the confirmation signal from Rosetta, a video streaming of the event was broadcast live from ESA's headquarters in Germany.
The broadcast began and ended with a short ident using a snippet from Vangelis' track "Mission Accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz)". Shortly after receiving the touchdown signal from the Rosetta spacecraft, a film was shown depicting some memorable moments from the mission, featuring music from "Origins (Arrival)" and "Perihelion". Sometime later the host of the broadcast mentioned Vangelis by name. See the video link below and cue to 01:02:19 and 01:013:35 for the relevant bits.
The album "Rosetta" enters the UK album charts at number 40 on its first week since its release.
Last Sunday the Greek magazine "VIMagazino" published a new interview with Vangelis. This interview has now been made available online on the magazine's website.
More reactions to Vangelis' new album. Still open for more input by mail at elsew.com@gmail.com (Max 450 words, about the album)
When I saw the cd for the first time, I thought that with this releasing label (Decca), another classical music structure was going to be performed by vangelis, but not. This is an album that could have perfectly match with the years of east-west. Synthetisers, atmospheres, and the unique feling that brings Vangelis music appears here. What can say? If you like the sound universe of Vangelis, you will enjoy this new album. It's a recording to sit down, disconect from your troubles and let yourself go into an amazing journey. The sound is glorious, on an high quality sound reproducer, you feel like new spaces are moving around you. Some moments on sunlight, starstuff, infinitude,... are simply glorius.
An album for the listening pleasure of an vangelis fan, and also a great way to enjoy his music for those who only know their most famous tracks.
- victor manuel ruiz pastora
It's awesome to hear the new Vangelis music "Rosetta" since I saw 3 videos in 2014, this sounds like "The City", "Oceanic" or "Direct" a bit. This album explores the emotional science, space travel and magic sounds. It can express the global nature and peaceful environment. Sounds like a one-man band making synthesizers with many instruments and soundscapes at the same time. I was surprised of this work, Vangelis still creates more great music the world needs.
- Miguel Ángel Escobar Abril
The prospect of a new Vangelis album is always big excitement, and I must say that Rosetta lived up to my secret expectations, it instantly became one of my favorite albums of the post-Oceanic era, next to BR25 and Alexander. The sound of this album is ahh… so very beautiful! Fully electronic but nonetheless organic, always serious but subtle when needed, it really keeps a delicate balance between being symphonic and modern. I just realize how much I missed this digital Vangelis sound in the last 20 years. The arrangement connects this album more to the 1988-1996 "Direct"period of Vangelis, than his more recent recordings.
On the other hand the Rosetta album is not easy listening. Most compositions of the album are not developed into real themes, and in general they have a less linear structure than Vangelis' usual stuff. There are no sweeping space anthems like Pulstar or Alpha. Yet I find an abundant compensation for it in the strong landscape images that the album conveys. Tracks like Starstuff and Sunlight perfectly capture the emotions that astronauts or earthbound people may feel when gazing at the stars, wondering about the miracles of our universe. The title track, although the opening melody is indeed familiar, becomes a memorable piece on its own as the composition unfurls.
While my CD is on the way, I enjoy Rosetta as a digital download, so it's worth noting that the tracks are segued into each other, which result in a bit disturbing gaps between the mp3 tracks.
- Zoltan Horvath
The first studio release from Greek composer Vangelis since 2007 and the Blade Runner inspired 25 Anniversary set, returns him to his roots of synthesisers, for which he is most famous. After having listened to Vangelis' music for over 40 years, and after his recent sorays into classical music, I must say I was in trepidation of what kind of music would be released. But from the very first notes of the album I knew this was indeed special. I was pleasantly surprised!
With all the hallmarks of his distinctive style – sweeping grandiose crescendoes, tinkling bells, deep percussion, dancing piano riffs and various synthesised sounds, the tracks ebb and flow- like the winds of time, and the spaceship theme adds to the whole image of the music.
Vangelis does what he has always done so well – combine unique music to a visual theme – provided this time by the real life ESA project and the Rosetta space probe.
With hints of past sets – like Spiral and Albedo, the tracks flow effortlessly into each other, culminating in the title track Rosetta, and the harp refrain reminded me of Elsewhere from his Direct CD.
Celestial Whispers' melody reminded me of his classic Blade Runner music and Exo Genesis with its cheeky piano dancing, like sunlight on water, leading for me, to the highlight of the set – Perihelion with its pulsing sequences, bass and ambient closing. The closing pieces Elegy and Return to the Void reminded me of his maturity and gracefulness.
Vangelis has once remarked that there is a lack of beauty in the world, and with this set of music I see that he at least tries to right that wrong. There is indeed beauty and majesty in Rosetta. The master returns.
- Nev Dorrington
A new Vangelis album. Wow. Over the last few decades this has become a very rare occurrence compared to the good old days of the 1970s/early 1980s, Vangelis almost semi-retired now, it seems. So new releases are a big event to be savoured.
Its a lovely album with some genuine highlights- having heard it a few times now, I can say the first half of the album is excellent, some of it sounding genuinely fresh and exciting after so many years of Vangelis' music sounding all of the same "soundscape". Its nice to be surprised by a Vangelis release, and the fourth track "Exo Genesis" is instantly recognisable as genuinely great Vangelis music. So while I miss the wild abandon and experimentation of his Nemo years, and the sophistication that was so incredible in every track of his Direct album, Rosetta seems a pretty solid release.
However, there is always that weight of expectation from there being so few releases these days, somethingRosetta cannot really live up to. If Vangelis was releasing albums on an annual basis like in his early days, Rosetta would be a pretty good entry, but as it is it just feels a little "light". I raised that comparison to Direct for a reason- Direct is a phenomenal piece of work, spanning all sorts of musical tastes and genres, richly dynamic and varied; Rosetta is something else entirely. It all sounds very "spacey" and fairly ambient, and all the tracks link together well because they all seem cut from the same cloth, so to speak. So there isn't as much variation as I would like, and the album seems over before it really seems to "ignite".
So, isolated highlights aside, Rosetta is a "good" Vangelis album while not a "great" one. And I really wish Vangelis would either release some of the piles of stuff in his infamous vault or perhaps bring out more new stuff on a regular basis, because there is something a little sad about isolated releases like Rosetta after the heady days of earlier years. I'm not expecting every release to be his veritable "masterpiece", and in truth after all those great albums like China and Soil Festivities and Direct and El Greco, the Greek maestro owes us nothing. Rosetta feels like a fragile jewel, and is endearing if only for that, but I know Vangelis can do more. Either he doesn't feel he has anything to prove or doesn't feel he even has to release his music anymore, but I find it frustrating, have done for years. Which is distracting from the music in Rosetta.
Still, Rosetta is a good album, and I realise it's not really fair commentary on that album that I'm pining for the good old Nemo days when Vangelis was banging on his drums and bells and all manner of percussion instruments like some madman. Nemo is done and gone. But I miss it. I miss that old Vangelis. But I guess Rosetta will do.
- Ian Smith
I'm listening to the cd "Rosetta" on my hifi set. I have a hybrid (tube) amplifier and cd player from Unison Research. The most beautiful thing about playing with tube equipment is that the middle area is reproduced nicely. The master has again delivered a Masterful cd. The whole cd is excellent. When I hear how detailed the sounds emerge into the room, both the low and high, nothing is overdone and there is no listening fatigue.
- Albert Aalbers
Here are the first reader reviews we have received. Please still feel invited to submit your review. According to Amazon.com the release date for the USA is set to September 30, so we'll extend accepting reviews until after that date. elsew.com@gmail.com (Max 450 words, about the album)
Whoever listens's masterpiece Rosetta
is able to feel
the wonder that which the spirit of Vangelis
can to inspire
pure bliss and emotions
- Fernando Hoya
I was very surprised when I read that the Grandmaster was planning a new album using mainly synthesizers. Of course, synths never went away in his musical palette but the sounds he created during the last years were for a big part orchestral. Rosetta is a concept album about the ESA space mission. We were already introduced in 2014 when tracks of the album appeared on YouTube. This tasted for more. Vangelis' music is not something you must listen to while doing the dishes or something (that is my opinion), you must sit or lie down and undergo it. The album has a central theme that returns on different moments on the album. Vangelis is a composer who has the ability to write big and wide melodies, as well as reflective atmospheric pieces. That is already happening in the opening of the album: after the first big orchestral theme in Origins (Arrival) there is a very beautiful quiet moment in Starstuff. It is a teasing composition because I expect it the whole time to become bigger bit it stays in its mode. A piece of genius! The effects are brilliant. After this, Infinitude is a very filmic track. Then the piano, a bit jazzy, takes over in Exo Genesis. Sometimes in the press Vangelis is labelled as "new age". That doesn't do him right but if there is a "new age" track on the album, it is the soft Celestial Whispers. Albedo 0.06 is something else. This very electronic piece takes me back to the album Albedo 0.39 with its progressive impact. Here, the theme from the first track returns. Sunlight is is my highlight of the album. This a large orchestral piece, something only Vangelis can create. In the title track I hear his Greek roots. This is a composition he could have made for a film from the seventies. After this, in Philae's Descent, we hear the central theme again but in a slightly 1492-sauce. It is all bombast. Albums like Soil Festivities greet here also. But of course this is Vangelis so next, in Mission Accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz), he completely changes mood again. Perihelion is a return to the original theme but very symphonic. Perihelion has traces of Tangerine Dream in the sequences. This changes in the classic Elegy with a melancholic melody. The last track Return To The Void is pure space. I can only say this about Rosetta: Vangelis has created another masterpiece, proving he is still the greatest in his style.
- Paul Rijkens
The New album "Rosetta" is excellent, my favorite release in 20 years since 1996's "Oceanic". I have felt that some of his releases in the last couple of decades lacked the rawness of his earlier work, and now, this album!!
Experimental electronics blended with his modern "orchestral" sound, the odd pretty melody here and there mixed with innovative keyboard work - I think this is the Vangelis album fans have been waiting for a long time.....
New ideas as well as one track that was reminiscent of his 70's work on such as "Heaven and Hell" and "Albedo 0.39". I was truly surprised by this album, I was expecting to hear the more orchestral side we have come to expect in recent years, but this album is so so much more.
- Tim Downs
The "Rosetta" album was issued on September 23 in Korea. Although there's been no news from online shops about vinyl release yet, I'm very happy to appreciate this emotional music today..Unlike previous project "Mythodea", I felt that his musical style returns to East West era in 90's..
I don't know about other vangelis fans, but it's really nice to enjoy the total synthesizer work after a long time..
I love the last track "Return to the void" especially because of its aerial soundscape bring up the smell of his 80's style..
And finally, I hope that many people get a chance to experience the journey to the space right now..
Thank you for reading..
- Ho Gyum Kim
There is not one single second of Rosetta that does not have Vangelis' signature on it. But at the same time Rosetta never appears to be redundant with any of Vangelis' previously released work. This, just as any of his other best albums, is a record with a specific soul and identity. From the melodical ambient of its first half to the more structured pieces of its second part, Vangelis' Rosetta achieves its objective of emphasizing the deeply human side of space exploration, and ESA endeavours in particular. Rosetta illustrates the grandeur of space, but also the fragility of this little probe, and the high hopes that support those human beings who built it, in their quest for a better understanding of who we are, and where we come from. I have to confess though that my favorite moment in Rosetta is at the end of Perihelion when one of this typically graceful Vangelisian moments occurs, and only a few notes appear to sound just like a whole universe.
- Marc Vanholsbeeck
After so many years of travelling we have seem to landed...finally it is there, a new album as they say. Although an album contains mostly songs
On Vangelis his Rosetta Album there is as far as my ears reach actually one song, or placed in another perspective, one final destination as it seems.
Everything around that destination creates a fantastic (space) odyssey among new born stars and the festivity of sunbeams, appearing as we travel along planets and clouds towards our final destination ( Rosetta's Waltz).
During this galactic event we meet tatters of musical Vangelis pieces from an ancient time recognizable, somehow incomplete and trustful. If I have to explain Rosetta I will not succeed, I can just approach it by saying grab your headphones and start and discover this marvelous universal quest!
- Remko Zijlstra
A new interview with Vangelis will be published in Sunday's edition of the Greek magazine "VIMagazino". The interview runs for several pages and will feature several photographs. "VIMagazino" is the Sunday supplement magazine for the Greek newspaper "To Vima". To our knowledge, the Sunday magazine cannot be back-ordered from the newspaper's website, and Greek fans are encouraged to get it from the newspaper kiosks this Sunday.
Some may recall a few years ago "VIMagazino" conducted an interview with Vangelis, see our post from April 13, 2008.
Yesterday Vangelis' "Rosetta" album was released; and perhaps no one was more excited to hear the album than the Rosetta spacecraft. Just a week before its planned touchdown on the comet, the Rosetta spaceraft sent these kind words on its official twitter feed:
And it's out... Decca has released the CD and the vinyl record exactly as planned and (most) digital channels have the music available. Enjoy!
Remember that you are invited to share your thoughts for publication in a mail to: elsew.com@gmail.com (Max 450 words, about the album)...
The official release moment for Vangelis' new album "Rosetta" is now just hours away. To celebrate this occasion, you are invited to share your thoughts and opinions on the album on this site. We will publish such reviews spread over several updates throughout the coming week.
Please limit your story to roughly 450 words and stick to the topic: The Rosetta album.
Send your input to: elsew.com@gmail.com
With less than two days to go until Vangelis' "Rosetta" album is released, an animation video is posted on VangelisVevo's channel on YouTube. The video is intended as an accompaniment to the CD and vinyl release, and it shows the timeline of ESA Rosetta's incredible mission as it rendezvoused with comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. The track "Rosetta" from the upcoming album is played during the animation.
After orbiting the comet and collecting a wealth of scientific data for two years, it is expected the Rosetta spacecraft will land on the comet on September 30 in a grande finale.
Universal Music runs a Vangelis page on Facebook, it announced today they have secured additional signed CDs in limited numbers, sold exclusively at their online store uDiscoverMusic. As reported in our July 29 update, some 100-limited signed "Rosetta" CDs were previously offered and were snatched up quickly. This new and limited stock gives fans and collectors alike the chance to obtain this unique item, but hurry up before they go.
Two weeks ago the "Blackpool Illuminations" kicked off in the city of Blackpool (see our earlier update from September 5). One of the projections shown on the Blackpool Tower is a space-themed 3D animation prepared with the participation of ESA and the UK Space Agency. The show is entitled "Chasing Stars" and features British ESA astronaut Tim Peake. The 3D animation is accompanied by music selections from Vangelis soon to be released album "Rosetta". Below we post some additional links relating to the event.
With less than a week before Vangelis' "Rosetta" album release, Decca has unveiled a lighthearted and fun website dedicated to the album at vangelisrosetta.com. The website features some music snippets from Vangelis' album, while giving the chance to play a shooter game featuring a little spaceship clearing a field of asteroids. On the website there are links to the recent music videos that were posted on YouTube, links to retailers where the album can be obtained, and some additional information.
For those who pre-ordered the "Rosetta" album on Apple iTunes, two additional tracks from the album are made available today, one week before they are available everywhere else. Next to the two previously available tracks "Rosetta" and "Mission Accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz)", the two new tracks are "Starstuff" and "Elegy".
In a previous update we linked to an online store BOL.com that put up extended audio previews from the "Rosetta" album. The audio previews has since been withdrawn as they were posted on BOL.com by mistake. However, another option to listen to audio excerpts is at the online store sounds-venlo.nl. Check the link below:
Thanks to Haro Musters for the bol.com info
The world first encountered Vangelis' musical ideas for the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission in 2014 when ESA used three new pieces of music donated by Vangelis in their videos to celebrate the Philae lander's touchdown on the 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet. All three videos went instantly "viral".
Vangelis returned to this topic when he composed an entire album of music dedicated to the Rosetta mission. The album includes the three original tracks (their complete versions) with ten more new compositions, now about to be released on Universal's Decca label, to be available on CD, vinyl LP and digital download / streaming.
All music on "Rosetta" was performed by Vangelis, playing his synthesizers. Contrary to albums like "Mythodea", the original score for "Alexander", or some other post-millennium works, this album was not recorded with an orchestra or even a choir. While the style of the music is very diverse, what stands out the most is that Vangelis returns to recording distinctly electronic music. A genre that was largely missing from his output since roughly 1996.
While the tracks we heard in 2014 where mainly crafted in Vangelis' recognizable semi-classical "symphonic" style, performed on synthesizers with a touch of added electronics, much of the other music follows different paths with unearthly sounds and less conventional arrangements. Tracks involving bouncing sequences, warm electronic pads, supported by plenty of electronic sound effects – both subtle and prominent – do help propel the music towards a more space and science oriented direction. And while a certain symphonic grandeur, both recognizable and effective, does appear from time to time, Vangelis allows his synthesizers to sound like synthesizers again.
A trademark quality for Vangelis is the wide diversity of music that fits – no, that Vangelis manages to make fit – the album's thematic concept. Where the delightful "Starstuff" could be interpreted as celebrating the delicate wonders of our universe with subtle warm tones marinated in a slightly melancholic sauce of wonder, "Infinitude" may explore the vastness of space and the incredible distances travelled by the space probe with an almost lamenting electronic choir singing a beautiful hypnotic tune. "Exo Genesis" goes all out, in an almost chaotic melting pot of sounds and harmonies. "Celestial Whispers" is a lighter, new age like tune to provide some relief. "Albedo 0.06" is a perfect juxtaposition between electronic sequencing and Vangelis' more lush semi-orchestral palette. "Sunlight" is a serene and gentle track until its crescendo of light beams shifts the music into a sparkly collection of warm yet melancholic harmonies. Very "Vangelis". The album's title track "Rosetta" starts like a bit of a sad French style instrumental ballad that could have been a bit too common if it didn't so masterfully build into something much more than that. "Perihelion" turns Vangelis into high octane overdrive mode, where he layers his symphonic improvisations over fast electronic sequences, full of crescendos and tense stabs… Exciting material. "Elegy" may be the most classical composition of the album, and it certainly fits its name, serving as a respectful and sincere farewell to a groundbreaking mission, followed only by the delicate ambient sound with psychologically perfected timing in the otherworldly "Return To The Void" that concludes the album.
As for the previously heard tracks, they are all there, as complete versions, in the same performance and production as in their respective videos, now properly mastered for the album. The Rosetta's Waltz track was actually complete in the ESA video and has now been renamed to "Mission Accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz)" on the album. Philae's Journey is now some 18 seconds longer, properly concluding this intricate composition, now retitled to "Philae's Descent". The music from the Arrival video is the one that changed the most, with some improved mixing, and without editing it down for the video, the result is now twice as long (2:10 in the YouTube video, now 4:21) and renamed to "Origins (Arrival)". The album version evolves differently than the YouTube version, which faded to an alternative end shortly after an electronic sequence started playing. On the album, the sequence becomes more prominent and continues the song far beyond what we originally heard, into an ending of its own.
If you obtain the album on CD (we will inspect the vinyl 2LP release on a later occasion), it comes packaged in a beautifully designed gatefold sleeve, sized like a Digipak. A booklet is inserted in the first flap and the CD in the second. The 16 page booklet contains information on the album's background, details about ESA and its efforts and goals as well as an introduction to the Rosetta mission. Also included are photographs and illustrations on the space probe, its lander and the comet, as well as a timeline detailing the important mission events.
Nothing in the world is completely perfect, and in Rosetta's case, this may be perceived in some slight unplanned distortions in the tracks "Sunlight" and "Perihelion". Some may say that polishing of the production is not as perfect as we sometimes heard in the standard Vangelis set with some of his albums in the '80s and '90s, but this is certainly also part of the album's charm. Isn't "authentic" always also slightly raw? This is music that comes straight from the heart, is masterly performed, arranged and produced, and will quench many's long lasting thirst for fresh output in the much admired line of Vangelis' space and science oriented music. Finally!
Here it is... Rosetta!
- Dennis
The full 15 minute version of the EPK for Vangelis' upcoming "Rosetta" album is now available on YouTube and should be accessible to anywhere in the world, including the USA.
Last month a trailer for Vangelis' Rosetta album was released (see our August 19 update). The full 15-minute version EPK film is expected to be released this coming Friday.
Last Friday in the city of Blackpool, the annual "Blackpool Illuminations" light festival was switched on. One of the main attractions of the festival is a 3D science/educational show created with the engagement of ESA and the UK Space Agency, illustrating humanity's recent and near future endeavours in space exploration. Vangelis' music from the forthcoming "Rosetta" album is used in the film. The "Blackpool Illuminations" festival will be on show until November 6.
As we count the days to "Rosetta" album release in three weeks time, a second track from the album is now made available on iTunes and Amazon for digital purchase. The track is also available to those who pre-ordered the album as a digital release (e.g. iTunes).
Decca Records released two new teaser videos from Vangelis' upcoming album "Rosetta". The longest of the two is a 50 second excerpt from the track "Rosetta". The second teaser is from the track "Perihelion". Enjoy.
The trailer (short edition) of the EPK for Vangelis' Rosetta album, which we referred to yesterday is now also available on Youtube. This makes it available to considerably more territories. Only the USA has yet to be added, but this should happen soon, so check back later at this very same same link, if it doesn't work for you just yet.
The BBC's Sky at Night magazine's web site has the honor to show an advance trailer for an upcoming promotional video for Vangelis' eagerly awaited "Rosetta album". Vangelis appears in the video, which can be seen following the link below:
Unfortunately, the VEVO video on this site appears to be restricted to certain territories. Other options will follow soon.
iTunes users in the US already have access to preview clips of all album tracks. It's possible that other territories have the same privilige, although this does not seem to be the case with iTunes in the UK. Be sure to check the status of your local iTunes store.
Thanks to Joaquín Durand and Stefan Aleo for their US iTunes tips!.
A third teaser video for Vangelis' upcoming "Rosetta" album was just released by Decca on their official YouTube channel. It contains a music snippet of about a minute titled "Origins (Arrival)".
A new teaser video for Vangelis' upcoming "Rosetta" album - released by Decca on their official facebook page for Vangelis - contains over half a minute from "Infinitude", effectively the first unknown music that we can hear since the album was announced. Certainly something that whets our appetites.
Here is a selection of the best links to Rosetta related spaces on the web that we collected throughout the day.
Decca Records has just officially anounced "Rosetta", the new Vangelis album. Here's the record label's official press release:
DECCA today announces a brand new album entitled 'Rosetta' by legendary composer and pioneer of electronic music, Vangelis, inspired by his long-held passion for space.
Released on 23rd September, Vangelis' breathtaking recording is inspired by the Rosetta Mission, a pioneering project by the European Space Agency (ESA) to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history. The release of the recording marks the culmination of the 12-year mission and is accompanied by incredible footage captured by the probe.
Vangelis, whose celebrated scores include the trailblazing 'Chariots of Fire' and 'Blade Runner', reveals his musical inspiration: "Mythology, science and space exploration are subjects that have fascinated me since my early childhood. And they were always connected somehow with the music I write."
The project came about after ESA astronaut André Kuipers, a long-standing fan of Vangelis, reached out to the composer whilst aboard the International Space Station. After sharing stories and experiences via a video call from the ISS, Vangelis was inspired to write 'Rosetta'. The music is dedicated to everyone who made ESA's ongoing Rosetta Mission possible, in particular extending the track 'Rosetta Waltz' as an expression of his appreciation to the mission team.
Carl Walker from ESA says of the project:
"When we put the mission footage images together with the music, we thought it captured how people would feel if they were to see the comet for real in close-up. With music, you can enhance emotions and create memories: I believe that what Vangelis wanted to do was share a lasting memory of our Rosetta mission through his music."
Vangelis' music is often linked to themes of science, history and exploration. Alongside his Academy Award-winning score for 'Chariots of Fire', he has written the choral symphony 'Mythodea' for NASA's 2001 Mission to Mars, as well as films including 'Antarctica', '1492: Conquest of Paradise' and 'Alexander'. His music has also been used in the documentary series 'Cosmos', by Carl Sagan.
To Vangelis, music is a sacred, basic force of the universe, its purpose to elevate, inspire and to heal humankind. Never has this been more obvious than on 'Rosetta', which perfectly blends his fascination with the universe and his masterly ability to compose stirring music that fuels the senses. As ESA's Carl Walker says: "It is music that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck."
01 - Origins (Arrival)
02 - Starstuff
03 - Infinitude
04 - Exo genesis
05 - Celestial whispers
06 - Albedo 0.06
07 - Sunlight
08 - Rosetta
09 - Philae's descent
10 - Mission accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz)
11 - Perihelion
12 - Elegy
13 - Return to the void
Most of us are familiar with three of the tracks on this album, as they were originally published by ESA in a series of Youtube videos, released in November 2014, on the day that ESA's Philae lander touched down on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Vangelis has since expanded those tracks into a full album that tells the story of the Rosetta probe from start to finish, as its release now roughly coincides with the end of this fascinating galactic mission.
Rosetta is a space probe, designed and built by the European Space Agency (ESA), launched on March 2 2004 and after two succesfull asteroid fly-bys it finally reached its destination on August 6 2014 by entering an orbit around the comet it had been chasing. From there ESA released and succesfully landed its accompanying lander module Philae, which landed on November 12, triggering the release of the ESA video's with the initial three Vangelis tracks. The Rosetta probe has since continued to study the comet and will do so until September 30, when a slow crash landing is planned, which will enable the craft to gather even more detailed scientific information.
Some of the mission's most prolific scientific successes include the discovery that the comet's nucleus has a magnetic field of its own, and that this comet contains some basic ingredients crucial to the origins of life, adding merit to theories that passing or crashing comets may just have played an important role in our very own origination.
The Elsewhere Vangelis site celebrates this upcoming release with a countdown to the release day (and the very moment the online digital release should become available) at the top of this page, as well as a temporarily adjusted site design.
Be sure to check back here regularly, while we keep counting down. We will follow the developments closely.
The Elsewhere Vangelis site is proud to present the internet premiere of Decca's first teaser video for Vangelis' upcoming new "Rosetta" album.
Also, be sure to check back here tomorrow...
The special "Anniversary Edition" box set of the El Greco score (and movie), originally released in Greece in November 2014 to celebrate 400 years passing since the old master's death, will now be re-released throughout Europe, popping up for pre-order in Germany, France, the UK, etc. The local release date seems set for July 29.
The box contains the Vangelis score on CD, the Vangelis score on vinyl (slightly different artwork compared to the separate vinyl release, also from 2014), the movie on DVD (a reissue compared to the 2008 Greek DVD, this one includes English subtitles, according to the packaging), and a Taschen art book on El Greco's paintings. All stunningly packed in deluxe and sturdy designer box set packaging. This is a beautiful release, now finally easily available outside of Greece.
Note that most of these stores incorrectly associate the release with Vangelis' 1998 album. Be sure that this is Vangelis' unrelated 2007 original score for the Greek / Spanish movie.
Other collectors news: Cobalt in Greece has re-released both Odes and Rapsodies by Vangelis and Irene Papas on CD, this time in special packaging sized like a 7" single. Also Universal in the UK is releasing remastered vinyl editions of both Earth and l'Apocalypse des Animaux in August or September. Earth could be the same Vangelis supervised remaster as its digital release (which had added reverb), but for l'Apocalypse no remaster has yet been available.
Some of the on-line shops reveal the track list for Vangelis' upcoming new studio album.
1. Origins (Arrival) 4:23 2. Star Stuff 5:14 3. Infinitude 4:30 4. Exo Genesis 3:33 5. Celestial Whispers 2:31 6. Albedo 0.06 4:45 7. Sunlight 4:22 8. Rosetta 5:02 9. Philae's Descent 3:05 10. Mission accomplie (Rosetta's Waltz) 2:13 11. Perihelion 6:35 12. Elegy 3:07 13. Return To The Void 4:20
The vinyl record contains the first 7 tracks on disc 1 and the last 6 on disc 2.
Decca's official album announcement is still pending.
Special thanks to Fernando Hoya for sharing his findings! Also thanks to Kristian Janssens for the additional source.
While NASA's Juno mission has entered into an orbit around Jupiter, NASA has released a time-lapse video of Jupiter and its moons during Juno's approach. The video is set to Vangelis' "Titans" from the Alexander score (2004). No new music in this occasion, but the significance is huge and the video is bound to go viral.
As we eagerly await an official announcement on Vangelis' new music release "Rosetta", Amazon UK has now listings of the album on double-disc vinyl and CD. Both editions are available now for pre-order.
Please note this release is published by the UK record label "Decca Records", the same record company that published Vangelis' previous album "Chariots of Fire - The Play" in 2012.
We wish to stress again information may be subject to change until an official announcement comes through.
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We were waiting for an official announcement on Vangelis' new project, but it seems that a number of record shops in Germany have been issued with an early listing, unveiling a brand new new Vangelis album named "Rosetta".
Keep in mind that all information may be subject to change, but the date currently listed for release is September 23.
Check back here for more information and details on what seems to be in the pipeline!
Read earlier news updates in the archive pages (see below and on top of this page).